9-Year-Old Suspended Indefinitely For Toy That ‘Looked Like A Gun’

Fox 2 News Headlines

Story Leak – by Mikael Thalen 

A 9-year-old boy was suspended from the Creative Montessori Academy in Southgate, Detroit Thursday, after a teacher accused him of pretending his toy was a gun.

According to a teacher, Gage allegedly pointed his toy, a spinning top machine, at a fellow classmate before school hours and said “bang, bang.” Two of Gage’s friends who were present during the incident deny the teacher’s claim saying Gage never even used the word “bang.” Gage explained that he had simply tapped his friend on the shoulder with the toy to get his attention so he could also play.

“He asked if he could see the toy and then he started talking when I was about to give it to him and I went like this,” Gage said as he tapped the toy on his father’s shoulder.

Gage’s father was taken by surprise after learning about his son’s suspension and the school’s telephone call to his wife, also pointing out the over-the-top reaction to the incident.

“They’re kids… they have imaginations and I don’t see any reason like…it doesn’t even look like a gun,” said Gage’s father to My Fox Detroit.

Gage’s parents say he has always been a good student and has never been in trouble before Thursday’s incident. His parents are now worried that he will miss out on classes that are important to his learning, especially given Gage’s epilepsy.

Unfortunately for Gage and young children across the country, actions that were once considered simple childhood fun are slowly become punishable crimes.

Despite a 70 percent drop in gun crime since 1993 according to U.S. Justice Department statistics, a media-induced hysteria has led to a near ban on normal childhood behavior.

Just last March, a 6-year-old student from Washington state was temporarily suspended for talking about a Nerf gun he had at home because others reportedly found the conversation “threatening.”

A 7-year-old student in Maryland was suspended after chewing his “Pop Tart” breakfast pastry into the shape of a gun last March as well.

Two 6-year-old students in Maryland were suspended last January for making gun gestures with their hands while playing “cops and robbers.” The school claimed the boys’ game was a threat to other students.

That same month a 5-year-old girl in Pennsylvania was suspended for simply talking about her “Hello Kitty” toy bubble gun during the bus ride home. According to the school, her actions constituted a “terroristic threat.”

Read more: http://www.storyleak.com/9-year-old-suspended-indefinitely-toy-looked-like-gun/#ixzz2fQoxOEZR

5 thoughts on “9-Year-Old Suspended Indefinitely For Toy That ‘Looked Like A Gun’

  1. This is just stupid. Is there a kid who doesn’t do this on a daily basis?

    Indefinite suspension is the best thing that could have happened to him. At least he’ll be out of that Nazi school, but we might also be seeing some reinforcement of the “indefinite” punishment idea.

  2. So you want us to embrace war upon war without question, but how dare we pretend to be interested in to tools of the trade. What were we thinking?
    What a crock of shit this educational system is. This government/ media partnership plasters war and disaster and the great American soldier cop in action all day all night and they expect the children not to imitate it, hello dumb asses that’s what children do and if you don’t know that basic knowledge you do not and should not be in your profession to begin with!

  3. Here’s what is really screwed up. Part of the 8th grade curriculum is the reading of the first book from the “Hunger Games” series. If you’re unfamiliar with the story, it’s basically about a dystopian world set in the future where each year, 24 children are selected, 2 from each of the 12 districts, to fight to the death in brutal fashion until only one is remaining. This ain’t the “Twelve Angry Men” I read in the 8th grade.

    So here we have a complete irony. On one hand the communist public indoctrination system is preaching non-violence, scorns bullies, completely bans violence and will suspend or expel children for even the mere alleged effigy of a firearm. On the other hand they are forcing these kids to read one of the most horrific and violent books for teens in our time.

    My conclusion is that the violence is not the message in the reading of “The Hunger Games” at all. The real message for the child to receive is the dystopian, Orwellian, dictatorial, oppressive, totalitarian world in which the story is set. The true message is that resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. Most children won’t receive that message on the conscious level and will only be excited about the edgy story of the fighting. On the subconscious level, they are being programmed to accept their fate and obey their perceived masters.

    This needs to be fought on every level from all directions. The public indoctrination system is endangering the minds of countless children. If you can, pull your child from the public indoctrination system and home school them. If that is not an option, please spend the time to explain the real world to them as a parallel deprogramming method. Every summer vacation, teach them real history and real values. This insanity MUST END!

  4. If I were a parent these days, as soon as I found out about the so-called ‘government’s’ communist indoctrination agenda, I’d send my kid (or kids) to ‘school’ with an exact replica of an AR 15 to make sure they were permanently suspended.

    What better way to start them getting homeschooled, and the s/c ‘govt.’ couldn’t say sh#t about it, since it was their stupid policy that got the kid kicked out in the first place.

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