A Company Has Designed A Bulletproof Blanket To Protect Kids During School Shootings

An Oklahoma company has designed a bullet-resistant blanket that's designed to protect children and teachers in the event of a school shooting.BuzzFeed – by Tasneem Nashrulla

The Bodyguard Blanket, made by ProTecht, is a bulletproof 5/16-inch pad that the company says is made from the same materials used by the U.S. military.

Steve Walker, a podiatrist who conceptualized the blanket, told The Oklahoman that the idea came to him after two tragedies: the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, and the tornadoes in Oklahoma. He said the idea was to “stop that blunt-force trauma when that rubble is falling down on a child.”

The company estimates that the blanket can provide protection against 90% of all weapons that have been used in school shootings in the U.S.

The company estimates that the blanket can provide protection against 90% of all weapons that have been used in school shootings in the U.S.

The blanket has straps that can be fastened around users like a backpack. The lightweight pad is made of a high-density plastic used for ballistic armor. The material can also protect users from nails, shards of metal, and other sharp objects.

After testing the blanket at a shooting range, the makers said it provided protection against bullets from a 12-gauge buckshot, a .22-caliber, and a 9 mm, among others.

The $1,000 blankets are a cheaper alternative to tornado shelters, but its makers say they are better for school shootings.

The $1,000 blankets are a cheaper alternative to tornado shelters, but its makers say they are better for school shootings.

In an interview with The Oklahoman, ProTecht’s managing partner Stan Schone said that a safe room is not effective when someone suddenly enters the school and starts shooting because children would be required to run down the hall to get to the room.

He said that the blankets can be stored in the classrooms and children “can lock the door and put these on in a matter of seconds.”

The company says it is encouraging administrators to make the Bodyguard Blanket an integral part of school and university lockdown protocol.

The company says it is encouraging administrators to make the Bodyguard Blanket an integral part of school and university lockdown protocol.

While talking about the frequency of school shootings in the U.S., including the June 5 shooting at Seattle Pacific University, Schone hinted at the tragic need for such a product.

“It’s just sad that we’ve come to this in society, but that’s where we are,” he said.

There were 13 school shootings in the U.S. recorded in the first six weeks of 2014.

There were 13 school shootings in the U.S. recorded in the first six weeks of 2014.

study in January found that 28 people have been killed in 44 school shootings since the Newtown tragedy.

“This thing gives kids an option, an alternative that will give them an opportunity to survive,” Schone said.


23 thoughts on “A Company Has Designed A Bulletproof Blanket To Protect Kids During School Shootings

  1. Oh brother! 🙄 What has this country become? A nation of sheep living in fear. These people should just shoot themselves and get it over with. I’m so sick of this cowardly shit.

  2. “The company says it is encouraging administrators to make the Bodyguard Blanket an integral part of school and university lockdown protocol.”

    Hiding under the desk like the cold-war kids doesn’t allow anyone to get rich by peddling these these stupid blankets for $1000 each.

    Endless asinine fear mongering for power and profit.

    1. Hahaha I thought you were joking about the $1,000 per each price. But that is apparently the price!

      Also, the nice, bright kid-friendly colors will make for easy targets. And the cowering, head-down turtle position will reduce the numbers of eye witnesses.

      1. Haha! Exactly. How stupid can they be? Just have them paint a target on them, why don’t they?


    1. Bulldog it’s so sad to see the sad look of concern and fear in these children’s faces. You are right, this is teaching children to fear going to school.

    2. Fear is part of their game.

      It is they they have the most to fear, for they have committed mass sin(s)against humanity. (and continue to do so) That pattern of behavior is not likely to change.

      ‘Fear is the mindkiller’.

  3. I got a cure for this

    STOP sending your kids to these indoctrination centers !

    than see who gets covered with a ballistic blanket , a stern message needs to be sent..if you cant cover the safety of my child than why is he/ she in your building?

  4. Yea those blankets will definitely work. Don’t let the fact that the sides of their bodies are completely unprotected dissuade you in any way in purchasing such a ridiculous and useless piece of shit.

  5. Yes, let’s invent a “Bubble Boy” society where our children can live in a bubble and be “safe” (from any meaningful human interaction or tactile sensations). I can see it now, all of the children safe in their bubble! What a perfect world!

    1. Michael Chertoff, talk about create the problem and sell the solution! Holy sh!t! Why am I not surprised that some fear-mongering neocon would try to “cash in” on people’s anxiety.

  6. I ain’t sure but, by the look of the pictures, it doesn’t look like they protect from ricochets very well. Another scare tactic.

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