8 thoughts on “WOW…Security Guard Pulls Gun and Fires in a Small Meeting in a Conference Room

  1. we need to stop showing them or letting them know we are filming them .
    I doubt this man would have been initially attacked to take away his camera , if they had not known about the camera.
    Now , why isnt it viewed that this man was initially attacked by a cop or some type of officer , so the charge of assault should go to the one who started the physical act.

    as far as the recording of these so called representatives,, dont let them know your doing it.. let them bold face lie to everyone.. than wip out your proof they are liars and pick their bullshit apart in the public eye after they have lied and got their hands caught in the cookie jar ,, dont tip your hand to a criminal, you wont win, hide your hand and show it later and watch the roaches scurry

    and to add, if someone ever took pot shots at me like this after they started the confrontation..his ass would be on my major shit list , the shit list of f-kers who tried to kill me

  2. There is nothing illegal about filming, so why does he have to HIDE his camera when another guy in the room (on the left) CLEARLY has HIS camera set up?

    Those 2 bitches should be dropped off in Iraq to learn what in-appropriate touching means….what morons….

    And clearly the security guard attacks an innocent man first, and then shoots a gun in a small room after HE himself provoked an incident.

    What a bunch of idiots.

  3. Videos do not always play and sometimes there is no audio – this is for the people that may be in said situation. Having watched the video twice this is my summary of what took place:

    The victim brought up how the security people will not identify themselves.

    The lady across from the lady with the laptop the victim too a pic of nearly loses her sugar because the victim put his hand on her.

    The victim continues about how security does not identify themselves even when directly asked.

    Moments later 2 goons enter the room without identifying who they are. One of the two approaches the victim, at the very least grabs his camera while tethered to the victims neck resulting in the victim physically defending himself. The other goon approaches, at which point one of the two shoots his handgun.

    The situation continues with repeated threats from one of the two goons as well as someone saying there / it was an accidental discharge.

    At no point did either of the two goons identify themselves.

    Repeated requests from the victims to “call 911, I’m being assaulted” went w/o any response. Once one of the goons asks someone to call 911, someone immediately acknowledges that he will call 911.

    1. Don’t pick a fight with an old man. Because if he’s to old to fight … he’ll just kill you!
      That’s from old farmers wisdom.

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