4 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches Live Broadcast 12-22-23

  1. Henry, I thought you said we needed to watch the Fukushima vid. I tried to wade through it but couldn’t make it through and realized you did cover the gist of it so I let it go. Most things can be said in a very short time, but even in this day and age some take it to very great lengths. Crazy. Anyway, it was a relief to let it go, but the damn thing is still spewing. TEPCO be damned!!


  2. So Henry, you say Covid19 doesn’t exist (and I agree) yet you want to tangent on some Chinese BAT lab leak theory…
    So you think it does exist.?
    For your information there is important points to Fukushima.
    1. 4 reactors HAVE MELTED DOWN. Covering the northern hemisphere with radiation. FACT.
    2. Subsequent radiation poisoning that is killing everything. FACT.
    3. Japan is growing food INSIDE the no go zone, next to 1 ton bags of collected radiated soil, and has been for over 10 years, 1,000,000,000 pounds of rice a year. Now if you cannot work it out that ANY SILO that rice grain has been stored in becomes contaminated with radiation then God help you. It ain’t just rice either buddy.
    Not only the food but ALL Japanese made goods are radio active.
    If you actually read my comment I posted, I stated his YouTube channel would probably have CONSISE VERSIONS of the other 2 links I posted.
    I do not have nor use YouTube so I cannot nor will not post direct links to that site EVER.
    The 4th topic I’ll mention and this will tie the ConVID19 together for you, is the VAXXED people are emitting 2.4 gigahertz BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) signals.
    So what?
    Those 2.4ghz signals are radiating at least 150 feet, poisoning ALL OF US, men women and children. FACT.
    Submission #1 https://www.bitchute.com/video/j0tAYUdBH0Lu/
    BlackpilledHAM on Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/crmpdfCnG2uV/ has been documenting the BLE signals for some time now, peruse his library and inform yourself.
    Or shove your head back in the sand.
    I do not care if you refuse FACTS.
    “If you don’t want to tell the truth,
    Then there is no use for you on earth” DANA DURNFORD 2023.
    I enjoyed your content until today.
    Peace out
    Thanks and Good day to you.
    Tim Hilcke
    No doubt your moderators will remove this post.

    1. Timmy, there is no end to the lies that Tempco has told or the damage they have done. Ill accept that they cannot store the water or filter it, and I did say that the water from the plant has been pumped into the ocean, even taken out in ships into the Pacific ocean since day one, you ignorant moron. FACT. I did not say there was any biological leak from Wuhan lab in China, what I fuckin say is that the bats which are mammals and go out every night and eat tons of flying insects would have consumed tons of said bugs which were extremally radiated as China is right beside Japan. Bats being mammals, I did not see in your buddy Dana’s presentation one fucking bat that starved to death or died in any manor. FACT. Now what if the bats DNA had some sort of genetic make up that protects the bat from the radiation? What if the bats were at Wuhan in order to identify the DNA that creates that immunity in that mammal in order to develop a compound to destroy that immunity. If anything escaped from Wuhan, I believe it was in box full of vials sent to the pharisaical industry for mass production, then put into the arms of human beings without even being tested on a rat. Now you have Pfiser developing an agent to prevent turbo cancer which is expected to be in 30% of the population in 10 years. Though a lot of people have died from the death shot, many have not, and I believe they are being studied to find out what in their DNA stops the death shot from killing them. In 10 years, about the time it takes to study such a thing. I made it clear that every living being has been affected by the radiation from Fukushima, but that is just one cog, probably the largest cog in the death machine, and you can stare a hole through that fucking cog, and you can change nothing. See genius? You are beating a dead horse, and offering no solution. We are not so fucking dumb here as to not immediately understand that anything created in a radiated envoronment is going to have radiation in it. We don’t have to know the thousand ways they are trying to radiate us, so you can shove your buddy Dana up your ass. We have refused no facts here. We have built upon facts here. “If you don’t want to tell the truth?” Fuck you and Dana Durnford. Ill tell you something else “BUDDY”, you’re not the first son of a bitch to try and usurp The Trenches to push your own agenda. I spot them as soon as they come up like I spotted you. My mediators? Only two people have run this site since its inception, I am the fucking mediator, and Ill be quite frank with you. I have zero respect for Australians who excepted social communists dictatorship, then handed their weapons over to that dictatorship via one false flag. Im sitting here with a gun right beside me, and now your ass is going in SPAM. You can kiss my American ass and keep staring at that one cog. From The Trenches is the only site dedicated to the fight for our absolute ratified by we the people unalienable law of December 15th 1791. Better known as our Bill of Rights. But you would not be interested in that because you are no more than a subjugated plebe of King Chuck’s monarchy. Now here is your last fact “BUDDY” I’m throwing your ass in SPAM. I think you Ausie’s know better not be fucking with us Americans, because we are the meanest motherfuckers on Earth, and I’m not passionate, I’m a product of my environment. I’m a fucking savage raised in the wilds that happens to possesses an intellect and I will not take one dribble of shit from an Australian plebe. So keep staring at your fucking cog and sell your shit elsewhere. By

  3. The other thing that TEPCO lied about is the water in the tanks.
    They cannot store the water due to the exceptionally high isotopes, the decontamination filtration system they spoke of is also lies.
    So anyone that says anything about Fukushima “releasing water from storage tanks into the pacific ocean” is an uninformed moron. Same as believing Chinese lab leaks caused CONvid19

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