All vaccinations for this planned scamdemic are chromosomally impossible

By Stephen Fox

I am making a very clear point that all vaccinations for this planned
scamdemic are chromosomally impossible, and to suppose such exists or
could even be developed displays spectacular ignorance of biochemistry and

All 193 heads of state should be able to recognize this, as well as any
honest competent geneticist, not in the employ of vaccine manufacturers.  


Start with calling Dr. Jan Vijg, Chairman of the Department of Genetics at
Einstein University in the Bronx, New York.

Contact Media Relations

Phone: 718.430.3101

Rockefeller University
New York University


Netherlands: Secretariat Human Genetics
Phone: +31 (0) 71 5269400


University of California Berkeley David Rubin

Email Address:
Job Title: Department Co-Chair and Ernette Comby Chair in Microbiology
Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
Research Description:
Lab Location: 610 Barker
Lab Phone: (510) 642-0940


Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EH
+44 1223 333999

Postal Address:
Department of Genetics
University of Cambridge
Downing Street
Cambridge CB2 3EH
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 [0]1223 333999
Information provided by:



Faculty of Biology
Mail Address: MSU, Faculty of Biology, Russia, 119991, Moscow, 1-12
Leninskie Gory
Telephone +7 (495) 939-27-76

Mikhail P. Kirpichnikov, Chairman


7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
Department heads addresses:


South Africa:

Sweden: Upsala Universitet:


Moving on to an equally vital consumer protection solution, the following
articles by me show why aspartame/methanol/formaldehyde should be
prevented from being sold in your nation.

Please forward them on to the Head of State, the Health Minister, and the
Minister of Justice/Attorney General, as a way to protect the health of
your nation. This chemical is made by Ajinomoto of Japan,, which has
subsidiary factories in France, Brazil, and the United States. There are
numerous Chinese factories as well.

Pakistan has done a commendable job of blocking imports of Monosodium
Glutamate, the Excitotoxin, but should move on to the next phase, which is
to prevent imports of aspartame, made by the same corporation, Ajinomoto
of Japan.

Accordingly, I have asked Japan’s Emperor Naruhito to stop the exports
from this poison factory in Japan henceforth. Details are in the article
at the end of this list, along with William Henry Gates III’s patent
number for the weaponized coronavirus, which is from the London patent
office [WO 2016 012793 A1], so I have also asked England’s head of state
to revoke that patent.

Advancing Epidemiological Truth as it Arrives through Journalism Outside
of the Mainstream Media

Advancing Epidemiological Truth as it Arrives through Journalism Outside of the Mainstream Media


Maryland’s Chief Federal Judge, James Bredar: Requested to Order FDA to
Rescind Approval for Aspartame/Formaldehyde


Gates and Rumsfeld in the International Criminal Court for Genocide

Gates and Rumsfeld in the International Criminal Court for Genocide


Japan’s Emperor Naruhito Asked to Rescind Exports of
Aspartame/Methanol/Formaldehyde, the Artificial Sweetener

The Queen of England at Windsor Castle should:

1. Rescind the approval for aspartame/methanol/formaldehyde as an
artificial sweetener.

2. Revoke her patent on Gates’ weaponized virus [WO 2016 012793 A1]


Advancing Epidemiological Truth as it Arrives through Journalism Outside
of the Mainstream Media

Advancing Epidemiological Truth as it Arrives through Journalism Outside of the Mainstream Media

Advancing Epidemiological Truth as it Arrives through Journalism Outside
of the Mainstream Media
By Stephen Fox

Citing William Henry Gates III’s patent number from Her Majesty’s London
patent office from 2016 [WO 2016 012793 A1], I have recently asked
Elizabeth II and the Prince of Wales, Charles, to revoke that patent [lest
they be “impugned” in due course for their tacit and indirect approval of
a plan to kill 600 to 900 million people, perhaps even more, as many as
80%]. This is an integral part of United Nations Santa Fe.


I have for quite some time now described the chromosomally impossible
vaccine nonsense as part of William Henry Gates III’s and his Plandemic
Partners’ schemes for vast profiteering derived from his announced plans
in 2015 to remove 10-15% of the human population, even frequently citing
his patent number from Her Majesty’s London patent office from 2016, about
which I have recently asked Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness Charles,
to revoke, lest they be “impugned” in due course for their tacit and
indirect approval of a plan to kill 600 to 900 million people, perhaps
even more, as many as 80%.

Others have advised similarly, as well, for example, Ted Turner, Mikhail
Gorbachev, and Jacques Cousteau.

Regardless of what Heads of State do or do not do, the correct venue for
placing such concerns in order to stop on-going Genocide is the
International Courts in the Hague, as well as in National Courts in many
nations who want to end this destruction of their people, and that this is
part and parcel of the obvious long overdue solutions to protect those
10-15% of Humanity from destruction, one of the most significant actions
taken at United Nations Santa Fe, quite different from United Nations New
York City, Geneva Switzerland, Nairobi Kenya, and Wien Austria.

Aging of the Genome Jan Vijg, PhD, Professor, Chair of Department of
Genetics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine Dr. Vijg is studying genome
and epigenome institute. I several times have asked Dr. Jan Vijg, Chairman
of the Department of Genetics at Einstein University in the Bronx to
confirm the chromosomal absurdities of Gates’ and Rumsfeld’s profiteering
plans. Call him!

Yolanne A. Blake, Administrative Coordinator to Dr. Jan Vijg, Tel:

I perceived all of this early on and have written extensive warnings over
the past six months, the most significant being the filing of a case at
the International Court of Justice, which asked the 14 members thereof to
issue an Injunction in all Jurisdictions to stop William Henry Gates III’s
on going genocide. Because I am not a Nation, and because that court is
only for Nations, the lower court, the International Criminal Court asked
for the files to be transferred to them. There are concurrent heads of
state who will in due course clarify their support thereof, but at this
point, they have a wait-and-see-what-happens-next attitude.

Between 2020 and 2025, there won’t be any Allied forces like there were in
World War II to discover Dachau, Bergen Belsen, Treblinka, etc. You either
get it or you don’t.


Now Physicians are objecting, this from Wyoming’s Igor Shepherd: Medical
Doctor/Manager for Wyoming’s State Public Health Department/Preparedness
Unit Warns About Unfolding Medical Tyranny & Dark, Deadly History of Covid
Vaccine Development – Truth Comes to Light

COVID Vaccines “Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction” says Wyoming
Medical Doctor and Manager for Wyoming’s State Public Health Department
Dr. Igor Shepherd is a medical doctor/manager for Wyoming’s State Public
Health Department/Preparedness Unit, and is on the Covid response team.

I was able to have a conversation with Dr. Shepherd after he did a talk
for “Keep Colorado Free and Open” [recently].

Dr. Shepherd wrote to me, and I was able to get a copy of his important
talk. He has taken great risk to do this talk about the horrors of this
new ‘Covid-19′ vaccine, so I recommend that all watch and listen.

It is a fairly long talk and questions are answered at the end, but it is
worth every minute of your time.

He calls them “Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction.”

Dr. Shepherd was born and raised in the Soviet Union, and became a
Military Doctor in St. Petersburg, Russia, and studied under the Strategic
Rocket Force.

He is an expert today on bio-weapons, Chemical, Biological, Radiological,
Nuclear, and high yield Explosives,(CBRNE) and Pandemic preparedness.

His view is that these vaccines are very similar technology to the
bio-weapon RND used to develop viral weapons. He fully understands that
the plan of depopulation and mandatory vaccinations will be at our
doorstep very soon, and is shocked that the American people are so passive
concerning this enemy takeover.

He believes that this fake pandemic is the means by which a communist
global government will be ushered into existence; one that cannot be voted

I agree with this thinking, as this technocratic takeover and economic
destruction will be communistic in nature.

see also: LinkedIn


India Holds Bill Gates Accountable For His Vaccine Crimes
India Holds Bill Gates Accountable For His Vaccine Crimes ⋆


Sara Cunial: Bill Gates’ Depopulation Agenda Slammed In Italian Chamber of
Deputies (Audio & Subtitles Corrected) – YouTube

Bill Gates’ Depopulation Agenda Slammed In Italian Chamber of Deputies
(Audio & Subtitles Corrected) – YouTube Directed to the International
Criminal Court’s Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda. So accurate, this video, that
it has been spontaneously translated into 10 other languages on YouTube,
yet nothing from Sara in a speech in the Italian Parliament since May,


African Heads of State have been sending in their Amicus Curie Briefs to
both the International Court of Justice and to the International Criminal

An early video of John Pombe Magufuli, Ph. D. President of Tanzania: From
Kenya Television, six month ago:

Le pre’sident tanzanien demande une enquête après des re’sultats de tests
suspects – YouTube [in French, so if you want English, look for it]


Vaccine Genocide Exposed is part of

Gates and Rumsfeld in the International Criminal Court for Genocide –


Italian Physician, Dr. Roberto Petrella, Warns Citizens About COVID-19
Depopulation Vaccine (VIDEO) –

Covid-19, means the “certificate of identification of vaccination with
artificial intelligence and “19”, it is the year in which it was created.

Covid-19 is not the name of the virus, pay attention, it is rather the
name of the International plan for the control and reduction of
populations which has been developed over the last decades and launched in

What reactivates the virus, is the immune ground in which it finds itself
weakened by former vaccinations. What they intend to inject inside of us
is going to be the most terrible vaccines of all. It is a literally a
descent into hell, with the aim of a massive depopulation of over 80% of
the population. Do not take the tests: the tests are not reliable.

I have always said it and will repeat myself, just like many test
producers also affirm: none of the tests are able to accurately detect the
Sars Cov-2 virus. They only detect an infinity of small harmless viruses
or cell debris which are naturally already part of our microbiota. The
people tested will increasingly appear positive in tests (about 90%).

This is their goal, and this is why they started the testing process with
children. On May the 11th, no television, nor newspaper, or
Italian/Berlusconi broadcast announced that in France mass testing was
being imposed in all schools. There were about 700 thousand tests every
week. Howeer nobody unfortunately, broke this news. So, once your child
gets screened, the whole family and all immediate contacts, will be forced
to be screened. Pay attention Italians, listen. Do not listen to the
charlatans, the ignorant, who reject the truth. I remind you, that we are
not sick;

We are, on the contrary, just healthy carriers of this virus. Having the
virus does not necessarily mean that you are sick: you healthy and fine.
But everyone will still appear, pay attention, positive in the tests. In
fact, they make you repeat the tests 2 or 3 times. All facility employees,
especially in the health care sector, take the tests every month. All they
need to obtain is this: make everybody believe that they are sick. Being
positive means being labeled as harmful. Pay attention Italians, listen to
me. Refusing the detection of the virus, is the only key to avoid being


May 8, 2020

Bill Gates History of Vaccine Corruption Inflicting Harm and Death on
Unsuspecting People in Poor Countries
by Christina England Health Impact News

A recent petition asking for the U.S. government to investigate the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation for crimes against humanity, already signed
by over a half of a million people, shows that the activities of Bill and
Melinda Gates are being looked at more closely by the public these days.

However, this is not the first time that Mr. Gates has received criticism
for his dodgy dealings involving vaccination policies worldwide for more
than a decade.

Gates Commits Crimes Against the Children of India
In 2014, an article that was published by the Economic Times of India,
titled Controversial vaccine studies: Why is Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation under fire from critics in India? stated:

“In 2009, several schools for tribal children in Khammam district in
Telangana then a part of undivided Andhra Pradesh became sites for
observation studies for a cervical cancer vaccine that was administered to
thousands of girls aged between nine and 15.

The girls were administered the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine in
three rounds that year under the supervision of state health department
officials. The vaccine used was Gardasil, manufactured by Merck. It was
administered to around 16,000 girls in the district, many of whom stayed
in state government-run hostels meant for tribal students.”

Tragically, months later, many of the students had become ill and, by
2010, five of them had died.

For more on this subject, see:

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Vaccine Empire on Trial in India.
Professionals and activists in India were so outraged by the situation
that on October 29, 2012, activists Kalpana Mehta and Nalini Bhanot, along
with Dr. Rukmini Rao, President of the Gramya Resource Centre for Women in
India, filed a writ petition with the Supreme Court of India under Article
32 of The Constitution of India for Women. The petition was filed against:

Drug Controller General of India
Indian Council of Medical Research (funded by Gates Foundation)
State of Andhra Pradesh
State of Gujarat
PATH International (funded by Gates Foundation)
GlaxoSmithKline Asia Private Limited
MSD Pharmaceuticals also known as Merck Private Limited
(Please note that GSK and Merck have also received funding from the Gates

The petition outlined a series of serious allegations regarding the HPV
vaccines Gardasil® and Cervarix®. Petitioners Kalpana Mehta, Nalini Bhanot
and Dr. Rukmini Rao reported that the two HPV vaccines were illegally
brought into the states of Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat and subsequently
were administered to thousands of young, vulnerable Indian children before
the vaccines were known to be safe.

The three petitioners told the court that even though the Indian
government and the above organizations knew the HPV vaccines were of
dubious value and of speculative benefits, they continued to allow a trial
using both the Gardasil® and Cervarix® vaccines without regard to the
potential endangerment of the lives of adolescent girls.

The petition outlined how the above organizations vaccinated tens of
thousands of vulnerable girls aged between 10-14 years and then abandoned
them without providing any information on potential adverse reactions,
scheduling follow-up examinations, or offering post-vaccine treatment.

Petitioners stated that the unlicensed HPV vaccines only became licensed
midway through the project:

“These vaccines had not been assessed with respect to safety and efficacy
for the Indian population where adolescent girls are overwhelmingly anemic
and malnourished. No steps were taken to ensure the health and safety of
the girls.

They were not screened adequately for contraindications.

On the contrary, they were told that the vaccine had no adverse effects,
not even those that were acknowledged by the manufacturers.

Referral and treatment of serious adverse effects was not planned and as a
result, private doctors and government hospitals were not aware that the
girls coming to them in serious condition were subjects of vaccine trials.
No monitoring of the program was done. No course correction was made.
After vaccination, the girls were dumped with no follow up.” [emphasis

All girls were vaccinated by the U.S.-based NGO (Non-Government
Organization) and PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health).

As stated in the petition, the project was discontinued only after several
women’s organizations reported:

Deaths among the participants
The use of vulnerable population
Lack of informed consent
The petitioners accused project leaders of falsification of the records
and stated that the project had been carried out with severe lack of
monitoring, stating that PATH and the Indian Council of Medical Research
(ICMR) as well as state authorities covered up the adverse effects and
deaths that have been described in the petition.

In an interview, Kalpana Mehta told us that there had been gross anomalies
in the death-related documentation, indicating a cover-up and that even
the age of the girls who died failed to match the projects records. She

“The dates of postmortems were poorly documented and inaccurate and
instead of being written on hospital stationary many had been written on
plain paper without signatures.”

The fact that there was no parental consent is truly shocking, however,
when you delve more deeply into the organizations that were behind this
unethical vaccination experiment, you discover the possible reasons why.

One reason could have been the fact that, according the website
TECHRIGHTS, the Gates Foundation had been found to be indirectly paying
scientists to exaggerate vaccination needs.

If that was not bad enough, a document found on the World Health
Organization (WHO) website titled Summary of Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation-supported HPV Vaccine Partner Activities stated:

“Harvard University, the International Agency for Research on Cancer
(IARC), PATH, and the World Health Organization (WHO) are undertaking
activities focused on preparing for HPV vaccine introduction in developing

These activities, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, represent
a multifaceted, coordinated strategy for making HPV vaccines available,
acceptable, and affordable to those most in need. Summaries of each
organization’s goals related to HPV vaccine introduction and key
milestones are outlined below.” [emphasis added]

Reading this document alone is evidence enough that the HPV vaccination
experiment that took place in 2009 was largely funded by the Gates

However, this was not the only alleged crime against the children of India
that was funded by the Gates Foundation.

Children in India Given Oral Polio
It has been widely publicized that Bill Gates is on a mission to eradicate
wild polio from developing countries.

In 2012, the CDC published a press release titled Update on
Vaccine-Derived Polioviruses Worldwide, April 2011-June 2012. They wrote:

“In 1988, the World Health Assembly resolved to eradicate poliomyelitis
worldwide. One of the main tools used in polio eradication efforts has
been the live, attenuated oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV).

This inexpensive vaccine is administered easily by mouth, makes recent
recipients resistant to infection by wild polioviruses (WPVs), and
provides long-term protection against paralytic disease through durable
humoral immunity.

Nonetheless, rare cases of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis can
occur both among immunologically normal OPV recipients and their contacts
and among persons who are immunodeficient.

In addition, vaccine-derived polioviruses (VDPVs) can emerge to cause
polio outbreaks in areas with low OPV coverage and can replicate for years
in persons who are immunodeficient.” [emphasis added]

They continued:

“VDPVs can cause paralytic polio in humans”” [emphasis added]

The CDC recommended that the best way to deal with this problem is mass
vaccination. They stated:

“To prevent VDPV emergence and spread, all countries should maintain high
vaccination coverage against all three poliovirus serotypes.”

Immunodeficiency disorders occur when the body’s immune response is
reduced or absent. In other words, governments worldwide are actively
promoting a vaccine that they know will cause millions of vulnerable, sick
and immunodeficient children to develop vaccine-induced polio.

In order for governments to mass vaccinate more efficiently, they are
fully backing the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a group that has made
it very clear that their aim is to eradicate wild polio.

However, it appears that Bill Gates was ignorant of the fact that his
efforts were causing tens of thousands of children to suffer from
vaccine-induced polio.

The Rates of Vaccine-Induced Polio Soar
This all sounds impressive, until you realize that cases of
vaccine-induced polio are reaching epic proportions.

In a paper published in the Medical Journal of Medical Ethics, authors
Neetu Vashishi and Jacob Puliyel stated that:

“” while India has been polio-free for a year, there has been a huge
increase in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP).

In 2011, there were an extra 47,500 new cases of NPAFP. Clinically
indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence
of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received.

Though this data was collected within the polio surveillance system, it
was not investigated. The principle of primum-non-nocere was violated.”

With numbers of this size being reported, you would think that someone,
somewhere, would have tried to stop the devastation.

However, instead of realizing what was happening and stopping the
vaccination program in its tracks, governments worldwide, have instead,
continued to support Bill Gates.

However, it appears that all is not well and that India may be losing
confidence in Gates’ vaccination programs. Because in 2017, it was
reported that India had decided to cut some of its funding ties with the
foundation. See: India cuts some funding ties with Gates Foundation on

Gates Causes More Devastation – This Time in Africa
In December 2012, in the small village of Gouro, Chad, Africa, situated on
the edge of the Sahara Desert, five hundred children were locked into
their school and threatened that if they did not agree to being
force-vaccinated with a meningitis A vaccine, they would receive no
further education.

These children were vaccinated without their parents’ knowledge. This
vaccine was an unlicensed product still going through the third and fourth
phases of testing.

Within hours, 106 children began to suffer from headaches, vomiting,
severe uncontrollable convulsions and paralysis.

The children’s wait for a doctor began. They had to wait one full week for
a doctor to arrive while the team of vaccinators proceeded to vaccinate
others in the village.

When the doctor finally came, he could do nothing for the children. The
team of vaccinators, upon seeing what had happened, fled the village in

The original report was written in a small, local newspaper called La
Voix. The newspaper stated that forty children were finally transferred to
a hospital in Faya and later taken by plane to two hospitals in N’Djamena,
the capital city of Chad.

After being moved around several times, many of these sick children were
finally taken back to their village without a diagnosis and each family
was given an unconfirmed sum of £1000 by the government. No forms were
signed and no documentation was seen. They were informed that their
children had not suffered a vaccine injury.

However, if this were true, why would their government award each family
£1000 in what has been described by their parents as hush money?

The only mainstream news channel to have highlighted the plight of these
poor children was a local channel called Tchad, which filmed footage of
the then-Prime Minister of Chad visiting the children in hospital.

VacTruth, who reported on this story, owns copies of all of the original
reports, along with a wide range of medical and government documents.

However, despite this evidence and VacTruth’s detailed and extensive
coverage, including highlighting television footage, once again, the
vaccine program was hailed a success.

The groups behind this project were PATH, WHO, UNICEF, and the Gates
Foundation, and during Vactruth’s investigations, it was discovered that
in fact the whole project was run by the Bill and Melinda Gates

Please see VacTruth’s video containing original footage and documents.

In a press release regarding the vaccination, the Gates Foundation stated:

“MenAfriVac is a tremendous success story for the global health community.
It is the first vaccine developed specifically for Africa, and it proves
that global partnerships can develop and deliver high-quality, low-cost

Ten years ago, we invested in the Meningitis Vaccine Project, an
innovative model that brought together PATH, the World Health
Organization, African health ministers and the Serum Institute of India
today, we celebrate the result: a modern vaccine selling for less than US
50 cents per dose with the potential to end Africa’s deadly meningitis

We believe that vaccines are one of the best buys in global health. In
January, Bill and Melinda Gates called on the global community to make
this the Decade of Vaccines. There is no better way to launch this decade
than with a new vaccine that will improve and save lives.”

However, if these disasters were not enough, it appears that the Gates
Foundation struck again two years later, this time using a tetanus
vaccination laced with hormone hCG.

(Human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG, is a hormone produced naturally in
pregnancy to encourage the development of the growing fetus. However, when
hCG is combined with the tetanus toxoid carrier in tetanus vaccinations,
it causes a pregnant woman to produce antibodies against the pregnancy and
leads her to miscarry.)

Tetanus Vaccines Laced with Hormones Known to Cause Miscarriage
Image from UNICEF YouTube Video

In 2014, doctors from the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association discovered
that the tetanus vaccinations that had been administered to 2.3 million
girls and women by the World Health Organization and UNICEF had been
contaminated with the anti-fertility hormone hCG.

Interestingly, this news came after it was announced that the Gates
Foundation had awarded UNICEF $26 million to eliminate maternal and
neonatal Tetanus (MNT) by 2005.

Full story: African Women Injected With Vaccines Laced with Anti-fertility

Sadly, by September of 2017, MG Modern Ghanareported that more than
500,000 young girls and women had become infertile, following the tetanus
vaccine administered by the government in 2014 and 2015.

This was something that Dr. Ngare, who reported the situation to the
authorities, had been desperate to avoid.

However, it appears that Gates and his friends were not satisfied with
their efforts and so they decided to introduce a second vaccine containing
hormones, to the citizens of Kenya.

Dr. Ngare Raises Concerns Over a Second Vaccine Contaminated with Hormones
In 2015, the Kenyan Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) reported that
they had decided to boycott the current polio vaccine program because they
believed that the vaccine manufactured by the Serum Institute of India,
another organization which received funding from the Gates Foundation, may
contain estradiol, a derivative of the estrogen hormone, which is believed
to cause infertility.

NPR news stated that:

“In Kenya, vaccine suspicion has taken its own local strain, aimed less at
vaccines themselves than at the international bodies, like the U.N. and
WHO, that distribute them.

The distrust has been fueled by WHO’s decision to blanket Kenya with polio
vaccines, well over and above routine injections, in an effort to boost
population immunity.

The idea is that some of the people reached by the campaign will have
already been vaccinated, but some will not.

The WHO says there’s no harm in giving extra vaccines to children who are
already vaccinated.”

To discover why these concerns had arisen, we contacted Dr. Ngare at that
time to ask him more about his fears and the concerns of the KCCB.

Dr. Ngare told Health Impact News that the KCCB first became concerned
about the polio vaccination program after the tetanus vaccinations were
found to be contaminated the previous year.

He explained that the KCCB had informed the government on releasing the
final tetanus vaccine report in February 2015 and that their support for
any future vaccination campaigns would be on the condition that joint
government/KCCB testing took place before, during and post-vaccination.

As they were in the process of negotiating joint testing, they took the
liberty of collecting samples from the field from the new shipment brought
in for a vaccination campaign planned for April, before any immunization
took place. Dr. Ngare explained that when the KCCB tested a selection of
polio vaccines from the field, they discovered that two of the six
vaccines tested contained estradiol.

He explained that while there have been no human studies to determine the
effect that this could have on humans, in animal studies, estradiol, when
exposed to males, has been shown to damage the sperm-forming mechanism in
the testes.

For the full story, see:

Dr. Ngare Confirms That a Second Vaccine Has Been Contaminated With
Hormones Known to Cause Infertility.
After all of these tragedies involving vaccine programs initiated by the
Gates Foundation, we believe that it is not difficult to understand why
U.S. citizens have asked the White House to investigate the foundation in
more detail, as Mr. Gates announces his intent to provide a COVID-19
vaccine to vaccinate the entire world, using new technology for this
vaccine that has never been used before, including embedding one’s
vaccination status into their skin using an invisible “tatoo” into one’s

Mass Sterilization of Millions of African Girls through Tetanus Vaccine
Scandal Broadens as Kenyan Laboratory Attacked 7 Billion Doses of COVID-19
Vaccine for World’s Population of 7 Billion – Was This the Plan All Along?
Bill Gates’ Plan to use Microneedles to Deliver COVID19 Vaccine and Embed
Vaccination Status into the Skin

Leaving a lucrative career as a nephrologist (kidney doctor), Dr. Suzanne
Humphries is now free to actually help cure people.

In this autobiography she explains why good doctors are constrained within
the current corrupt medical system from practicing real, ethical medicine.

One of the sane voices when it comes to examining the science behind
modern-day vaccines, no pro-vaccine extremist doctors have ever dared to
debate her in public.


The Monsanto Tribunal is over, but many people around the world keep on
fighting against Bayer-Monsanto, and for a better, fairer and more
sustainable world. This newsletter is an opportunity to keep yourself and
your friends updated about the latest developments, and to discover other
organisations and initiatives.

To deal or not to deal: Bayer to pay billions to glyphosate victims

Bayer is battling some 125,000 lawsuits linked to Roundup and
glyphosate-based herbicides manufactured by Monsanto. Bayer offered an $11
billion (€9.3 billion) deal to stop most of the US court cases and
compensate the victims. This deal was agreed with three law firms in
September. But not all plaintiffs are happy with the settlement. Some
don’t agree, because they will only receive a ridiculous amount of money
despite years of expensive cancer treatments and ongoing pain and
suffering. Others have died while waiting for a resolution. Meanwhile, the
Californian Supreme Court denied Bayer a review of the 1st US Roundup
case, Dewayne Johnson vs. Monsanto, so it still as to pay him $20.5
million. To be continued.

Justice for French Farmer and Pesticide Victim Paul François

In October 2020, the French Supreme Court rejected Monsanto’s last appeal
and decided that the company is liable for health damage to French farmer
Paul François, who was a witness in the International Monsanto Tribunal.
This is the final decision in a long legal battle of almost 14 years. The
farmer had sued Monsanto for intoxication and illness related to the lack
of labelling of Lasso herbicide. He won at the first instance, then on
appeal and finally at the Court of Cassation. Now the Lyon Court of
Justice will decide on the amount of damage to be paid. You can find the
verdict on the website of Justice Pesticides, an organisation that
collects all court cases and jurisprudences on pesticides in the world as
information to help victims of pesticides. The organisation is closely
connected to the Monsanto Tribunal and offers a tool in English and French
for information and cooperation of victims, thanks to a database of legal
cases that will help them to act themselves. Please consider to support
them and to sign up (soon) receive their newsletter.

Huge Profits From Export of Banned Pesticides

Dangerous chemicals that are banned for use in the EU for environmental or
health damages are still legally produced there for export to other
countries. A new investigation from the Swiss NGO Public Eye shows that
chemical companies, such as Syngenta and Ineos, make huge profits this
way. And these toxic pesticides return to Europe through residues in food
products. Of course the big chemical companies Bayer-Monsanto, BASF and
Syngenta have put up a strong lobby to prevent a ban on this immoral
practice. Civil society organisations are calling on the EU to halt the
production and export of banned pesticides to third countries and close
this loophole in the law. The EU commission has indicated that it may
indeed consider a ban.

EU export pesticides – Public Eye

© Martin Grandjean ( / Public Eye / Unearthed

Bayer-Monsanto’s Successful Lobby Against Glyphosate Ban in Thailand

The Thai government had decided to ban 3 toxic pesticides, including to
ban glyphosate in October last year, citing concerns over the impact of
the chemical on human health. A few days before the ban was due to come
into force, the government dropped the plan for glyphosate. Recently it
became clear that this was the result of intensive lobbying by
Bayer-Monsanto. This is detailed in more than 200 pages of partially
redacted documents and emails, some directly between US officials and a
Bayer representative. The documents were obtained under the US Freedom of
Information Act by the Center for Biological Diversity.

Monsanto’s Dicamba Herbicide Linked to Cancer gets 5-year Approval in the US

Currently there are many lawsuits in the US against Bayer-Monsanto for
damage caused by dicamba. This highly toxic herbicide is used to combat
roundup resistant weeds. However, it is very volatile and easily reaches
other fields and gardens, damaging crops and trees. Also, a recent study
in the International Journal of Epidemiology links the chemical to
increased rates of liver and bile duct cancer. Still, the US institute
that regulates pesticides has given this poison another 5-year approval.
It is high time for a New Green Deal and strict policies to restrict
pesticides in the US.

New Studies to Address the Combined Cocktail Effects of Pesticides

Various research institutes in the EU are working on a targeted
methodology to address the combined cocktail effects of pesticides. At
present, the EU only assesses the impacts of single active ingredients,
not the formulations as they are sold, and nor the combination effects
when used with other pesticides. Experts say scientific consensus is
emerging that the effect of chemical mixtures ‘needs to be taken into
account and integrated more generally into chemical risk assessments’.

EU citizens: please sign the Save Bees and Farmers initiative!

Citizens from across the European Union call for a pesticides-free
bee-friendly agriculture to the benefit of farmers, health and the
environment. With this European Citizens’ Initiative, we call on the
European Commission to support an agricultural model that allows farmers
and biodiversity to thrive in harmony by cutting pesticide use by 80% by
2030. Now that the EU has announced to go for a substantial pesticide
reduction target in the Farm to Fork strategy, it is crucial to show that
citizens fully support this. Please sign and share widely, if you didn’t
already do it already!

Save the Bees and Farmers logo

Towards the Recognition of Ecocide in International Law

The judges in the Monsanto Tribunal advised to hold the company
accountable for ecocide: crimes against nature. This was a step towards
inclusion of this crime in international law. In December 2019, the island
state Vanuatu (severely threatened by rising sea levels) proposed the
International Criminal Court in The Hague to make the destruction of the
environment a crime. This spring the French citizens’ assembly, a group of
150 randomly selected people to guide the country’s climate policy, voted
almost unanimously to make ecocide a crime. That prompted French president
Macron in July to announce that the government would consult with legal
experts on how to incorporate it into French law. Next development was
that the new Belgian government decided to ask experts how to include
ecocide in the revised penal law and take diplomatic steps to stop
ecocide. In November a group of parliamentarians from different countries
started the Ecocide Alliance, while a panel of international lawyers plan
to draw up a legal definition of ecocide.

Towards a Bayer-Syngenta Tribunal?

In a referendum on November 29th, the Swiss citizens, but not the majority
of the cantons (regions), voted to accept the Responsible Business
Initiative. However, a constitutional amendment must have both majorities:
in that case, companies with headquarters in Switzerland could have been
more easily held accountable for human rights violations and environmental
offences. Now an only moderately binding counter-proposal comes into
force. This decision is nonetheless a modest contribution to strengthening
the campaign to include ecocide in the international legal system. There
will nevertheless be lawsuits against the chemical companies Bayer and
Syngenta in the future. Keep in mind that Syngenta manufactures and sells
the very toxic pesticide paraquat, banned in the EU but still widely used
in the world.

Can you support our work?

Thanks for sharing our posts on social media and forwarding this
newsletter to your friends! You could also help us with a donation. Our
work is voluntary but we need some money to keep the testimonies online
and website and social media running.

UN Special Rapporteur on Hazardous Substances

We are proud to report that Marcos A. Orellana, the registrar to the
judges in the Monsanto Tribunal, has been appointed as UN Special
Rapporteur on human rights and toxic substances. And also that Olivier de
Schutter, former UN Rapporteur on the right to food, IPES-Food chair and
an eminent member of the organising committee of the Monsanto Tribunal, is
the new UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights.
Congratulations to Marcos and Olivier and for the UN: it is very good to
have such skilful people on these positions.

Marcos A; Orellana Monsanto Tribunal

In Memoriam Percy Schmeiser

This gentle Canadian farmer fought against Monsanto and patents on seeds
for many years. The multinational sued him, but he never gave up. As such,
Percy was one of the witnesses at the Monsanto Tribunal. Thank you Percy,
respect! Percy died quietly in his sleep, at age 89. A commercial movie
‘Percy’, has been recently released about this brave man and his wife
Louise, and their struggle for seed freedom and farmers’ rights. You can
watch his testimony at the Monsanto Tribunal here.

I am making a very clear point that all vaccinations for this planned
scamdemic are chromosomally impossible, and to suppose such exists or
could even be developed displays spectacular ignorance of biochemistry and

All 193 heads of state should be able to recognize this, as well as any
honest competent geneticist, not in the employ of vaccine manufacturers.


Start with calling Dr. Jan Vijg, Chairman of the Department of Genetics at
Einstein University in the Bronx, New York.

Contact Media Relations

Phone: 718.430.3101

Rockefeller University
New York University


Netherlands: Secretariat Human Genetics
Phone: +31 (0) 71 5269400


University of California Berkeley David Rubin

Email Address:
Job Title: Department Co-Chair and Ernette Comby Chair in Microbiology
Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
Research Description:
Lab Location: 610 Barker
Lab Phone: (510) 642-0940


Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EH
+44 1223 333999

Postal Address:
Department of Genetics
University of Cambridge
Downing Street
Cambridge CB2 3EH
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 [0]1223 333999
Information provided by:



Faculty of Biology
Mail Address: MSU, Faculty of Biology, Russia, 119991, Moscow, 1-12
Leninskie Gory
Telephone +7 (495) 939-27-76

Mikhail P. Kirpichnikov, Chairman


7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
Department heads addresses:


South Africa:

Sweden: Upsala Universitet:


Moving on to an equally vital consumer protection solution, the following
articles by me show why aspartame/methanol/formaldehyde should be
prevented from being sold in your nation.

Please forward them on to the Head of State, the Health Minister, and the
Minister of Justice/Attorney General, as a way to protect the health of
your nation. This chemical is made by Ajinomoto of Japan,, which has
subsidiary factories in France, Brazil, and the United States. There are
numerous Chinese factories as well.

Pakistan has done a commendable job of blocking imports of Monosodium
Glutamate, the Excitotoxin, but should move on to the next phase, which is
to prevent imports of aspartame, made by the same corporation, Ajinomoto
of Japan.

Accordingly, I have asked Japan’s Emperor Naruhito to stop the exports
from this poison factory in Japan henceforth. Details are in the article
at the end of this list, along with William Henry Gates III’s patent
number for the weaponized coronavirus, which is from the London patent
office [WO 2016 012793 A1], so I have also asked England’s head of state
to revoke that patent.

Advancing Epidemiological Truth as it Arrives through Journalism Outside
of the Mainstream Media

Advancing Epidemiological Truth as it Arrives through Journalism Outside of the Mainstream Media


Maryland’s Chief Federal Judge, James Bredar: Requested to Order FDA to
Rescind Approval for Aspartame/Formaldehyde


Gates and Rumsfeld in the International Criminal Court for Genocide

Gates and Rumsfeld in the International Criminal Court for Genocide


Japan’s Emperor Naruhito Asked to Rescind Exports of
Aspartame/Methanol/Formaldehyde, the Artificial Sweetener


Please print this out as well as share it widely. I encourage you to take
the time to call the Queen of England at Windsor Castle to ask her
personally to

1. Rescind the approval for aspartame/methanol/formaldehyde as an
artificial sweetener.

2. Revoke her patent on Gates’ weaponized virus [WO 2016 012793 A1]

You could give the speech in the Camera Diputada and ask the entire
Parliament to do so as well. at the end of that future speech, you could
ask all of them to send a letter of AMICUS CURIE to ALL 14 MEMBERS OF THE
INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE as well as to Fatou Bensouda.

Thank you.


Advancing Epidemiological Truth as it Arrives through Journalism Outside
of the Mainstream Media

Advancing Epidemiological Truth as it Arrives through Journalism Outside of the Mainstream Media

Advancing Epidemiological Truth as it Arrives through Journalism Outside
of the Mainstream Media
By Stephen Fox

Citing William Henry Gates III’s patent number from Her Majesty’s London
patent office from 2016 [WO 2016 012793 A1], I have recently asked
Elizabeth II and the Prince of Wales, Charles, to revoke that patent [lest
they be “impugned” in due course for their tacit and indirect approval of
a plan to kill 600 to 900 million people, perhaps even more, as many as
80%]. This is an integral part of United Nations Santa Fe.


I have for quite some time now described the chromosomally impossible
vaccine nonsense as part of William Henry Gates III’s and his Plandemic
Partners’ schemes for vast profiteering derived from his announced plans
in 2015 to remove 10-15% of the human population, even frequently citing
his patent number from Her Majesty’s London patent office from 2016, about
which I have recently asked Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness Charles,
to revoke, lest they be “impugned” in due course for their tacit and
indirect approval of a plan to kill 600 to 900 million people, perhaps
even more, as many as 80%.

Others have advised similarly, as well, for example, Ted Turner, Mikhail
Gorbachev, and Jacques Cousteau.

Regardless of what Heads of State do or do not do, the correct venue for
placing such concerns in order to stop on-going Genocide is the
International Courts in the Hague, as well as in National Courts in many
nations who want to end this destruction of their people, and that this is
part and parcel of the obvious long overdue solutions to protect those
10-15% of Humanity from destruction, one of the most significant actions
taken at United Nations Santa Fe, quite different from United Nations New
York City, Geneva Switzerland, Nairobi Kenya, and Wien Austria.

Aging of the Genome Jan Vijg, PhD, Professor, Chair of Department of
Genetics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine Dr. Vijg is studying genome
and epigenome institute. I several times have asked Dr. Jan Vijg, Chairman
of the Department of Genetics at Einstein University in the Bronx to
confirm the chromosomal absurdities of Gates’ and Rumsfeld’s profiteering
plans. Call him!

Yolanne A. Blake, Administrative Coordinator to Dr. Jan Vijg, Tel:

I perceived all of this early on and have written extensive warnings over
the past six months, the most significant being the filing of a case at
the International Court of Justice, which asked the 14 members thereof to
issue an Injunction in all Jurisdictions to stop William Henry Gates III’s
on going genocide. Because I am not a Nation, and because that court is
only for Nations, the lower court, the International Criminal Court asked
for the files to be transferred to them. There are concurrent heads of
state who will in due course clarify their support thereof, but at this
point, they have a wait-and-see-what-happens-next attitude.

Between 2020 and 2025, there won’t be any Allied forces like there were in
World War II to discover Dachau, Bergen Belsen, Treblinka, etc. You either
get it or you don’t.


Now Physicians are objecting, this from Wyoming’s Igor Shepherd: Medical
Doctor/Manager for Wyoming’s State Public Health Department/Preparedness
Unit Warns About Unfolding Medical Tyranny & Dark, Deadly History of Covid
Vaccine Development – Truth Comes to Light

COVID Vaccines “Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction” says Wyoming
Medical Doctor and Manager for Wyoming’s State Public Health Department
Dr. Igor Shepherd is a medical doctor/manager for Wyoming’s State Public
Health Department/Preparedness Unit, and is on the Covid response team.

I was able to have a conversation with Dr. Shepherd after he did a talk
for “Keep Colorado Free and Open” [recently].

Dr. Shepherd wrote to me, and I was able to get a copy of his important
talk. He has taken great risk to do this talk about the horrors of this
new ‘Covid-19′ vaccine, so I recommend that all watch and listen.

It is a fairly long talk and questions are answered at the end, but it is
worth every minute of your time.

He calls them “Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction.”

Dr. Shepherd was born and raised in the Soviet Union, and became a
Military Doctor in St. Petersburg, Russia, and studied under the Strategic
Rocket Force.

He is an expert today on bio-weapons, Chemical, Biological, Radiological,
Nuclear, and high yield Explosives,(CBRNE) and Pandemic preparedness.

His view is that these vaccines are very similar technology to the
bio-weapon RND used to develop viral weapons. He fully understands that
the plan of depopulation and mandatory vaccinations will be at our
doorstep very soon, and is shocked that the American people are so passive
concerning this enemy takeover.

He believes that this fake pandemic is the means by which a communist
global government will be ushered into existence; one that cannot be voted

I agree with this thinking, as this technocratic takeover and economic
destruction will be communistic in nature.

see also: LinkedIn


India Holds Bill Gates Accountable For His Vaccine Crimes
India Holds Bill Gates Accountable For His Vaccine Crimes ⋆


Sara Cunial: Bill Gates’ Depopulation Agenda Slammed In Italian Chamber of
Deputies (Audio & Subtitles Corrected) – YouTube

Bill Gates’ Depopulation Agenda Slammed In Italian Chamber of Deputies
(Audio & Subtitles Corrected) – YouTube Directed to the International
Criminal Court’s Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda. So accurate, this video, that
it has been spontaneously translated into 10 other languages on YouTube,
yet nothing from Sara in a speech in the Italian Parliament since May,


African Heads of State have been sending in their Amicus Curie Briefs to
both the International Court of Justice and to the International Criminal

An early video of John Pombe Magufuli, Ph. D. President of Tanzania: From
Kenya Television, six month ago:

Le pre’sident tanzanien demande une enquête après des re’sultats de tests
suspects – YouTube [in French, so if you want English, look for it]


Vaccine Genocide Exposed is part of

Gates and Rumsfeld in the International Criminal Court for Genocide –


Italian Physician, Dr. Roberto Petrella, Warns Citizens About COVID-19
Depopulation Vaccine (VIDEO) –

Covid-19, means the “certificate of identification of vaccination with
artificial intelligence and “19”, it is the year in which it was created.

Covid-19 is not the name of the virus, pay attention, it is rather the
name of the International plan for the control and reduction of
populations which has been developed over the last decades and launched in

What reactivates the virus, is the immune ground in which it finds itself
weakened by former vaccinations. What they intend to inject inside of us
is going to be the most terrible vaccines of all. It is a literally a
descent into hell, with the aim of a massive depopulation of over 80% of
the population. Do not take the tests: the tests are not reliable.

I have always said it and will repeat myself, just like many test
producers also affirm: none of the tests are able to accurately detect the
Sars Cov-2 virus. They only detect an infinity of small harmless viruses
or cell debris which are naturally already part of our microbiota. The
people tested will increasingly appear positive in tests (about 90%).

This is their goal, and this is why they started the testing process with
children. On May the 11th, no television, nor newspaper, or
Italian/Berlusconi broadcast announced that in France mass testing was
being imposed in all schools. There were about 700 thousand tests every
week. Howeer nobody unfortunately, broke this news. So, once your child
gets screened, the whole family and all immediate contacts, will be forced
to be screened. Pay attention Italians, listen. Do not listen to the
charlatans, the ignorant, who reject the truth. I remind you, that we are
not sick;

We are, on the contrary, just healthy carriers of this virus. Having the
virus does not necessarily mean that you are sick: you healthy and fine.
But everyone will still appear, pay attention, positive in the tests. In
fact, they make you repeat the tests 2 or 3 times. All facility employees,
especially in the health care sector, take the tests every month. All they
need to obtain is this: make everybody believe that they are sick. Being
positive means being labeled as harmful. Pay attention Italians, listen to
me. Refusing the detection of the virus, is the only key to avoid being


May 8, 2020

Bill Gates History of Vaccine Corruption Inflicting Harm and Death on
Unsuspecting People in Poor Countries
by Christina England Health Impact News

A recent petition asking for the U.S. government to investigate the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation for crimes against humanity, already signed
by over a half of a million people, shows that the activities of Bill and
Melinda Gates are being looked at more closely by the public these days.

However, this is not the first time that Mr. Gates has received criticism
for his dodgy dealings involving vaccination policies worldwide for more
than a decade.

Gates Commits Crimes Against the Children of India
In 2014, an article that was published by the Economic Times of India,
titled Controversial vaccine studies: Why is Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation under fire from critics in India? stated:

“In 2009, several schools for tribal children in Khammam district in
Telangana then a part of undivided Andhra Pradesh became sites for
observation studies for a cervical cancer vaccine that was administered to
thousands of girls aged between nine and 15.

The girls were administered the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine in
three rounds that year under the supervision of state health department
officials. The vaccine used was Gardasil, manufactured by Merck. It was
administered to around 16,000 girls in the district, many of whom stayed
in state government-run hostels meant for tribal students.”

Tragically, months later, many of the students had become ill and, by
2010, five of them had died.

For more on this subject, see:

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Vaccine Empire on Trial in India.
Professionals and activists in India were so outraged by the situation
that on October 29, 2012, activists Kalpana Mehta and Nalini Bhanot, along
with Dr. Rukmini Rao, President of the Gramya Resource Centre for Women in
India, filed a writ petition with the Supreme Court of India under Article
32 of The Constitution of India for Women. The petition was filed against:

Drug Controller General of India
Indian Council of Medical Research (funded by Gates Foundation)
State of Andhra Pradesh
State of Gujarat
PATH International (funded by Gates Foundation)
GlaxoSmithKline Asia Private Limited
MSD Pharmaceuticals also known as Merck Private Limited
(Please note that GSK and Merck have also received funding from the Gates

The petition outlined a series of serious allegations regarding the HPV
vaccines Gardasil® and Cervarix®. Petitioners Kalpana Mehta, Nalini Bhanot
and Dr. Rukmini Rao reported that the two HPV vaccines were illegally
brought into the states of Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat and subsequently
were administered to thousands of young, vulnerable Indian children before
the vaccines were known to be safe.

The three petitioners told the court that even though the Indian
government and the above organizations knew the HPV vaccines were of
dubious value and of speculative benefits, they continued to allow a trial
using both the Gardasil® and Cervarix® vaccines without regard to the
potential endangerment of the lives of adolescent girls.

The petition outlined how the above organizations vaccinated tens of
thousands of vulnerable girls aged between 10-14 years and then abandoned
them without providing any information on potential adverse reactions,
scheduling follow-up examinations, or offering post-vaccine treatment.

Petitioners stated that the unlicensed HPV vaccines only became licensed
midway through the project:

“These vaccines had not been assessed with respect to safety and efficacy
for the Indian population where adolescent girls are overwhelmingly anemic
and malnourished. No steps were taken to ensure the health and safety of
the girls.

They were not screened adequately for contraindications.

On the contrary, they were told that the vaccine had no adverse effects,
not even those that were acknowledged by the manufacturers.

Referral and treatment of serious adverse effects was not planned and as a
result, private doctors and government hospitals were not aware that the
girls coming to them in serious condition were subjects of vaccine trials.
No monitoring of the program was done. No course correction was made.
After vaccination, the girls were dumped with no follow up.” [emphasis

All girls were vaccinated by the U.S.-based NGO (Non-Government
Organization) and PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health).

As stated in the petition, the project was discontinued only after several
women’s organizations reported:

Deaths among the participants
The use of vulnerable population
Lack of informed consent
The petitioners accused project leaders of falsification of the records
and stated that the project had been carried out with severe lack of
monitoring, stating that PATH and the Indian Council of Medical Research
(ICMR) as well as state authorities covered up the adverse effects and
deaths that have been described in the petition.

In an interview, Kalpana Mehta told us that there had been gross anomalies
in the death-related documentation, indicating a cover-up and that even
the age of the girls who died failed to match the projects records. She

“The dates of postmortems were poorly documented and inaccurate and
instead of being written on hospital stationary many had been written on
plain paper without signatures.”

The fact that there was no parental consent is truly shocking, however,
when you delve more deeply into the organizations that were behind this
unethical vaccination experiment, you discover the possible reasons why.

One reason could have been the fact that, according the website
TECHRIGHTS, the Gates Foundation had been found to be indirectly paying
scientists to exaggerate vaccination needs.

If that was not bad enough, a document found on the World Health
Organization (WHO) website titled Summary of Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation-supported HPV Vaccine Partner Activities stated:

“Harvard University, the International Agency for Research on Cancer
(IARC), PATH, and the World Health Organization (WHO) are undertaking
activities focused on preparing for HPV vaccine introduction in developing

These activities, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, represent
a multifaceted, coordinated strategy for making HPV vaccines available,
acceptable, and affordable to those most in need. Summaries of each
organization’s goals related to HPV vaccine introduction and key
milestones are outlined below.” [emphasis added]

Reading this document alone is evidence enough that the HPV vaccination
experiment that took place in 2009 was largely funded by the Gates

However, this was not the only alleged crime against the children of India
that was funded by the Gates Foundation.

Children in India Given Oral Polio
It has been widely publicized that Bill Gates is on a mission to eradicate
wild polio from developing countries.

In 2012, the CDC published a press release titled Update on
Vaccine-Derived Polioviruses Worldwide, April 2011-June 2012. They wrote:

“In 1988, the World Health Assembly resolved to eradicate poliomyelitis
worldwide. One of the main tools used in polio eradication efforts has
been the live, attenuated oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV).

This inexpensive vaccine is administered easily by mouth, makes recent
recipients resistant to infection by wild polioviruses (WPVs), and
provides long-term protection against paralytic disease through durable
humoral immunity.

Nonetheless, rare cases of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis can
occur both among immunologically normal OPV recipients and their contacts
and among persons who are immunodeficient.

In addition, vaccine-derived polioviruses (VDPVs) can emerge to cause
polio outbreaks in areas with low OPV coverage and can replicate for years
in persons who are immunodeficient.” [emphasis added]

They continued:

“VDPVs can cause paralytic polio in humans”” [emphasis added]

The CDC recommended that the best way to deal with this problem is mass
vaccination. They stated:

“To prevent VDPV emergence and spread, all countries should maintain high
vaccination coverage against all three poliovirus serotypes.”

Immunodeficiency disorders occur when the body’s immune response is
reduced or absent. In other words, governments worldwide are actively
promoting a vaccine that they know will cause millions of vulnerable, sick
and immunodeficient children to develop vaccine-induced polio.

In order for governments to mass vaccinate more efficiently, they are
fully backing the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a group that has made
it very clear that their aim is to eradicate wild polio.

However, it appears that Bill Gates was ignorant of the fact that his
efforts were causing tens of thousands of children to suffer from
vaccine-induced polio.

The Rates of Vaccine-Induced Polio Soar
This all sounds impressive, until you realize that cases of
vaccine-induced polio are reaching epic proportions.

In a paper published in the Medical Journal of Medical Ethics, authors
Neetu Vashishi and Jacob Puliyel stated that:

“” while India has been polio-free for a year, there has been a huge
increase in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP).

In 2011, there were an extra 47,500 new cases of NPAFP. Clinically
indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence
of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received.

Though this data was collected within the polio surveillance system, it
was not investigated. The principle of primum-non-nocere was violated.”

With numbers of this size being reported, you would think that someone,
somewhere, would have tried to stop the devastation.

However, instead of realizing what was happening and stopping the
vaccination program in its tracks, governments worldwide, have instead,
continued to support Bill Gates.

However, it appears that all is not well and that India may be losing
confidence in Gates’ vaccination programs. Because in 2017, it was
reported that India had decided to cut some of its funding ties with the
foundation. See: India cuts some funding ties with Gates Foundation on

Gates Causes More Devastation – This Time in Africa
In December 2012, in the small village of Gouro, Chad, Africa, situated on
the edge of the Sahara Desert, five hundred children were locked into
their school and threatened that if they did not agree to being
force-vaccinated with a meningitis A vaccine, they would receive no
further education.

These children were vaccinated without their parents’ knowledge. This
vaccine was an unlicensed product still going through the third and fourth
phases of testing.

Within hours, 106 children began to suffer from headaches, vomiting,
severe uncontrollable convulsions and paralysis.

The children’s wait for a doctor began. They had to wait one full week for
a doctor to arrive while the team of vaccinators proceeded to vaccinate
others in the village.

When the doctor finally came, he could do nothing for the children. The
team of vaccinators, upon seeing what had happened, fled the village in

The original report was written in a small, local newspaper called La
Voix. The newspaper stated that forty children were finally transferred to
a hospital in Faya and later taken by plane to two hospitals in N’Djamena,
the capital city of Chad.

After being moved around several times, many of these sick children were
finally taken back to their village without a diagnosis and each family
was given an unconfirmed sum of £1000 by the government. No forms were
signed and no documentation was seen. They were informed that their
children had not suffered a vaccine injury.

However, if this were true, why would their government award each family
£1000 in what has been described by their parents as hush money?

The only mainstream news channel to have highlighted the plight of these
poor children was a local channel called Tchad, which filmed footage of
the then-Prime Minister of Chad visiting the children in hospital.

VacTruth, who reported on this story, owns copies of all of the original
reports, along with a wide range of medical and government documents.

However, despite this evidence and VacTruth’s detailed and extensive
coverage, including highlighting television footage, once again, the
vaccine program was hailed a success.

The groups behind this project were PATH, WHO, UNICEF, and the Gates
Foundation, and during Vactruth’s investigations, it was discovered that
in fact the whole project was run by the Bill and Melinda Gates

Please see VacTruth’s video containing original footage and documents.

In a press release regarding the vaccination, the Gates Foundation stated:

“MenAfriVac is a tremendous success story for the global health community.
It is the first vaccine developed specifically for Africa, and it proves
that global partnerships can develop and deliver high-quality, low-cost

Ten years ago, we invested in the Meningitis Vaccine Project, an
innovative model that brought together PATH, the World Health
Organization, African health ministers and the Serum Institute of India
today, we celebrate the result: a modern vaccine selling for less than US
50 cents per dose with the potential to end Africa’s deadly meningitis

We believe that vaccines are one of the best buys in global health. In
January, Bill and Melinda Gates called on the global community to make
this the Decade of Vaccines. There is no better way to launch this decade
than with a new vaccine that will improve and save lives.”

However, if these disasters were not enough, it appears that the Gates
Foundation struck again two years later, this time using a tetanus
vaccination laced with hormone hCG.

(Human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG, is a hormone produced naturally in
pregnancy to encourage the development of the growing fetus. However, when
hCG is combined with the tetanus toxoid carrier in tetanus vaccinations,
it causes a pregnant woman to produce antibodies against the pregnancy and
leads her to miscarry.)

Tetanus Vaccines Laced with Hormones Known to Cause Miscarriage
Image from UNICEF YouTube Video

In 2014, doctors from the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association discovered
that the tetanus vaccinations that had been administered to 2.3 million
girls and women by the World Health Organization and UNICEF had been
contaminated with the anti-fertility hormone hCG.

Interestingly, this news came after it was announced that the Gates
Foundation had awarded UNICEF $26 million to eliminate maternal and
neonatal Tetanus (MNT) by 2005.

Full story: African Women Injected With Vaccines Laced with Anti-fertility

Sadly, by September of 2017, MG Modern Ghanareported that more than
500,000 young girls and women had become infertile, following the tetanus
vaccine administered by the government in 2014 and 2015.

This was something that Dr. Ngare, who reported the situation to the
authorities, had been desperate to avoid.

However, it appears that Gates and his friends were not satisfied with
their efforts and so they decided to introduce a second vaccine containing
hormones, to the citizens of Kenya.

Dr. Ngare Raises Concerns Over a Second Vaccine Contaminated with Hormones
In 2015, the Kenyan Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) reported that
they had decided to boycott the current polio vaccine program because they
believed that the vaccine manufactured by the Serum Institute of India,
another organization which received funding from the Gates Foundation, may
contain estradiol, a derivative of the estrogen hormone, which is believed
to cause infertility.

NPR news stated that:

“In Kenya, vaccine suspicion has taken its own local strain, aimed less at
vaccines themselves than at the international bodies, like the U.N. and
WHO, that distribute them.

The distrust has been fueled by WHO’s decision to blanket Kenya with polio
vaccines, well over and above routine injections, in an effort to boost
population immunity.

The idea is that some of the people reached by the campaign will have
already been vaccinated, but some will not.

The WHO says there’s no harm in giving extra vaccines to children who are
already vaccinated.”

To discover why these concerns had arisen, we contacted Dr. Ngare at that
time to ask him more about his fears and the concerns of the KCCB.

Dr. Ngare told Health Impact News that the KCCB first became concerned
about the polio vaccination program after the tetanus vaccinations were
found to be contaminated the previous year.

He explained that the KCCB had informed the government on releasing the
final tetanus vaccine report in February 2015 and that their support for
any future vaccination campaigns would be on the condition that joint
government/KCCB testing took place before, during and post-vaccination.

As they were in the process of negotiating joint testing, they took the
liberty of collecting samples from the field from the new shipment brought
in for a vaccination campaign planned for April, before any immunization
took place. Dr. Ngare explained that when the KCCB tested a selection of
polio vaccines from the field, they discovered that two of the six
vaccines tested contained estradiol.

He explained that while there have been no human studies to determine the
effect that this could have on humans, in animal studies, estradiol, when
exposed to males, has been shown to damage the sperm-forming mechanism in
the testes.

For the full story, see:

Dr. Ngare Confirms That a Second Vaccine Has Been Contaminated With
Hormones Known to Cause Infertility.
After all of these tragedies involving vaccine programs initiated by the
Gates Foundation, we believe that it is not difficult to understand why
U.S. citizens have asked the White House to investigate the foundation in
more detail, as Mr. Gates announces his intent to provide a COVID-19
vaccine to vaccinate the entire world, using new technology for this
vaccine that has never been used before, including embedding one’s
vaccination status into their skin using an invisible “tatoo” into one’s

Mass Sterilization of Millions of African Girls through Tetanus Vaccine
Scandal Broadens as Kenyan Laboratory Attacked 7 Billion Doses of COVID-19
Vaccine for World’s Population of 7 Billion – Was This the Plan All Along?
Bill Gates’ Plan to use Microneedles to Deliver COVID19 Vaccine and Embed
Vaccination Status into the Skin

Leaving a lucrative career as a nephrologist (kidney doctor), Dr. Suzanne
Humphries is now free to actually help cure people.

In this autobiography she explains why good doctors are constrained within
the current corrupt medical system from practicing real, ethical medicine.

One of the sane voices when it comes to examining the science behind
modern-day vaccines, no pro-vaccine extremist doctors have ever dared to
debate her in public.


The Monsanto Tribunal is over, but many people around the world keep on
fighting against Bayer-Monsanto, and for a better, fairer and more
sustainable world. This newsletter is an opportunity to keep yourself and
your friends updated about the latest developments, and to discover other
organisations and initiatives.

To deal or not to deal: Bayer to pay billions to glyphosate victims

Bayer is battling some 125,000 lawsuits linked to Roundup and
glyphosate-based herbicides manufactured by Monsanto. Bayer offered an $11
billion (€9.3 billion) deal to stop most of the US court cases and
compensate the victims. This deal was agreed with three law firms in
September. But not all plaintiffs are happy with the settlement. Some
don’t agree, because they will only receive a ridiculous amount of money
despite years of expensive cancer treatments and ongoing pain and
suffering. Others have died while waiting for a resolution. Meanwhile, the
Californian Supreme Court denied Bayer a review of the 1st US Roundup
case, Dewayne Johnson vs. Monsanto, so it still as to pay him $20.5
million. To be continued.

Justice for French Farmer and Pesticide Victim Paul François

In October 2020, the French Supreme Court rejected Monsanto’s last appeal
and decided that the company is liable for health damage to French farmer
Paul François, who was a witness in the International Monsanto Tribunal.
This is the final decision in a long legal battle of almost 14 years. The
farmer had sued Monsanto for intoxication and illness related to the lack
of labelling of Lasso herbicide. He won at the first instance, then on
appeal and finally at the Court of Cassation. Now the Lyon Court of
Justice will decide on the amount of damage to be paid. You can find the
verdict on the website of Justice Pesticides, an organisation that
collects all court cases and jurisprudences on pesticides in the world as
information to help victims of pesticides. The organisation is closely
connected to the Monsanto Tribunal and offers a tool in English and French
for information and cooperation of victims, thanks to a database of legal
cases that will help them to act themselves. Please consider to support
them and to sign up (soon) receive their newsletter.

Huge Profits From Export of Banned Pesticides

Dangerous chemicals that are banned for use in the EU for environmental or
health damages are still legally produced there for export to other
countries. A new investigation from the Swiss NGO Public Eye shows that
chemical companies, such as Syngenta and Ineos, make huge profits this
way. And these toxic pesticides return to Europe through residues in food
products. Of course the big chemical companies Bayer-Monsanto, BASF and
Syngenta have put up a strong lobby to prevent a ban on this immoral
practice. Civil society organisations are calling on the EU to halt the
production and export of banned pesticides to third countries and close
this loophole in the law. The EU commission has indicated that it may
indeed consider a ban.

EU export pesticides – Public Eye

© Martin Grandjean ( / Public Eye / Unearthed

Bayer-Monsanto’s Successful Lobby Against Glyphosate Ban in Thailand

The Thai government had decided to ban 3 toxic pesticides, including to
ban glyphosate in October last year, citing concerns over the impact of
the chemical on human health. A few days before the ban was due to come
into force, the government dropped the plan for glyphosate. Recently it
became clear that this was the result of intensive lobbying by
Bayer-Monsanto. This is detailed in more than 200 pages of partially
redacted documents and emails, some directly between US officials and a
Bayer representative. The documents were obtained under the US Freedom of
Information Act by the Center for Biological Diversity.

Monsanto’s Dicamba Herbicide Linked to Cancer gets 5-year Approval in the US

Currently there are many lawsuits in the US against Bayer-Monsanto for
damage caused by dicamba. This highly toxic herbicide is used to combat
roundup resistant weeds. However, it is very volatile and easily reaches
other fields and gardens, damaging crops and trees. Also, a recent study
in the International Journal of Epide

3 thoughts on “All vaccinations for this planned scamdemic are chromosomally impossible

  1. If information was power, this article could sustain us for millennia, however useless it currently is. 😉

  2. It was NEVER about a virus. It was about a global reset and total control/regulation of a population.

  3. No, it’s about exterminating most of the world population.
    Which is really really stupid considering the approaching solar nova


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