You Won’t Believe Why These 3 People Were Sentenced to Life

Published on Jun 24, 2014 by Learn Liberty

► The next part of the discussion involves YOU here:

A single mother addicted to drugs. A man so desperate to pay for medical treatment that he tried unsuccessfully to sell methamphetamines. A guy busted for selling LSD and another who got in trouble for selling marijuana.
One thing all four of these victims of the drug war have in common is that they’ve been sentenced to spend many years in jail, regardless of whether the judges of their cases even wanted that outcome.
Listen to Alex Kreit, professor at the Thomas Jefferson School of Law, explain why people like these can face jail time more than twice as long as if they’d hijacked an airplane, detonated a bomb in public, or even committed second-degree murder.

► More videos in this series:

3 Things You NEED to Know About Mandatory Minimum Sentencing

4 Reasons to be Optimistic About Mandatory Minimums

► Learn More:

Sentenced to DIE behind bars for a nonviolent crime? Read more here.

Sentencing 101 (article): Families Against Mandatory Minimums explains the idea with an example of marijuana prohibition.

Less Time, Less Crime (article): Julie Stewart discusses recent moves to reform mandatory minimums.

Reconsidering Mandatory Minimum Sentences: The Arguments for and Against Potential Reforms (article): Evan Bernick and Paul Larkin discuss the pros and cons in the context of the drug laws.

Rand Paul Is Right About the Injustice of Mandatory Drug Minimums (article): Jacob Sullum discusses examples of the phenomenon in response to the politician’s plea for reform.

► For transcripts, audio, and more click here:


2 thoughts on “You Won’t Believe Why These 3 People Were Sentenced to Life

  1. “You Won’t Believe Why These 3 People Were Sentenced to Life”

    Pretty bold statement, considering some of the ‘unbelievable’ things I’ve discovered in the last few years.

  2. Mandatory unlawful draconian statutes for incarceration are intended to scare people away from growing their own and scare away competition from CIA (and other agency) drug dealing, which provides $ billions, if not $ trillions, annually in illicit profits for banksters. These draconian statutes support prisons for profit and criminal attorney and bail bond business, as well.

    The author in one instance is right – I don’t believe why these people were sentenced to life. Judges always have discretion – always. They even have the option, unpopular though it may be, of setting aside a verdict, despite what statutes state is mandatory.

    What we have here is one British Accredited Registry (BAR) attorney, the video’s talking head, an esquire, who teaches essentially the queen’s administrative and maritime law, defending other BAR attorneys, esquires in more powerful positions. The talking head appears to sincerely argue that the judges have no choice but to sentence these people who have committed no crimes against others (there being no victims other than what the current corrupt system has created). In reality he is trying to convince you to drink some more of the stinking swill that has this nation on its knees.

    As stated at, “Their [BAR attorneys’] purposes, position, occupation, job, and duty is [sic] to transfer your allegiance, property, and rights to the landowner, a.k.a. STATE…They are sworn oath officers of the State whose sole authority is to transfer your property to their landowner-employer.”

    Eliminating injustice from the so-called justice branch of our usurped government is not going to be as easy as changing a few laws; it’s going to require completely eliminating the current farce, instituting natural common law, and monitoring it to continually stamp out corruption.

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