American middle class final stages of destruction

Uploaded on Nov 12, 2010 by 2ndLookNews
The American middle class is in its final stages of destruction. The burden of permits and regulations have made it imposable for small business to keep going. Shipping all our jobs over seas for cheap labor was one nail
in the coffin Soon the bottom rungs of the rich themselves will be destroyed.
Story adapted from a article at
Phantom Jobs
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Phantom Jobs…

also from a story by Kurt Nimmo
November 8, 2010

“Obama Defends Insane QE2
Takedown of Global Economy”…

2 thoughts on “American middle class final stages of destruction

  1. Exactly. It’s like thank you middle class for all your hard work over the years but everyone has caught on to our screw job now so we have to get rid of you
    so we can go back to hiding our screw job again.

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