3 thoughts on “A Time for Warriors, Part 1 – Time to put away childish things

  1. My comment on the youtube page.

    The single most childish thing is belief. This vid says to become warriors when it is violence that is the severest form of impotence. Fighting to stop violence makes sense? If you want to stop being a chattel of psychopaths how about beginning that process by removing yourself from their ranks by ending your voluntary support of t.h.e.m.?

    The second most childish thing is not knowing the very rules that govern your life. I mean written law. Not one of you can cite any law requiring you to pay income taxes but you all do out of blind childish fear and ignorance. Are the ignorant worthy of becoming real warriors? If you are not brave enough to go here, http://www.losthorizons.com and watch the testimonials then get the book and apply the rules you have not a whit of knowledge about at present but that your belief tells you does not exist are you brave enough to do anything that is not the wish of the psychopaths that rule you? Ending your funding of government is the first step away from chattel hood into adulthood. Remember there is not a single reason for payment of income taxes except obedience to your fear. Those that obey fear are not warriors not even adults. Lets hear the vapid excuses used to continue to fund those you hate and whose acts you find criminal. If you know a group are psychopathic and you continue to fund t.h.e.m. what does that make you? An accessory perhaps?

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