A story that should be dear to everyone’s heart

My wife, Kimberly, belongs to the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution).  You know, those who gave their lives to defend against tyranny. Her bloodline did not stop there. It continued into the Civil War, World War 1, Vietnam, and World War 2. If you think this sounds like a “Forrest Gump” movie,  I can assure you this not the case.

Talking with my wife as I do many, many times throughout the days, she asked me a very thoughtful question, “Why do you suppose my family fought, knowing they would stand a great chance of dying in battle?”  At first I thought this was a silly question and so I answered it accordingly,  “Because they believed in freedom”.   Well, call me a fool, but that was a rhetorical question. She answered it for me and here is how she she did it:  

Revolutionary War

“My great, great, great uncle, Noah Ayre, who my grandmother always spelled with an ‘s’ as in ‘Ayres’, did truly believe that fighting against a tyrannical king was more important than farming a free land in America. He knew that his land, along with other great Americans, would be gone if King George had his way. So he fought”.  Great answer huh?  It gets better.  I never said it was a short answer!

Civil War

“Now” she continued, “My great, great uncle Peter B. Ayres was a fascinating man. He volunteered to join the union, which was organized at Philadelphia as the 32nd Pennsylvania volunteers, on July 26, 1861.  This man was virtually at the start and end of that war”.  After hearing about his entire enlistment I decided not to list everything Mr. Ayres was involved in, however I provided a link(below) for you to browse, as well as a quick snapshot.  He too fought for freedom.


Soldier Details
Ayres , Peter B.
99th Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry
First Lieutenant
Peter/Ayers; Peter B./Ayers
M554 ROLL 3
General Note – Original filed under Peter/Ayers; Peter B./Ayers


Now, normally being the wonderful husband I am, I for once did not have a good enough reason to preoccupy myself with another distraction, as all us wonderful men seem to do when we open the big book on discussions with our better halves.  Sorry honey, just being honest here…

Let’s continue shall we?

World War 1 or the “Great War”

“My great, great, great grandfather fought in WW1” she declared.  “Let me stop you right hear” I interrupted. In fact, let me stop everyone right here.  The worst thing you can do at this point is ask what you thought was a simple question.  Can you guess what that was?  If you said “Which side of the family are we talking about here…” then you won the $64,000 dollar question, because that is exactly what I did and paid dearly for it. So I will save you the agony of my ignorance by trying to explain who belongs to who here, and what side of the family we are talking about, because I guarantee I’ll lose you at grandmother’s sister’s cousin’s uncle’s side.

With a heavy sigh she continued, “My great, great, great grandfather ‘Albert Rogerson’ fought in WW1, and when he returned home became a firefighter who later died from pneumonia fighting a five hour fire on William DuPont’s property. He served for the same reasons, freedom from tyranny”.

World War 2

“Lawrence Prorok” she blurted out, “my grandfather, was a Private 1st Class in the army, and an amazing man to me.” she exclaimed, “His parents were immigrants from Poland, who spoke only in their native tongue. He was the 1st generation American citizen of his family to enlist in the military to go and fight against a tyrannical Hitler. He received a Purple Heart, and no one knows why. His brother, who did not enlist, claimed that when Lawrence returned home he was a changed man. He too served for the same reasons as all the others before him.” she concluded.

Now we all know that the majority who fought this war left behind the horrors they witnessed. Then the movie Saving Private Ryan brought to light what these heroes truly endured.  In fact, I’ve had the personal pleasure, while out having breakfast with my wife and youngest daughter a few years back, of shaking hands with a WW2 Veteran who fought in the “Battle of the Bulge”, where we nearly lost that war.  This Veteran gentleman has since passed away.


“My father served in the army and was stationed in Germany” she went on, “and for some reason his platoon was not called into battle in Vietnam. When I asked my father why he joined the military, his response was he ‘… Served to protect the people of the United States of America and their freedoms…'”.

Now my father-in-law was “George L. Rogerson III”. He was discharged with honors and returned home as a Specialist 5 Tank Platoon Commander.  George died at the young age of 68 in 2011 of a massive heart attack, one month after retiring from his job with the LA County Sheriff’s Office, and I can whole heartedly say he was one of the sweetest gentlemen whom I’ve had the privilege and pleasure of ever knowing.  God rest his soul.

As I listened to my wife the entire time from beginning to end, my answer was what I deemed correct.  “They believed in freedom.” “Really?” she questioned, “That’s not how I see it.”  “Then please explain” I asked, slightly confused.  She continued, “The history of my family goes back to the birth of this Great Nation, who at first glance would agree with your assumption, but if these men truly believed in fighting despots who wanted to snatch away the freedoms of all of us, then why did my family sacrifice so much for something that we as Americans have given up so easily to a corrupt nation with tyrannical tenancies?” As shocked as I was with this outstandingly blatant truth, I took to thought.

I pose this very question to you, dear reader, and ask that you pose this very same question to everyone else you know.  Remember, we still have our fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, nephews and nieces who are continuing to fight for our “freedoms” when all we are doing here at home is serving it on a silver platter to king(s) in our own country.

Yours truly,

A proud husband of a wife who’s blood runs through the veins of my children.

Scott R.

9 thoughts on “A story that should be dear to everyone’s heart

  1. I will answer your question with my opinion, as we should all be asking it.

    Having been an infantry Marine, and serving men I saw many things. I saw that I was serving the beliefs of men who often cared little for the troops they commanded. These commanders served the beliefs of those who cared little for them. In the end it was a service of conquest and little more. I endured this as I learned a valuable trade, and protected my brothers. It also served to open my eyes to many facets of control applied in this world.

    Americans, have been hustled into a convict-prison of laboriousness to piratical masters. All that is now left is of Liberty is its name, and the harmless privilege the common people have of scolding their Proprietors in vulgar editorial diatribes at or about faux election time. Most Americans are only now beginning to perceive these things, but they were foreseen by clear-sighted individuals before the Constitution was formally enthroned. Yet, here we are again facing the question you ask for the upteenth time.

    I argue most Americans can easily serve up their freedom to tyrants, as they never were free to begin with, not in their minds. Its like the saying, all men are created equal. It is often said, and seldom true and the proof is everywhere.

    At one time sovereign mens rights were accepted, and now met with laughs or worse, so what changed? We did, by accepting the wisdom of fools, and not listening to what we all knew as truth. Todays world is lacking initiative, originality and independent thought, and many Americans have never had the slightest voice in fashioning the ideas they formally revere. They are trained in obidience, and obey laws they know in their hearts to be wrong without question. They are born slaves, and thus never strive for freedom, as the thought of it terrifies them.

    I suggest reading the book, Might is Right (Ragnar Redbeard-Jack London)for a further examination of what I am saying. Like any book it has flaws, and you will not agree with all of it, but it presents many of our problems/questions in a different light.

    I believe we must scrutinize all of our beliefs, and start acting as a nation of men again. Only Joos and degenerates believe rejuvenation can ever come through laws and prayer. Freemen never regulate their conduct by the suggestion or dicta of others, for in doing so they cease to be free. There is no obligation upon any man to passive obedience.

    Freedom cannot be granted, it must be taken.


  2. Scott,
    Does your wife have any unmarried (or even divorced) sisters (lol)? You are one very lucky man, and she, too, is fortunate to have you.
    One has to wonder how these “previous” wars would have gone if the public were as awake then as we are becoming now. Pat Tillman gave up an NFL career because he felt “the desire” to protect America. But Pat woke up, complained to higher-ups, and was assassinated for what he was exposing. Pat was a celebrity in the eyes of the public, and he had the “pull” to do this as an enlisted man (to communicate with generals, congressmen, etc).
    Not to take anything away from your story here, Scott, I totally enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing it. Give your wife a hug for me, ok??

  3. I agree, wonderful comments. Yes I will give my wife a hug for you and unfortunately no, she is the only female in her immediate family. I will make a point to get that book.

    This question should be sent out to everyone you know not because of fame for me or my wife but for liberty and freedom itself!

  4. Hello Ryan, I may have the context wrong-but I’m nuts. NO ONE gets me either.
    We all belong to such a group in a way, do we not? Does’nt seem to matter where on the Earth you happen to call home.
    You & I seemed to show up here @ just about the same time? Wild!
    Cool site huh?

    1. Ryan is a new screen name. been on much longer than that under a different name.

      I dont get how people(today) join a 200+year old group of war vets from a war they where not alive during???
      They are the same jerk offs who say “we” and “our” when talking about invading Iraq and a government.

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