A Better Public School

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The Chicago Tribune, in a June 25, 2014 editorial, asked the question: “Could you build a better school?” Indianapolis, IN. was noted for wishing to have its school district free to develop its own curriculum and, in essence, be totally run by those in the district, with no intervention from Federal or State governments. Last fall, the Tribune began seeking answers to several problems in society and now they are focusing on education. The following is an answer.  


In light of all of the problems given our children in America today, we must definitely find answers and especially in the area of education.  At present all too many school systems are not fulfilling their intended mission. That mission should be to educate, every child in American, so that they indeed will have the best chance for success after high school graduation.  Education should create thinking students than can resolve their own problems and find their own future.  The first priority in every school district must be the student. The following steps are necessary to truly give every  student in America a future:

1. One Kindergarten through High School district per community, with the size of a district no greater than a county area.

2. A school district’s residents are in total control in each school district with no Federal or State intervention in any way.

3. A Board of Education will be elected in each district and they will serve without a salary.

4. The objective in each school district will be to educate not indoctrinate and ultimately, to create a thinking person not an automaton.

5. The teachers may have a Union that extends only to the boundaries of the School District. The NEA (National Education Association) and the AFT (American Teachers Federation will have no standing in any local School District

6. Parent’s volunteer organizations should be developed to assist in all aspects of the educational process, including extra-curricular activities.

7. Charter Schools will be eliminated. All Public Schools in every district should belong to the taxpayers in their respective districts and controlled completely by them. And a lottery should never be a part of any educational system. Every student must have the same opportunity.

8. CURRICULUM:  Kindergarten and grades 1, 2 and 3 will emphasize Reading, Writing and Arithmetic and Geography and History will be introduced at this level.  There will be no computers, calculators, cell phones or any other similar devises in these four years. Those devices may be at home but not in the schools.  The formative years are where children should learn to use their own minds and not become dependent on gadgets.

Grades 4 through 8 should continue building on Reading, use of the English language and Mathematical skills. In these years there would be an introduction to the latest technology.

Grade 9 to 12 is where you introduce the subjects that prepare the students for their future. Shop should be available in all High Schools and there should be an engineering section, with both offering internships where students can gain experiences that will help in making decisions for the future. Internships should be made available in all work experiences possible.

9. ACTIVITIES: All of the activities in every school district in America will be decided by each school district’s Board of Education in collaboration with parents and teachers in the district.

Any school Principal can allow a prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance or the singing of the National Anthem at any event large or small.

In summary, all Public School Districts should be absent of all ‘social engineering’ such as ‘social promotions’ that deny a student their future.

And the moral values that made this country the greatest country in the world can and should be part of any educational system.

Commentary by Robert J. Byrne       June 28, 2014

3 thoughts on “A Better Public School

  1. Getting back to the way it used to be. Now if you can keep the progressives out of it, it would be the best thing for our youth. I see only one problem with it, the government. Indoctrination not education is THEIR goal. I would truly like to see this take root.

  2. Local control is something the Communists will never let happen. All Federal and State funds would be eliminated. If a school district made attempts to do this, it would be met with lawsuits and Police. People relying on each other! They would say, ” What a ridiculous idea.”

    1. Sadly, I have to agree with you. Change only happens when it is not good for us on any federal level.

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