1.3 million Obamacare ‘enrollees’ may not even be American citizens, admits HHS report

ObamacareNatural News – by Ethan A. Huff

Trouble is brewing in Washington as those who still consider legitimate the national healthcare takeover known as Obamacare try to figure out which enrollees are even eligible for coverage. A new report issued by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) admits that nearly 1.3 million Obamacare enrollees, or about 16 percent of the overall total, cannot be verified for legal status in the U.S. — in other words, most, if not all, of them are illegal immigrants rather than American citizens.  

The shocking figures can be found on page 11 of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) report, entitled Marketplaces Faced Early Challenges Resolving Inconsistencies with Applicant Data. According to the figures, 1,295,571 “inconsistencies” — this is a politically correct way of implying missing or fraudulent data — found on Obamacare applications involved issues of citizenship, national status or lawful presence in the U.S., meaning applicants did not or could not verify this important information.

“The Federal marketplace was generally incapable of resolving most inconsistencies,” admits the report, noting that a large percentage of these faulty applications will likely never be resolved, at least not until the eligibility verification system becomes operable. “Without the ability to resolve inconsistencies in an applicant’s eligibility data, the marketplace cannot ensure that an applicant meets each of the eligibility requirements for enrollment in a [Qualified Health Plan] and when applicable, eligibility for insurance affordability programs.”

Nearly half of total Obamacare enrollees cannot be verified as eligible

What this implies is that the entire Obamacare program is nothing but a giant free-for-all, with absolutely no checks or balances in place to ensure that abuse and fraud don’t run rampant. Between abnormalities with income, employment verification and legal status in the U.S., it appears as though the bulk of Obamacare enrollees are either criminals, deadbeats or illegal aliens who don’t even belong in the country.

Of the roughly 8 million applicants who have signed up for Obamacare as of this writing, nearly 3 million of them cannot be verified by the current system as eligible, according to the HHS. And at this point in time, there is no way to ever verify them, as admitted by the Inspector General, further proving the massive swindle that has been levied on the American people by the Usurper-in-Chief who, ironically, has his own eligibility inconsistencies.

Four state-run exchanges admit they have no way of verifying if Obamacare enrollees are legal citizens

Beyond the federal debacle, at least four state-run Obamacare exchanges are also incapable of verifying applicant eligibility. The HHS report explains that four of the 15 state marketplaces — Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon and Vermont — haven’t figure out a way to resolve their “inconsistencies,” either. Much of this is due to their enrollment systems never having been designed with the capacity to verify applicants, a major oversight (or, perhaps, a deliberate design flaw).

Three other states — Hawaii, Colorado and Minnesota — have also had problems with inconsistencies. But these states sloughed the mess onto their state Medicaid offices, which are now having to individually verify each application by hand.

“One year ago, conservatives warned that the Obama administration’s decision to use the so-called ‘honor system’ for income eligibility was merely a backdoor way to get as many individuals on the public dole as possible,” wrote Wynton Hall for Breitbart about the ongoing dilemma. “The Office of Inspector General determined that ‘the federal marketplace was generally incapable of resolving most inconsistencies.'”

Sources for this article include:

https://oig.hhs.gov [PDF]



Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/045995_Obamacare_citizenship_illegal_immigrants.html#ixzz37YvKkCyB

3 thoughts on “1.3 million Obamacare ‘enrollees’ may not even be American citizens, admits HHS report

  1. Well now that is strange since a few years ago they instituted a method for employers to use is that not functional and in place? If I remember correctly you couldn’t work unless you could be verified. So………… use that you dummies.

    Was it not called E-verify?

  2. The scary part is this. 9 out of 10 illegals are afraid to sign up for O’bama care, they might get deported. The rest are on MediCal, MediCare, and other government and state assisted programs and already have coverage. So you could actually multiply 1.3 million illegals times 30 and come up with just how many taco eaters are here in our country. And O’bama wants more.

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