Israel to pursue more aggressive policies against Palestinians: Analyst

Press TV

The next Israeli regime will adopt more brutal policies toward Palestinians, says a pundit.

Gilad Atzmon, a political commentator and author from London, said in an interview with Press TV that the next Israeli regime would seek “more wars and aggressions” against Palestinians across the occupied territories.  

The analyst added that the ongoing political turmoil in Israel was a direct result of the “Israeli defeat” in the recent war on the besieged Gaza Strip.

During the latest military aggression against Gaza in summer, Tel Aviv used advanced weapons to kill over 2,000 Palestinians and destroy thousands of their homes.

Israel plans to hold early parliamentary elections on March 17 amid a deepening political crisis.

On Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for the dissolution of the parliament. He also sacked Justice Minister Tzipi Livni and Finance Minister Yair Lapid.

The two ministers were among the critics of Netanyahu’s policies.

Atzmon went on to say that Netanyahu was pushing Israel toward right-wing politics by fueling “nationalist sentiments” and involving “Jewish orthodox” and fanatic rabbis in the politics.

Geoffrey Alderman, the British historian and occasional Press TV contributor, who was another guest participating in the debate on Press TV also said that the ongoing political crises were engineered by the Israeli premier in order to forward his right-wing agenda.

He added that the next Israeli regime will accelerate its occupation agenda by expanding illegal settlements on the occupied Palestinian land.


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