A Step-by-Step Guide to Understanding the Present World Situation (From Tomato Bubble)
1998 – 2000
Powerful elites and influential think tanks forecast a coming period of American aggression. Zbigniew Brzezinski speaks for the Globalist faction of the western PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) in ‘The Grand Chessboard’, a book in which he openly advocates for bolder American action in dominating the Eurasian land mass.
During this same period, the ‘neo-conservative’ faction of the PRC, represented by people like Robert Kagan, William Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz and Dick Cheney, begin agitating for America to overthrow any government in the Middle East that stands in the way of Israel’s domination of the region. To that end, Kagan and Kristol had founded a group called PNAC (Project for the New American Century).
The two overlapping factions are often ‘on the same page’, and yet often at odds too. Globalists are generally more focused on surrounding and subverting the Russia-China bloc, ultimately creating a ‘unipolar world’ (New World Order). The neo-con Zionists are generally in agreement, but their main emphasis is to help Israel to expand its territory and develop into the dominant regional power in that area of the world.
Think of these factions as competing ‘Mafia’ families. They are still part of the same overall power structure, but with competing interests at certain times and in certain areas.

Friendly Rivals
Globalist Zbigniew Brzezinski and Neo-Con Robert Kagan both called for a more aggressive role in US foreign policy. Both of them also cited, in writing, the need for a “new Pearl Harbor” to rally public support for their ambitious foreign policy objectives.
Brzezinski / 1999 shock effect of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor a New Pearl Harbor
Kagan & Friends / 2000 Section V of Rebuilding America’s Defenses, entitled “Creating Tomorrow’s Dominant Force”, includes the sentence: “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor”
* Kagan is married to Victoria Nuland (Nudelman). Keep her name in mind because she will come back into play later on in this narrative.
Fast Forward to 2005: Dick Cheney swears in Vicky Nuland as US Representative to NATO, as proud hubby Robert Kagan and kids look on.
In the wake of the very strange, and very convenient ‘Pearl Harbor’ type attacks of 9-11-2001, General Wesley Clark learns that the pro-Israeli neo-conservatives within the Bush-Cheney administration plan to overthrow the governments of Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran and several other states. Clark did not go public with this claim until 2007.

General Clark alleged that the traumatic destruction of 9/11 enabled an aggressive foreign policy to be implemented; even though none of the targeted nations had anything to do with 9/11.
Though plans did not exactly unfold according to the 5 year time-table, subsequent events confirm General Clark’s allegations.
Saddam (Iraq), Dead / Qaddafi (Libya), Dead / Assad (Syria), still hanging on!
US and Saudi-supplied terroristic ‘rebels’ are losing their fight to overthrow Assad of Syria. Toward the goal of helping the mostly foreign mercenary ‘rebels’, the US, with Israeli and American neo-con urging, seeks a pretext to begin the bombing of Syrian government positions.

Warmongering Senator McCain visits the ‘rebels’ in Syria; most of whom are actually foreign fighters. Their ranks consist of mercenaries, convicts, and self-proclaimed jihadists; all organized and led by Western / Saudi / Israeli Special undercover operatives and their Arab agents.
JUNE 2013
Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives in Israel to pay a visit to the notorious warmongering Prime Minister, Bibi Netanyahu. In strong yet diplomatic terms, the pro-Syrian President of Russia expresses his opposition to any strike against Syria or Iran.
![]() Unlike American leaders who grovel before Netanyahu, Putin was not afraid to go to Israel and speak frankly to the Prime Minister. Both Putin and Dr. Assad, (an eye doctor educated in England) have a huge base of support among Syrians. SUMMER 2013
Russia and China have consistently urged peace. An angry Hillary Clinton declares: “Russia and China will pay a price for standing up for the Assad regime.”
![]() SUMMER 2013
Under pressure from the neo-cons and the Israel Lobby, Obama announces a ‘red line’. He states that if the Syrian government were to fire chemical weapons at the ‘rebels’, the US would be forced to intervene.
*IMPORTANT REMINDER: Obama’s handlers are more closely affiliated with that wing of America’s foreign policy Establishment whose main project is the gradual encirclement and subversion of Russia and China (Soros, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Brzezinski etc). Unlike the neo-con faction, Middle East wars for Israel are generally regarded by this bunch of ‘One Worlders’ as a waste of political capital.
![]() How did Obama know that a ‘gas attack’ was coming?
Predictably, and right on cue, an alleged ‘gas attack’ of dubious origin occurs in Syria – just a few weeks after Obama’s warning! It is claimed in the hysterical Western Yellow Press that children were among the victims of Assad’s ‘gas’.
President Assad strongly denies the accusation and invites an international investigation into the alleged occurrence. Assad compares the accusation to the false claims of “Weapons of Mass Destruction” which were leveled against Iraq in 2002 & 2003.
![]() Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh is convinced that Assad was framed for gas attacks.
It wasn’t the first time that the US government and the New York Times tried to lie America into a war.
The Obama administration ignores Assad’s denials and begins preparations for war. Meanwhile, Netanyahu of Israel continues his attempts to induce a Syrian attack against Israel. Assad will not take America’s nor Israel’s bait, but he does threaten retaliation in the event of a full scale attack upon Syria.
![]() ![]() Netanyahu actually dropped a massive bomb on a Syrian position, killing scores of Syrian soldiers. Assad did not respond to this inexplicable act of war, which Senators McCain & Graham (above with Netanyahu) fully supported.
The leaders of the America’s major Jewish organizations combine to issue a joint statement in support of waging war against Syria. The Washington Post refers to the Israel Lobby’s campaign for war as “full court press”.
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McCain’s annual anti-Syria & anti-Iran rants before the all mighty AIPAC (America’s Israel Lobby) always draw wild applause.
The American public awakens from its slumber and begins inundating White House and Congressional switchboards with angry phone calls against the war.
![]() Angry Americans show up at a ‘town hall’ to rip John McCain a new butt-hole over his support for bombing Syria.
Russia, China, Syria and Iran stage war games in the Mediterranean. The strong hand played by Putin & friends causesObama to blink, or at least gives him the out that he needed.
![]() American aggression has drawn Russia and China closer together than ever before.
Russia offers a deal in which Syria agrees to surrender its chemical weapons in exchange for peace and Russia’s continued protection. Obama-Kerry eagerly seize upon the line which Putin has masterfully thrown to them.
US Secretary of State Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov work out a deal to avoid war; but the game isn’t over. The Western and Israeli warmongers never sleep.
FALL 2013
The war with Syria (and Iran) is averted. Netanyahu and the neo-con warmongers are forced to go ‘back to the drawing-board’.
“Don’t think you are off the hook Mr. Obama. I will devise a new plan and we shall revisit this next year.”
CIA ‘rent-a-mobs’, malcontents, and assorted dupes and activists begin forming in Kiev, Ukraine. Their ultimate aim is to overthrow the Russia-friendly government of Ukraine and replace it with US-EU puppets. Senator McCain the Insane soon arrives in Kiev to incite the restless mob with shouts of “America stands with you!”
![]() McCain the Insane arrives in Ukraine, stirring up trouble, yet again! Also stirring trouble is US Under-Secretary of State Victoria Nuland (Nudelman). Nuland is the wife of arch ‘neo-conservative’ luminary Robert Kagan; one of the principal architects of the never-ending ‘War on Terror’. In addition to the cookies that she handed out to the ‘pro-US’ mobs, Nuland has also helped to dole out billions of dollars in ‘pro-democracy investment’ in Ukraine, all on the backs of US taxpayers. FEBRUARY 2014
Emboldened by McCain, Nuland-Kagan, and other Western interlopers, and also by the timidity of Ukraine’s elected President Yanukovich, the Kiev mob turns violent. Incredibly, Obama and his NATO puppets urge Yanukovich to “show restraint” toward the “peaceful protesters”.
When McCain’s rent-a-mobs and dupes turned violent, Obama and The New York Times continued to refer to them as “peaceful protesters”.
![]() The masked Israeli Commander ‘Delta’ and his team fought to overthrow the elected government of Ukraine. True story! Among the violent thugs in Kiev were a group of former Israeli commandos. What would be Israel’s motivation to establish a new anti-Russian Ukrainian government on Putin’s front door-step? Ask McCain and Netahyahu. FEBRUARY 2014
As the Winter Olympics in Russia draws to a close, the Ukrainian government is violently overthrown and replaced by US-EU puppets hostile to Russia. Yanukovich flees for his life to Russia.
Putin’s duly elected ally, Yanukovich is out. The hand-picked puppets of Nuland-Kagan and McCain then come to power in Ukraine.
MARCH 2014
The Crimean Russians declare their separation from the illegitimate puppet-gangster state which they did not support. Crimeans, by a margin of 97%, vote to rejoin their historic Russian Motherland. Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the East also begin to resist the new Kiev regime.
![]() What the Western Press falsely described as an “invasion” and a “conquest”, was actually a joyous reunification of the Crimean peninsula with its Russian Motherland. These people wanted nothing to do with the violent puppet-gangsters of Kagan’s Kiev. SUMMER 2014
The West falsely accuses Russia of orchestrating the instability in eastern Ukraine. Sanctions are imposed as the Kiev puppets bomb and attack their own people
![]() The new puppet President Petro Poroshenko is hated in the eastern half of his country (and not all that popular in the western part either). But Obama and his EU poodles just love the bloody (Jewish) billionaire tyrant.
![]() The eastern rebels have captured many Ukrainian military personnel; many of whom are helpless conscripts who now hate puppet President Porky Poroshenko.
NATO’s relentless eastward expansion, right up to Russia’s Baltic State borders (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), now poses a direct threat to Russia.
![]() September 2014: Obama reviews Estonian troops with the puppet President Hendrik.
Meanwhile, in the Far East, the US puppet states of Japan, Vietnam and Philippines escalate their petty agitations of China. Japan announces that it will amend its pacifist Constitution and build up its military.
Although Obama’s Globalist faction and the anti-Obama neo-cons share a common interest in menacing the Russia-China alliance, the motives are different. Obama still would prefer to avoid a Middle Eastern war, and focus on inciting wars against Russia and China instead.
The anti-China puppet Presidents of Vietnam and Philippines are on America’s Mafia payroll too. That is why these weak states have suddenly grown so bold in antagonizing peaceful China over petty issues.
Over in Africa, where China conducts an enormous amount of mutually beneficial business, a shadowy ‘Islamic’ terror group known as ‘Boku Haram’ pops up out-of-nowhere. The terrorists attack and kidnap Chinese workers while destabilizing the pro-China / pro-Russia government of Nigeria. After the Boku-bogeyman supposedly kidnaps 200 schoolgirls, McCain the Insane calls for a US invasion!
Soon after the ‘Boku Haram’ card is played there comes a sudden and mysterious Ebola break-out. Is oil-rich Nigeria “unlucky”, or are the Nigerians being targeted for their close and growing business relations with China (and also Russia)?
Mutual respect and common benefit is the foundation of the strong China-Nigeria relationship.
![]() Nigeria and China (Russia to a lesser extent) have become so close that the New York Times (barf) has expressed it’s ‘concern” ? Hillary Clinton has also ‘warned’ African nations about getting too close to China.
That is what the Boku Haram / ‘Bring Back our Girls’ scam and, possibly, a deliberately engineered Ebola crisis are all about!
Again, out of nowhere, a new ‘bogeyman’ with a creative name is introduced to frighten the world. A militarized terror group known as ‘ISIS’ (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) begins to carry out atrocities in Iraq and Syria. How this ‘spontaneous’ force managed to fund, arm and organize itself right under the cyber-nose of the NSA, and beyond the knowledge of the ‘on-the-ground’ intelligence capabilities of the CIA, MI6 and Mossad remains a mystery.
![]() The ISIS ‘bogeymen’ is nothing but a strategic repackaging of the very same terrorist ‘rebels’ that the US-Saudi-Israeli Axis has been financing and controlling all along. In this latest reincarnation, ISIS is “the bad guys”
Like a Grade ‘B’ movie, ISIS stages a trio of fake ‘beheadings’ of two alleged ‘journalists’ (always a good CIA cover) and an ‘aid worker’ (also a typical cover). Through an Israeli linked ‘media group’ called ‘SITE’, the videos are posted on You Tube. In one of the videos, the masked actor calls out Obama by name; essentially daring him to send American troops to come and get him. These corny-ass videos, as well as the mushy TV interviews of the ‘grieving relatives of the deceased’ (more lousy actors) are really quite amusing.
Strangely enough, the ISIS gang has neither attacked nor threatened Israel. Why is that? Hmmm. ![]() SITE: 2007: “Hi. I’m Osama Bin Laden, and I recommend Just For Men gel to keep that young terrorist look.” The fake ‘beheading’ videos cut to black just as the throats of the strangely calm ‘victims’ are about to be cut by the really bad actors in black. The ‘victims’ (an American, an American-Israeli, and a Brit) don’t even squirm! Intense media pressure builds for Obama to “do something” in order to “stop ISIS”.
Moments before his ‘beheading’, James Foley cracks a smile. “Oh well, we all gotta go sometime.” / In a TV interview immediately following the James Foley ‘beheading’, the ‘bereaved sister’ of the ‘victim’ can’t stop smiling either!
Incredibly, this was the same James Foley who was kidnapped 3 years ago in Libya, inspiring the ‘Free Foley’ marketing campaign! As you can see, ‘Mom and Dad’ were all smiles about that 2011 ‘kidnapping’ too!
![]() The headline story about the Foley video being fake was quickly ‘disappeared’.
Obama and Netanyahu are laughing at YOU America!
This time around, thanks to the shocking ISIS “beheading” You Tube videos, Obama was able to get away with telling the nation (on the eve of 9/11 of course) that it is necessary to bomb Iraq and Syria. With Putin now preoccupied with the possibility of a US-EU-Israel – engineered war in Eastern Europe, will Russia still be able to protect Assad?
The Syrian government has stated, on several occasions, that any bombing of ISIS positions carried out without its permission and it cooperation, would be considered an act of aggression. How long will it be before the Syrian forces and American aircraft come into direct conflict?
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov sees right through the related Ukraine and ISIS maneuvers:
“There are reasons to suspect that air strikes on Syrian territory may target not only areas controlled by Islamic State militants, but the government troops may also be attacked on the quiet to weaken the positions of Bashar Assad’s army.”
Ali Shamkhani, Secretary of Iran’s National Security exposes the trick too:
“On the pretext of fighting terrorism, the United States want to pursue their unilateral policies and violate the sovereignty of states.Washington is trying to divert the eyes of the world from its pivotal role in supporting and equipping the terrorists in Syria in a bid to topple the legitimate regime.”
![]() When he visited Syria in 2012, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov was given a hero’s welcome.
If the U.S. does start bombing in Syria, it will be just a matter of time before Syrian forces and American aircraft come into hostile contact. What the response from Russia, Iran and China will then be is anyone’s guess. That may be the key point in the grand chess match in which the Baltic States and China Sea pieces are played against the Russia-China alliance.
The only question now seems to be; will the eventual big war kick off in the Middle East (as Netanyahu & the neo-cons want), or in Eastern Europe (as Obama and certain EU pygmies prefer)? Or perhaps both?
Pick your poison America!
![]() September 13, 2014 / ‘Paths to War. Then and Now, Haunt Obama’
“If he (Assad) dared to do that (shoot down a U.S. plane), Mr. Obama said he would order American forces to wipe out Syria’s air defense system, …… He went on to say that such an action by Mr. Assad would lead to his overthrow.”
May God, or at least the Russia-China bloc, protect Dr. & Mrs. Assad and their beautiful family.
![]() September 14, 2014 / ‘NATO Chief Warns Moscow: No More Stealth Invasions’“On Monday, NATO Commander Gen. Philip Breedlove had a not-so-subtle message for Russia: it will consider stealth and unofficial invasions to be a trigger for war.” This originally appeared at http://www.tomatobubble.com/id686.html They have additional reports and issue updates. You can sign up there. Addendum: I would like to make a point about Richard Perle who devised much of the strategy of the last two administrations. Richard Perle is a dual US-Israeli citizen. He is a member of the powerful Bilderberg Steering Committee. He wrote A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm in 1996. It was a set of policy recommendations for Benyamin Netanyahu. Included in the recommendations were regime change in Iraq. Perle joined PNAC in 1997. PNAC took over the Bush administration Department of Defense. The Treasury Secretary was amazed at all the talk of going to war with Iraq. He did not know the source of the belligerence. We do . It came from Israel, Richard Perle and A Clean Break. Bush told his allies that America was going to invade Afghanistan even before 911. Perle also recommended that proxy armies to attack Syria over the issue of chemical weapons. And Obama did that for Israel. Obama hired Al Qaeda, ISIS, Al Nusra and those fun loving cannibals at the FSA to attack Syria. They killed Syrian civilians with chemical weapons while blaming President Assad. Obama’s proxy army killed 300,000 Syrians including 100,000 Christians. All this was illegal under US law which forbade giving aid to Al Qaeda since 911. Someone should tell the press and the spineless opposition party in the House and the Senate. ISIS from their base in Iraq can now attack Syria. Al Nusra attacked the UN peacekeepers on the Syrian Israeli border in the Golan Heights. The UN withdrew. In the future Israel can grab more Syrian land. Turkey refused to let Obama use their air bases to attack ISIS in Syria which is code word for attacking Assad in Damascus. So ISIS started shelling Turkey. ISIS is acting as if the Mossad were writing their script which is actually what is happening. |