Oscar Peterson – C Jam Blues

A Saturday morning wake up.  Arguably, the best pianist that ever lived, the wonderful Oscar Peterson, who my father dragged me to see at 10 years old.  I was awestruck.

3 thoughts on “Oscar Peterson – C Jam Blues

    1. Andrew, I’m still working on accessing your website for further conversation. Hopefully, I’ll get the glitch fixed soon. Millard

      1. Insofar as O.P. is concerned, he was a master at his craft. Although, Andrew, one has to put my experience in perspective with the times. It was 1967-68, the “British Invasion” of the Beatles, Rolling Stones and such was well underway and my father forbid us from besmirching his phonograph with such blasphemy. One day, I forgot and my father discovered a Beatles album resting on his turntable. He was so enraged, he said, “I might as well take an ax to it now.” Fond memories of those days I will cherish forever!

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