6 Teachers At Wilson Public Schools Training For Conceal-Carry Permits

News 9 – by Justin Dougherty

WILSON, Oklahoma – An Oklahoma school district is taking what some call controversial action to try to keep its students safe.

Right now, six staff members at Wilson Public Schools near Ardmore are training for their conceal-carry permits. The topic of arming school administrators has been a hot-button issue for years now. But Wilson Public Schools finally decided to go ahead with the program.  

Oklahoma lawmakers approved a bill allowing school districts to decide whether or not to arm their teachers and administrators. Wilson Public schools announced on Monday it’s currently paying for six staff members to complete a 120 hour class.

Starting in November, those six staff members will conceal and carry handguns in classrooms and hallways. At that point, the educators will be responsible for purchasing their own firearms and ammunition.

“In today’s world with things that are happening, you have to do whatever you can to protect your school district and the children who come to school here.. and that’s what we are doing,” said Eric Smith, Wilson Superintendent.

Smith hopes having an armed defender in each building will make their campuses more secure.


3 thoughts on “6 Teachers At Wilson Public Schools Training For Conceal-Carry Permits

  1. I can see it coming. Soon, teachers and school administrators will no longer call the jack boots, THEY’LL just shoot the children themselves. Personally, with the level of brainwashing teachers are subject to and accept, I wouldn’t trust them with a pea shooter minus the peas . . .

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