2 explosions at Brussels airport, 1 at subway station; 28 killed


Brussels, Belgium (CNN)Three explosions that ripped through the Belgian capital of Brussels on Tuesday killed at least 28 people, according to Belgian media, and raised the reality of terror once again in the heart of Europe.

“We were fearing terrorist attacks, and that has now happened,” Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel told reporters.  

Belgian federal Prosecutor Frederic Van Leeuw said it was too soon to know exactly how many people died in the bombings. Yet the Brussels Metro Authority reported that 15 died and 55 were wounded in the subway station blast. And public broadcaster VRT said at least 13 more were killed, and about 35 were injured, in the two blasts in the Brussels airport departure hall.

Of the two explosions at the airport, at least one was a suicide bombing, Van Leeuw said. A blast happened there outside the security checkpoints for ticketed passengers and near the airline check-in counters, an airline official briefed on the situation said.

Brussels under attack: Live updates

The subway station blast happened in the Brussels district of Maalbeek, near the European quarter, where much of the European Union is based, according to CNN affiliate RTL.

Richard Medic, who arrived at the station shortly after that explosion, wasn’t surprised by the carnage after all that Europe has gone through recently, including the November’s massacre in Paris that ISIS claimed responsibility for.

“I think, after the Paris attacks, we were assuming like this would happen,” the Brussels resident told CNN. “And it was a matter of time.”

Yet Jeff Versele, who was in the airport’s departure hall when the blasts occurred, said that he thinks Belgians should not hole themselves up and instead should continue to travel “to prove that we’re not afraid of those who have done (the attacks).”

That doesn’t mean being in the middle of it all, though, isn’t frightening.

“You cannot believe it; you cannot believe it,” Versele told CNN. “It was so insane. Not in my backyard.”

Security precautions taken

Belgian authorities took security precautions after Tuesday’s attacks, including shutting down all Brussels metro stations and evacuating the city’s airport.

This comes as the terror threat level in Belgium went up four — its highest. That step-up means army soldiers can be sent onto the streets to meet security needs.

The effects were felt outside the Belgian capital as well.

Eurostar, a high-speed railway that also goes to England and France, noted a number of schedule and other changes.

And London’s Heathrow Airport tweeted that travelers there should expect “a high visibility presence at Heathrow.” Gatwick Airport, also in the British capital, likewise noted “there will be increased police and security patrols.”

The Brussels airport attack

Anthony Barrett said he heard something about 8 a.m. local time from his hotel across from the terminal building.

“When I opened the curtains and looked out, I could see people fleeing,” he told CNN.

He said he’s seen about 19 or 20 stretchers carrying people so far. Luggage trollies were also being used to transport the wounded.

“It’s clearly a very serious incident,” he said.

Federal police at the airport at Zaventem told CNN that “there has been an explosion” and “something has happened.”

Witnesses told RTL that at least one of the two explosions took place in the airport’s departure hall.

Dozens of people have been taken out of the airport on stretchers, according to eyewitnesses.

The Brussels airport tweeted that there have been two blasts and said that “the building” is being evacuated. They also said all airport operations have been suspended and asked those nearby to remain calm.

The airport is being evacuated and a disaster plan has been initiated, RTL reported. Passengers have been directed to the airport runways.

One of them, Jeffrey Edison, had cleared security and was out by the gate, several hundred yards from the departure lounge, where the explosions occurred. He told CNN he didn’t hear the blasts but “suddenly saw” 200 to 300 people rushing toward him from the security checkpoint.

He says it took authorities around 25 minutes to tell the passengers what had happened, before evacuating the area and leading the passengers to the runways.

The metro attack

The Belgian crisis center tweeted that all public transportation in the city has been closed.

“Stay where you are,” it said.

Kristalina Georgieva, the vice president of the European Commission, said that all the organization’s institutions are at “alert level orange” and that all meetings on its premises and outside have been canceled.

She advised people to stay at home or indoors.

“I am shocked and concerned by the events in Brussels,” British Prime Minister David Cameron tweeted. “We will do everything we can to help.”

The incident comes after Salah Abdeslam, a man who authorities say was involved in the Paris terror attacks last year, was arrested in the Brussels suburb of Molenbeek on Friday.

Belgium’s Prime Minister deflected a question about whether there’s any link between Tuesday’s bloodshed and Abdeslam’s capture, saying it is too early to tell.

He said Tuesday that he had “no information” about who was responsible for the attack, adding that authorities will find that out, but right now their focus is on caring for the victims.


25 thoughts on “2 explosions at Brussels airport, 1 at subway station; 28 killed

  1. It is time for every Nation to send all middle eastern people back to the Middle East.

    It is time to tear down the Islam DEVILS LIFE STYLE AND RELIGION . Send Muslims to Middle East and this will stop terrorism and the over throws of governments

  2. “Raised the reality of terror once again in the heart of Europe” wow. Wow wow. I can’t understand how we let this kind of shite happen. Every time it does some pol heck should be rung, maybe a banker that financed it you get the idea. When group is smug enough to write ish like that…well no knot needed.

  3. It looks like the “War on Terror” is just as successful as the “War on Drugs.”

    I know what will solve this: more Western military attacks in the Middle East! Because “fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them here” works so well.

    And cameras! We need more cameras, and other government spying! That’ll put a stop to this!


  4. Say what you want of my opinions on islam, but please explain to me how I am supposed to know who are the “good ones”. Words mean nothing when it comes to trust. Actions mean everything.
    Sorry, I stand by by opinion which is grounded in actual first hand knowledge of the desires of an extreme people.
    To those that would say the we started it, are we supposed to sit back and let them blow us up because of that? At what point do we say that enough is enough. Going to the ME may not be the answer, but allowing an invasion of Europe and America is not the answer. Lock down the borders and allow no more in. Let them blow each other up in THEIR countries, not ours.

    1. The US government and its Israeli masters did indeed start the modern conflict between the Muslim world and the West. That doesn’t mean we should just let them bomb random people in Western countries, but our governments continue to provoke them. That’s what needs to end. The US government and its puppets kill many, many times more innocent people in Muslim countries than Muslims kill in the West. Of course they’re going to try to get revenge. The result is that innocent Westerners pay for the crimes of their corrupt, warmongering governments.

      I agree that people from alien cultures should not be allowed to flood into Western lands. It causes all kinds of problems. In the US at least, Muslims are not a significant source of terrorism or violent crime — especially not in comparison to blacks — but the presence of large numbers of foreigners in our land waters down our culture and our values. How many of those who immigrate to the US give a crap about our founding values and the Bill of Rights? Very few. They just come here for the jobs, which is another issue in itself.

  5. I am muslim. And I am an American. I won’t go into so much writing here because frankly I don’t have the time. It’s very sad to see time and time again how everyone is played for world conquest. I will call in to give my opinions and debate ANYONE who wishes to tell me what “islam” is and about what’s going on. On that note, I am a muslim American. If you want me out, come take me out.

    1. Jamal.
      My comment was not directed at you. It was directed at people who are not from America.
      Obviously you didnt read my words. I said “Going to the ME may not be the answer, but allowing an invasion of Europe and America is not the answer. Lock down the borders and allow no more in. Let them blow each other up in THEIR countries, not ours.”

      I said “allow no more in”. I also said let them blow each other up in “their countries”. If you are an American then I obviously wasn’t speaking to you. I was speaking of Muslims from OTHER COUNTRIES. If you were born here you are an American. If you are from Iraq, Syria, etc. you are not an American. I would think that as an American you would feel the exact same way when it comes to allowing mass migrations from other countries that will change our American culture and our value system and eventually our Constitution. As a Muslim I expect that you understand what the middle eastern countries value system and forms of government are. They govern in a different way than America. They do not understand our Constitution or want it to be law in their lands.

      On the same note, I am an American with blood ties to Germany, Britain and Sweden. I do not want them to come to America and attempt to implement their socialist agenda here. They are not Americans and were raised under socialism.

      1. I do understand Bulldog, what I’m tired of is that people on this site should know better than to think all these things really just happen on their own. I wrote once that there’s going to be some dark days coming for this country and I see what’s coming. People are going to be, as always pitted against eachother and eat eachother alive. But the corrupt system will continue. On the issue of who started it between islam and the west, that’s a done issue. The fact is muslims and others who have felt the military might of the west still come here and respect this place. Sure not every single one but for the most part even after whatever was done. And you make an excellent point when you mention your background and the socialist mentality of europeans. But simply being born here is not necessarily what makes someone “American”. We were not a nation until we declared it. And in that declaration and bill of rights is what makes an american regardless of race, religion or ethnicity. This is what I’m afraid of when SHTF. Because there will be many so called americans who will bring the fight to people like me because of those kinds of differences. That’s a fact and it’s in the plans as well. As far as people of any kind oming here to take advantage no matter where they’re from I made it clear a long time ago, I do agree with you on that. I hope you understand what I’m saying and my concerns. I read FTTWR for a reason. I think we all share that reason. I hope.

        1. “what I’m tired of is that people on this site should know better than to think all these things really just happen on their own.”

          I dont know of too many folks on this site that believe these things “just happen on their own”

          Of course they don’t happen on their own. The mass migration and attempted takeover of Europe and eventually America is orchestrated at the highest levels. It, no less, is happening. This isn’t fake. It isn’t a show. It isn’t CGI. It is an invasion and mass migration. It is happening here as well. It just doesn’t make the news, YET.

          If this was a herd of crazy white guys that believe glenn beck is their savior, I would say the same thing. It just so happens that this is being done with the goal of turning the west muslim and putting us under their control or killing us. It does not matter if this is being set up by the NWO. The people carrying it out believe what they are doing is right and just.

          And yes, being born here to LEGAL parents AFTER we became a country does make you an American. It doesn’t make all Americans believe in America though. That is a choice.

          I am not trying to comment in a fashion that makes anyone like me in any way. I write what I write based on my views. That will never change. The same as my views on what is being taught by some muslim clerics and their goals will never change. It goes the same for guys like beck and cruz who teach a dominion type of Christianity that rules with Old Testament law. I am an equal opportunity hater. I hate anyone or any movement that wishes to rule over me or harm my people.

          1. I doubt they want to turn the west muslim. Maybe fill it with filth and freeloaders to destroy it but not muslim. From what I can see, trump has been propped up and made to be this illusion of an anti establishment figure who is calling out the “muslim” problem of the west. Lo and behold, more attacks that just so happen to solidify that opinion with even european leaders saying they support trump. There is going to be a major war with some islamic countries coming. This is in no small part a rally to support this war for israel and attack islam. Maybe the war they want with iran after all. Let’s remember, there is a documented plan for the middle east. The oded yinon plan. And there is a plan for the rest of us. I know it’s not CGI or things like that and that this IS happening. I would never put it passed these bastards to kill as many as they can. Long story short, when SHTF, I would stand side by side with you to defend what’s ours and what’s right. I would. Because I believe in that. I have no beef with you, I’m just very frustrated at the way of the world. This is not a game. I see all the time what happens to this nation, my ancestral land of Palestine and others. All for zion. And I see the f@#king clerics who preach what is not islam and I understand why the west views it as such. But I know who’s behind this shit. And it’s only getting worse which means it’s only getting closer to their goal.

    2. no such thing as a Muslim American

      if you are a recognized citizen of the USA than you are an American National .. No hyphenated bullshit

      1. So is there a such thing as a Christian or jew or buddhist american? Why does the bill of rights have freedom of religion? As I said, “so-called Amerians”.

        1. So is there a such thing as a Christian or jew or buddhist american?


          its really that simple

          BOR also doesnt hyphenate things either

  6. Europe wants to bust back into their individual countries. The people refuse to want to support the war in Syria and Ukraine. No CEO, or Gov. building hit nor military industrial complex targeted. Just normal travelers, working grunts and retirees hit. Isis? My gut says some other agency or political powers. Heck Rothschild and CFR want everyone and every race in one basket under their martial law and NWO totally dependent on the state for some reason. Date is 03-22-2016 and this is my opinion. Think World-wide Patriot act…

  7. Cause the problem – Allow invaders to come into your country freely.

    Show the people the problem – Look at all these muslims, they are a terrorist threat (bombings/criminal behavior). False flag or not doesn’t matter.

    Give the people a solution they wouldn’t agree to before – More police state lockdown and/or war.

    Looks like the old Operation Gladio to me.

  8. “He said Tuesday that he had “no information” about who was responsible for the attack,…”

    A no-brainer.


  9. Local news reported that the first bomb went off at 8:11, the second one went off 7 miles away one hour later, at 9:11.


    Nothing to see here, move along.

  10. Well, if your one of those “numerologists”, 3/22/16 apparently has some “fart in the wind” thought to it. Ask Tom Hanks, he’ll know.

    Meanwhile, I’ll go back to the dungeon and whip my backside incessantly!

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