American lawmakers pass bill to deepen US bonds with Israel

Press TV

American lawmakers in Congress have passed a bill to deepen Washington’s bonds with Tel Aviv, making Israel a “major strategic partner” of the United States.

The US House of Representatives on Wednesday unanimously approved the US-Israel Strategic Partnership Act of 2014, which reflects “the sense of Congress that Israel is a major strategic partner of the United States,” and declares Washington’s “unwavering support” for Israel.  

The legislation passed the Senate unanimously in September and now goes to President Barack Obama for his signature.

The measure promotes closer ties in military, security, energy, business, agriculture, water management, research and academics.

The bill would also increase the value of US weaponry kept in Israel by $200 million to a total of $1.8 billion, allowing Tel Aviv to use them in the event of an emergency.

The legislation also grants Israelis visa-free travel rights to the US.

The powerful pro-Israel lobby AIPAC as well as many Jewish and pro-Israel lawmakers in Congress applied great influence over the passage of the bill.

In November, the Department of Defense announced plans to arm Israel with 3,000 smart bombs as part of Washington’s military aid to Tel Aviv.

The United States provides Israel with some $8.5 million in military aid per day, adding up to over $3 billion annually.

The US military aid to Israel has prompted several demonstrations across the country against such deals.

American protesters argue that the US taxpayer money is used for more Israeli aggression against Palestinians.


3 thoughts on “American lawmakers pass bill to deepen US bonds with Israel

  1. Yes, these traitors all swear an oath to “uphold” the Bill of Rights and Constitution but also swear an oath to Israel. Now, the Obama Administration is considering “sanctions” against Israel for continuing to build settlements in Jerusalem. So now, they shove their nose in there for more “brown stuff” to get the polarity theory at work. This is where they always will devise an opposing point of view or “take over” or discredit a true movement with agent saboteurs and provocateurs. The Israelis needed an opposing voice so Barry stepped up to the plate. None of them can do much about it as their careers would be ruined or they would end up shooting nine bullets into the back of their own head. We all know where the problem Lies!

  2. Yeh, this is some crazy kind of crazy shit. If my grasp to understand USA relationship with “Israel” is correct. We shovel money to them from the backs of our hard working Americans, to facilitate their genocides. They in turn use that money to ONLY cause strife, more genocide, pharmaceuticals, fund all of their black budget/hidden actions while at the same time they claim that the whole planet was given to them by the Creator. ie. They are the chosen race. Excuse me, but, the bible stated that Israel was given the calling and job description to be a blessing. Not a murderous parasitic entity whose lust for power and control cannot be satisfied. All of those who have passed/agreed to funding this kind of activity should be, needs to be, brought up on charges of genocide. These days it is easy to see their Zionist fingerprints on not only mankind of all colors but also upon the Earths Ecosystem as well. Thusly destroying all potentials of life producing systems from the smallest to us. What scum bags. But, using that word as compared to them gives scumbags a bad name. when David before he was made king fought against Goliath, Goliath was aligned with the Amalekites. They were practicing the same ritual sacrifices, witchcraft etc as the Maiyan culture under the tutelage of the fallen ones. In this culture. The power of granting life and the power of taking life (kind of like the hunger games) was only in the hands of a few. This is the same race of people who are depicted in the book of Esther. Chapter 3 that Haman was a descendant of. His father described as an Agagite who were descendants of the Amalekites. Ie. Amalek. This is who and what Esther and Mordecai were having to deal with. Haman got a ‘lawful’ decree passed that on one specific day upcoming, all the men woman and children who were of the race of Israel could and would be attacked and allowed by law to be murdered. Who knows what the term that was used in that day to get everybody to go along with it. Maybe the masses were distracted by trying to survive to pay attention to this scene that had developed. I’m pretty comfortable in surmising that as today, people in that time were only thinking about how to survive as well. Since no decree/law passed by the king could be reversed even by him, another strategy unfolded.This King obviously had a lot of common sense. Mordecai had saved the Kings life by unfolding a plot to murder him. His info proved to be true and plot was foiled. The king forgot about what Mordecai did for him until it was brought to his attention at the time that Mordecai, Esther, and all of the Israelites lives were being planned to be snuffed out.The law passed by the king allowed the Israelites to defend themselves with likewise force. .

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