America First? Trump Sends More Than a Million Face Masks to Israel

Another Day in the Empire – by Kurt Nimmo

On April 9, Israel’s Jerusalem Post reported Trump’s Department of Defense (sic) sent over a million face masks to the Israel Defense (Occupation) Forces, thus again demonstrating his neocon infested administration is busy making Israel Great Again (for Jews—all goyim are second class citizens).

On April 9, Israel’s Jerusalem Post reported Trump’s Department of Defense (sic) sent over a million face masks to the Israel Defense (Occupation) Forces, thus again demonstrating his neocon infested administration is busy making Israel Great Again (for Jews—all goyim are second class citizens).

It didn’t take long for Americans suffering lockdown and a serious shortage of face masks and other PPE items to vent their anger.

From Al Bawaba:

An Israeli press report claiming the US Department of Defense had shipped one million face masks to Israel to help protect Israeli soldiers has angered Americans, causing some to question the Trump administration’s priorities amid the coronavirus pandemic amid reports of shortages of protective equipment for US health workers.

The IDF basically controls the media in Israel, so the mention was deleted from the Post.

The Pentagon’s alleged shipment was initially reported by the Jerusalem Post, however mention of American involvement was later scrubbed, raising suspicions that US public anger may have forced Israeli military censors to act.

Israel’s army is notorious for tightly monitoring media output, having barred or redacted over 2,000 stories just last year, according to the Movement for Freedom of Information.

Meanwhile, due to serious shortages, the Pentagon has ordered the Department of Veteran Affairs to decide which workers get masks and which don’t.

And when workers complain, they are fired.

But rest assured, the US taxpayer-financed occupation—worse than apartheid—of Gaza and what’s left of the West Bank will continue and the enforcers of Israel’s ongoing crimes against humanity will be protected from the virus, thanks to Trump, his settler-friendly son-in-law, and the Pentagon.

In the meantime, you should look for an old t-shirt to cut up and fashion into a worthless cloth fear mask that does virtually nothing to protect you.

Another Day in the Empire

One thought on “America First? Trump Sends More Than a Million Face Masks to Israel

  1. A true American enemy and traitor, been promised the world by some scum bag in Israel. Trump is praying his fortune will remain intact, nothing can be further from the truth.

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