Woman Who Killed Nanny And Injured Toddler Only Sentenced To 48 Hours Of Jail Time


Mr. Conservative – by Kristin Tate

Christine Padilla, a California lawyer, was only sentenced to 48 hours in jail after she hit and killed a nanny pushing a toddler in a stroller, while driving in San Diego.

The 35-year-old attorney was sentenced to 48 hours of jail time, probation, and 180 days of electronic surveillance.

Last month, Padilla pled guilty to vehicular manslaughter and two traffic infractions. She was driving a Toyota 4Runner, and told police she was extremely deprived of sleep when the crash happened on February 1.  

Thankfully, the 13-month-old boy, Bryan, did not die. But he was seriously injured, suffering from a skull fracture, broken ribs and bones, and a laceration to the liver. He only recovered after extensive treatment.

The 41-year-old nanny, Monserrat Mendez, was not so lucky. When Padilla hit her, she was thrown 30 feet, and the stroller containing Bryan became wedged underneath the 4Runner. It was then dragged across the intersection, underneath the SUV.

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Padilla hit them after running a red light, but police determined that she had not been speeding or using her cell phone when the incident happened. The attorney had given birth only 33 hours before the accident.

According to Deputy City Attorney NIcole Kukas, driving after not getting any sleep for 24 hours is similar to driving drunk or high. “She should not have been driving,” Kukas said to Judge Charles Gill.

The Probation Department initially recommended three years of probation and 180 days of house arrest. Judge Gill said he was going to follow this advice, but then changed his mind after reading all the letters written by the victims’ families. He was moved enough to add two days of jail time to Padilla’s sentence.

Allison Fomon, Bryan’s mother, is furious — she thinks the punishment is not harsh enough. The doctors who treated her 14-month-old told her that if his skull fracture had been an inch lower, his spine would have been severed. “Christine, you were literally an inch from killing my son,” she said in court.



Mendez’s 16-year-old daughter was also in court, and spoke about the pain she and her brother experienced from losing their mother. She said, “[My mother] didn’t even get to see my brother and I graduate from high school, and that was her dream.”

The brother of Mendez was also there. He was outraged, and said, “With all the money [Padilla] has, she won’t be able to buy God or Divine justice.”

Padilla apologized to the families of both victims. She is not able to explain why she ran the red light. She said, “I have no words to express the depth of my remorse. If I could lessen your pain, I would. I remain horrified by the consequences of what I’ve done.”

The families of the victims still insist that Padilla has shown no real sympathy or remorse for her actions.

Do you think that Padilla’s punishment is fair?

tateWritten by Kristin Tate.

Follow Kristin on Twitter @KristinBTate.


9 thoughts on “Woman Who Killed Nanny And Injured Toddler Only Sentenced To 48 Hours Of Jail Time

  1. Ran a red lite and struck pedestrians is a felony. Prison time is mandatory.
    Screw her sleep deprivation – meaningless. Privilege of the many to
    hunt the few.

    1. Yep. It’s a felony. Mandatory prison time. What the hell? She’s an attorney and knows the judge probably so she gets a slap on the wrist and still gets to work in the legal profession and will probably even be “exonerated”, right? Well, isn’t that special….Lock the bitch up and throw away the key and take away her law license! Accountability people!

  2. The judge let her off the hook because she’s a Jew, and a lawyer. Don’t let that “Padilla” name fool you — that woman’s as Ashkenazi as the day is long. Eyes and mouth are the dead giveaway here.

  3. My Fellow Americans:

    I don’t if she is Jew or Ashkenazi as suggested above, but the article does clearly state she is a lawyer.


    This is the Injustice System protecting another one of if trench dogs.

    Just like dirty cops protect dirty cops,… our dirty legal system protects its dirty officers,.. the lawyers.

    JD – US Marines – This douch just got away with mangling a little boy,.. and slaugthering some women,…. yeap,….. no problems here.

      1. Hi icky,

        Right you are!!!

        To get out of Man-slaughter charges where there was 100% proof she was at fault,.. you gotta believe she has some talented mouth!

        I’d like to know what judge got suckered into giving her a sweetheart sentence like that!

        JD – US Marines – Anyone that thinks the American In-Justice System has ANYTHING to do with,….. Justice,…. is truly insane.

  4. The judge was probably one too. They slink together. Kind of like
    that dude who struck a biker, hit and run, and worked for Morgan Stanley.
    Got off scot- free.

  5. It appears the legal system is completely broken. Families and friends of the deceased will have to exact their own justice. Jewish control of America hasn’t been good for America.

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