About That Latest Caravan, And What Did Biden Promise in Los Angeles?

US Incorporated – by Allan Wall

What about the recent caravan that set out from Tapachula, Mexico, on June 6, heading for the U.S. border?

The caravan was dissolved on June 11th in the Mexican state of Chiapas. The caravanners agreed to dissolve the procession after talks with the Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM), the Mexican immigration bureaucracy. 

But note: That doesn’t mean that the migrants of the now-disbanded caravan are going back to their home countries.

Over 9,000 of them were granted a legal migration document which allows them to remain in Mexico for 30 days – ample time to get to the U.S border.

Luis Garcia Villagran, the caravan’s organizer, says the majority are still going to the U.S.

After all, plenty more people are crossing Mexico and making it to the U.S. And many of them are being allowed in and resettled by the Biden administration.

During the recent “Summit of the Americas” in Los Angeles, the leaders and representatives of most countries in the Western Hemisphere met and signed a document called “The Los Angeles Declaration of Migration and Protection.”

What does this document actually promise on behalf of the United States and its taxpayers?

Check out some of the details from this government fact sheet.

    The U.S. is to “provide an additional $25 million to the Global Concessional Financing Facility (GCFF) housed at the World Bank to prioritize countries in Latin America such as Ecuador and Costa Rica in their newly announced regularization programs for displaced migrant and refugee populations residing within their respective countries.” Also, “The United States will announce $314 million in new PRM [Population Refugees and Migration] and USAID funding for stabilization efforts in the Americas.”
  2. SUBSIDIZING AMERICAN FARMERS TO HIRE MORE FOREIGNERS “The United States will launch the development of a $65 million U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) pilot program to support U.S. farmers hiring agricultural workers under the H-2A program. “ [As if the agriculture industry needs more encouragement to hire foreigners!] Also, “USDA is exploring a multi-year pilot program funded by the President’s American Rescue Plan to provide grants to agricultural employers that hire farmworkers from Northern Central American countries under the seasonal H-2A visa program and agree to additional protections to benefit both U.S. and H-2A workers.”
  3. PROVIDING MORE NON-AGRICULTURAL WORK VISAS. “[T]he Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Department of Labor (DOL) made an additional 11,500 H-2B visas available in late May. These visas are dedicated for nationals of the Northern Central America countries and Haiti for this fiscal year.” So that’s already being done!
  4. MORE REFUGEES FROM THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE “The United States will commit to resettle 20,000 refugees from the Americas during Fiscal Years 2023 to 2024. This represents a three-fold increase from this year and reflects the Biden Administration’s strong commitment to welcoming refugees.” [This is in addition to all those being brought here from Afghanistan.]
  5. MORE HAITIAN IMMIGRATION. “The United States will increase resettlement of Haitian refugees.” And, “The United States will resume and increase participation in the Haitian Family Reunification Parole Program…which allows certain eligible U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents to apply for parole for their family members in Haiti.”
  6. MORE CUBAN IMMIGRATION “Last month, the United States announced the resumption of operations for the Cuban Family Reunification Parole Program (CFRP). CFRP provides a safe, orderly pathway to the United States for certain Cuban beneficiaries of approved family-based immigrant petitions. DHS will resume processing cases this summer…”

These are the promises the Biden administration made in an international agreement which was not even approved by Congress.

And this is in addition to what’s already going on at the border.

The Biden Border Rush continues…

US Incorporated

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