America – Government by Treason

Israeli and American flagsVeterans Today – by Sami Jamil Jadallah

I am sure you will not see this on the front page of the New York Times or the Washington Post and if that happens only to implicate and demonize Iran. The revelation by the Guardian that the US NSA routinely shares “raw Signit” with Israel is more than any decent loyal and patriotic American citizens can accept, take or justify. It is a prima facie case of “treason” committed by our American government in favor of a foreign government and country. Why jail people for “treason” when our government does it for free?  

I am sure it is not time to laugh but the title of the cooperation agreement between NSA and Israel should make us laugh as to how dismissive and the degree of contempt our officials have for us, US citizens and tax payers.

Memorandum of Understanding Between National Security Agency/ Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) And The Israel SIGNIT National Unit (ISNU)

Pertaining to the Protection of US Persons

It is an insult to all, to every Americans, Democrats, Republicans, Tea Party, Leftists, Rightist, Black, White or Hispanic and to Americans of all faiths or no faith? For such an agreement to exist and to be negotiated “voluntarily” by officials of our government.

I have no doubt that the two persons who negotiated and signed this “memorandum” are both Israelis citizens and if not then “our” is an Israeli First guy. Israel in the released document is deemed to have the most aggressive intelligence agencies against the US.

While our government decided to give Israel such sweeping access to all data on our citizens and officials, the Israelis when they pass on intelligence to our government it is either to make us look fools and stupid, or to get us in trouble.

The Guardians informs us that the NSA provides Israel with raw intelligence without screening or evaluation or control or any thing to protect US national security, with raw data includes but not limited to “ transcript, gists, facsimiles, telex, voice, and digital network intelligence, intelligence metadata and content”.

Just imagine that the guy and the agency that negotiated this agreement did not provide any protection for any of the US government departments or agencies, with the NSA providing information and data on all communications between the White House and all executive departments and agencies.

Not sure if the communications and intelligence passed on to Israel cover Congress or not but don’t worry, AIPAC and ADL run the place and have access to all data and information, including all personal and private information all members of Congress and have access to drafts, files, national security files and data, including those submitted by the White Hose, State and Defense and have access to all internal communications between members of Congress and other departments or lobbies.

While the Obama Administration and agencies do not share such information with any of the 50 governors of these states that forms this union called the United States of America, it shares it with the only legitimate states in this Union, Israel the 51st State, the only states whose citizens do not volunteer in our armies, do not pay federal taxes, do not fight our wars, and does not pay out national debt. They only dance when thousands of Americans dies as happened on 11 September 2001. Now that is what I call truly “Special Relationship”.

The Obama administration not only lied when it told us that there are mechanism for protecting the rights and privacy of US citizens, when in fact, it simply releases to Israel raw intelligence and data on US citizens without any protection, leaving it to Israel to do the screening. The Obama administration is run and operated from Tel-Aviv and Chicago Zionist mafia failed even to include provision to protect itself and its internal communication from being passed on to Israel. Now that is what I call “loyalty” to Israel.

Having so much trust and confidence in the 51st state of Israel, the Obama administration leaves it to Israel to decide which US government document it can “destroy on recognition”.

Ah well what one can say more than that. Perhaps we all should become citizens of this 51st State at least then we can be sure that our rights are protected in the same way Israel protects the rights of its citizens. Time to impeach the entire US governments for acts of treason that goes beyond any thing that Jonathan Pollard did.

3 thoughts on “America – Government by Treason

  1. This to me is the very height of treason. What in God’s name has gone wrong with this country? Have we now turned everything over to a bunch of God damned Jews?

  2. Ted Pike calls Talmudic Judaism “Mystery Babylon, Mother of Harlots.” Maybe he’s right, and that’s why the traitors are doing this. Others call Talmudic Judaism “the Synagogue of Satan”…Jesus Christ, for instance…after all, the Talmud was written by the Pharisees (aka the “Synagogue of Satan”)

  3. WHAT THE F**K is wrong with the people of this country. HAVE THEY NO FRIGGIN’ BRAINS???!!!!! You don’t just hand shit over to another country. I don’t care he claims to be a representative of the happiest place on Earth and I don’t mean Disney (which by the way is the darkest place on Earth). What the hell is a matter with you people? Have you no balls? You let a bunch of idiots from the other side of the world tell you what to do? You’re afraid of a country the size of what? Indiana? Are you kidding me? Are we that much of cowards? Afraid to break a nail or something? GROW UP AND DEAL WITH IT!! If you’re too afraid to protect your country, then give the job to some American who can.

    What the hell is a matter with these people? Honestly, this is completely absurd! And these bastards only make up like 1% of the population. F**K THEM!! I wanna see all of THEIR documents. Tell them to give us all their shit. If it’s one thing I hate the most it’s this ONE WAY/TWO SETS OF LAWS SHIT!! Same goes for those F**KING COPS who think the law doesn’t apply to them but it does to everyone else they harass. May you all burn in Hell for your crimes against humanity.

    Anyways, grow some balls and tell them if they want our government secrets and intel, they better be prepared to pry it from our cold dead hands!

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