Pope praises Jews for keeping their faith despite ‘trials’

The Ugly Truth

ed note–it was the Jews’ faith that led to them to reject and kill Jesus Christ. It is the Jews’ faith that believes that at this very moment, Jesus suffers in hell by being boiled in a vat of his own feces for having opposed the rabbis. It is the Jews’ faith that Jesus Blessed Mother Mary was a ‘whore who mated with Romans’.

Furthermore, it is the Jews’ faith that today has brought us such masterpieces in human suffering as Iraq, Syria, Libya, Gaza, Afghanistan, as well as depleted uranium, abortion on demand, pornography, usury and all the other crimes against humanity that cry out to heaven for justice, and if Jesus were here today, hearing the things being said by this man, His response would be the same as it was to Peter thousands of years ago when Peter spoke things that were contrary to the truth– ‘Get thee behind me Satan’.  


ROME — Pope Francis praised Jews for keeping their faith despite the Holocaust and other “terrible trials” throughout history, and reaffirmed Judaism as the “holy root” of Christianity.


Francis made the statements in an unprecedented open letter to Eugenio Scalfari, a prominent Italian atheist and founding editor of the liberal newspaper La Repubblica.

The pope’s letter, published on the front page of La Repubblica on Wednesday, came in response to editorials this summer written by Scalfari that had directly addressed the pontiff on issues of faith and religion.

The pope’s reply affirmed the necessity of an open dialogue with nonbelievers that he called “right and proper and precious.”

The pope also responded to Scalfari’s query about “what we should say to our Jewish brothers about the promise made to them by God: Has it all come to nothing?”

“Believe me,” the pope wrote, “this is a question that challenges us radically as Christians, because, with the help of God, especially since Vatican Council II, we have rediscovered that the Jewish people are still for us the holy root from which Jesus germinated.”

The pope said that, particularly through his close ties with Jews in his native Argentina, he had often, in prayer, “also questioned God, especially when my mind went to the memory of the terrible experience of the Shoah.”

He added that: “What I can say to you, with the Apostle Paul, is that God’s fidelity to the close covenant with Israel never failed and that, through the terrible trials of these centuries, the Jews have kept their faith in God. And for this, we shall never be sufficiently grateful to them as Church, but also as humanity.”

By doing so, Francis noted, Jews served as an example for Christians. “Precisely by persevering in the faith of the God of the Covenant,” he said, they “called all, also us Christians, to the fact that we are always waiting, as pilgrims, for the Lord’s return and, therefore, that we must always be open to Him and never take refuge in what we have already attained.”

Earlier this month, Francis wished the Jewish people a happy new year and called for interfaith dialogue between the world’s religious communities and leaders.

He also reiterated a statement made last June, saying “a Christian cannot be an anti-Semite,” and adding that “to be a good Christian it is necessary to understand Jewish history and traditions.”


5 thoughts on “Pope praises Jews for keeping their faith despite ‘trials’

    1. Millard from DiggerDan’s, Hey Goob Smacker, quit posting this on every comment tread. You have no clue as to the source and post it for your own sadistic pleasure. Sick f@#k.

  1. Now we must wonder what has gone wrong with the Catholic Church. These are the people working tirelessly to bring down the Christian and the Muslim World. They want to impose some Godless money oriented culture on the World.
    These despicable creatures think they are the “chosen people”….well whatever they were chosen for it is long since past. They claim to have received the “Ten Commandments” 3000 years ago and it looks like they’ve spent the past 3000 years looking for loopholes. They have ruined every other culture or nation in which they’ve been allowed to live and they’ve done it by trying to destroy the laws of the host country. They are experts at finding loopholes in any nations laws. So much so that now these loathsome creatures can insist that other nations conform to laws they feel they are exempt from. Never has there been a more loathsome worthless people. They insist that they and they alone are above all international laws regarding nuclear and chemical weapons.
    A good example of what Jews in power are like is former mayor of San Diego, Bob Filner. He represents the type of slimy contemptible Jew who thinks he can subject anyone to his depraved desires and still be given a pass to serve as mayor of a city…..same goes for Weiner of New York. These two stinking Jews are the archetype of what we can expect from this abominable people.
    At some point in time the people of the World are going to come to the conclusion that the only way to deal with these demons is to NOT deal with them…….isolate them….cut them off from everything.
    If that doesn’t work….well???????????

    Just writing about them makes one want to take a bath.

  2. I think he was secretly congratulating them for successfully infiltrating the Vatican, and admiring their plans to turn the Sistine Chapel into a synagogue.

  3. Somebody should tell the Pope that the holohoax never happened. Although I’m sure he has figured it out for himself at this point. 6 Million jews killed and burned to death in concentration camps? Sure. Yep. Not buying it. Near as I can calculate, there weren’t but 500,000 jewish folk living in Germany during the rise of the Nazi’s. What did Germany do? Import 5.5 million jews from the rest of Europe to kill them in the camps? If they hated them so much why not just shoot them where they found them? It would have been easier and cheaper. Did Germany suffer a bullit shortage? Did they all run out of ammo?
    It’s just not physically possible. Roughly 20 million people died during WWII, not counting soldiers or troops. Today, the jewish population is roughly 2% of the worlds population. Taking todays figure and using it to calculate the number of civilian deaths in Europe….what is 2% of 20 million?
    You will find the answer, that’s how many jews the Khazarians were willing to sacrifice so that Israel could be created. And then of course lie about it.

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