Zimmerman prosecutor indicted for allegely falsifying arrest warrant and complaint

The Steady Drip – by SAM SEWELL

(Ocala, Florida, July 2, 2013). Florida State’s Attorney Angela Corey has been indicted by a citizens’ grand jury, convening in Ocala, Florida, over the falsification of the arrest warrant and complaint that led to George Zimmerman being charged with the second degree murder of African-American teenager Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida.

The indictment of Corey, which was handed down last week (see www.citizensgrandjury.com), charges Corey with intentionally withholding photographic evidence of the injuries to George Zimmerman’s head in the warrant she allegedly rushed to issue under oath, in an effort to boost her reelection prospects. At the outset of this case, black activists such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, who whipped up wrath against Zimmerman, demanded that he be charged with murder, after local police had thus far declined to arrest him pending investigation.  

Following Corey’s criminal complaint charging Zimmerman, legal experts such as Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz condemned her for falsely signing an arrest affidavit under oath, which intentionally omitted exculpatory evidence consisting of the photographs showing the injuries Zimmerman sustained, and rushing to charge him with second degree murder under political pressure. Dershowitz called her actions unethical and themselves crimes (http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/drop-george-zimmerman-murder-charge-article-1.1080161).

Larry Klayman, a former U.S. Justice Department prosecutor, a Florida lawyer since 1977, and now the “citizens’ prosecutor” presided over the Ocala grand jury and said this: “The Supreme Court has confirmed that the grand jury belongs to the American people, not the three branches of government. (504 U.S. 36, 48 (1992) (quoting United States v. R. Enterprises, Inc., 498 U.S. 292, 297 (1991)). By indicting Florida State Attorney Angela Corey, the people are exercising their God given rights, recognized by our Founding Fathers, to mete out justice when the political and legal establishment subverts the rule of law. Hopefully, this indictment will serve as a warning to the political and legal establishment that they are not above the law. Ironically, Corey will now be tried and likely convicted for her alleged crimes – which resulted in Zimmerman being charged under false pretenses, now coming home to roost during Zimmerman’s on-going trial. Corruption cannot be tolerated, particularly by law enforcement officers who are elected by the people to serve their ends, not the law enforcement officer’s political ends.”

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9 thoughts on “Zimmerman prosecutor indicted for allegely falsifying arrest warrant and complaint

  1. This is exactly what we need to see more of. Arrest these prosecutors for their part in these bogus cases whose only purpose is to stir up trouble.

  2. What a scumbag prosecutor! Finally one is getting taken to court. Obviously the injury info was left out for a very good reason! It shows self defense as a viable reason for shooting the young punk.
    I hope that Zimmerman is found innocent. Let all of the childish, spoiled, low class, ignorant scum riot as they say they will. Let them destroy their own “hoods”.

    1. You think so? I think George Zimmerman is a wannabe cop and he would blow your ass away just as fast for talking back to him.
      You, like the rest of this country, do not have a f#@king clue what happened in that incident. But being a mush minded follower neo-con, you will latch onto a buzz word or phrase and run with it.
      You are on the wrong site. Bye.

  3. Too bad we cant start a cascade of these events and get the whole damn collective govt cabal tried convicted and hanged for their contemptible behaviors.

    1. Too many. I lost count and track of the amount of illegal and unconstitutional activities done by our government in just the past few months alone, let alone the past decade or even century.

  4. Do I think the Florida States Attorney falsified the arrest warrant? Sure an youbetcha. Peeps just have to remember that this entire charade is scripted. Its all about keeping Americans divided. Reps vs. Dems, right vs. left, libs vs. cons, white vs. black, north vs. south, up vs. down, cats vs. dogs, the U.S. vs. the commies, We the People vs. the police, Ace Ventura vs. the white bat (he hates bats). Its a great big script put forth for your enjoyment, consumption and supposed outrage. The more the media can twist the truth and keep Americans divided, the more the players behind the scenes laugh and collect your voluntary tax money. It’s like you can almost hear them…”let’s see what happens when we do this….hahahahahaaaa. Now do that and see if they don’t fight each other…hahahahahaa!”
    Do I know what happened between Zimmerman and Martin? Nope. And when this trial is done I sincerely doubt anyone else will either. I can only see the predictable so called “aftermath” of some folks following the predictive programming of their television sets and carrying out the aforementioned programming. I sincerely hope most folks see this sham of a mockery of a shamockery for what it really is…divide and conquer. Don’t follow the pre-written script.
    As a last note, about that picture…reminds me of that song “Dude looks like a lady.”

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