All military age males. Every hour. Every day. 365 days a year. By 2030 legal voting age American citizens will be a mathematical minority in this nation.

2 thoughts on “All military age males. Every hour. Every day. 365 days a year. By 2030 legal voting age American citizens will be a mathematical minority in this nation.

  1. I do not like to read the words: “America is dead and gone.” America is us, the people of The Bill of Rights, the people who know about life-given freedom and who will not settle for less. I’d rather hear “America is challenged.” Yes, challenged to defend everything that is innately American: Sovereignty. Individuality. Lawfulness. And a map to the stars. That is to say, a life without interference from tyranny. America is here. Wounded, yes, but getting up again and again to face those who would attempt to defeat her. America is us. Those who would FOREVER LIVE FREE and with everything in us, FIGHT FOR THAT FREEDOM!!!!!


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