You are not Free in the Land of the Free

The New Boston Tea Party

The average American lives to the ripe old age of eighty or thereabouts.  From cradle to grave we are controlled by the actions of Big government, holding sway over our every move. Americans are not free in the land of the free and the home of the brave. 

Of course some government institutions and individual rights are of necessity; guns for self protection, libraries, museums, town halls, fire departments, police departments, departments of health are needed just in case there is an outbreak, the National Guard in case of a catastrophe and a government to of laws to protect the people from the over-reach of Big Government and for the protection of individual rights. Mind you, we are not against government, only Big Government.   

Notice we did not include a Department of Education or school system. We believe it is best left to the parents to decide on the type and the place for their children to be educated; need it be a parochial school, private school, home school or no school. There is a good reason for this; public education today is not about education, it is about indoctrination. America’s children have been exposed to an agenda written and taught by socialists. We don’t have to go into specifics but you get the gist of the conversation.

There have been a plethora of news stories regarding, it’s OK  if you don’t stand and recite the “Pledge of Allegiance?” Better yet, how about the teacher who had her class recite pledge in Spanish. And the child who was sent home because he wore a t-shirt that supported veterans. This type teach is not what public education should be about; the RRR’s are their charge, nothing more, nothing less. But down through the years, the education industry began to spread its socialist wings. History was rewritten. Political correctness and apologies for past wrongs were added to the script. Sexual agendas were added to embrace the liberal ideology; questions of a personal nature be came common place.

The mind control worked well, the paradigm, “you can control a person if you can control their mind.” And what better way to do it is by the modification of a childs’ malleable mind. The technique has been perfected, we see it in the end product. Individuals zombieized like robots, touting the new religion of global warming, new world order, cross borders, embracing differences, spreading the wealth and the beating up on the beliefs of our forefathers, but in the mean time forced to accept the falsehood that it was and is our unjust treatment of Muslims that ignited a few suicide bombers. When in reality Islam is the most radical religion (actually a political system of obedience) this world has ever known.

What kind of leaders did we have or now have that allowed and continue to allow our country to be dismembered? Eighty years of mind control, wars carried on from one generation to the next, adversaries and government spies in every nook and cranny, government of tyrants enforcing us into servitude. We only ask one salient question. WHO IS GOING TO FIRE THE SHOT THAT STARTS THE SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION?

We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.

The New Boston Tea Party where “REVOLUTION IS THE SOLUTION”

“May a Piece be With You”

2 thoughts on “You are not Free in the Land of the Free

  1. The ‘history’ in history books has always been filtered thru the eyes of the victor, if it contained any actual truths, that was just a byproduct.

  2. Government is not intended to protect individual rights. In fact government is the primary offender of individual rights. The purpose of our constitution is (was?) to prevent the government from infringing upon our rights.

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