America’s Israel Lobby Demands “Direct Military Strikes” Against Syria

Aletho News

“The objectives should be … to ensure that Assad’s chemical weapons no longer threaten … our allies in the region”

The names of the “experts” seeking a “decisive response” against Syria:  

Karl Rove
Senator Joseph I. Lieberman
Ammar Abdulhamid
Ambassador Robert G. Joseph Elliott Abrams
Dr. Robert Kagan
Dr. Fouad Ajami
Lawrence F. Kaplan
Michael Allen
James Kirchick
Dr. Michael Auslin
Irina Krasovskaya
Gary Bauer
Dr. William Kristol
Paul Berman
Bernard-Henri Levy
Max Boot
Dr. Robert J. Lieber
Ellen Bork
Ambassador L. Paul Bremer
Tod Lindberg
Matthew R. J. Brodsky
Mary Beth Long
Dr. Eliot A. Cohen
Dr. Thomas G. Mahnken
Senator Norm Coleman
Dr. Michael Makovsky
Ambassador William Courtney
Ann Marlowe
Seth Cropsey
Clifford D. May
James S. Denton
Dr. Alan Mendoza
Paula A. DeSutter
David A. Merkel
Dr. Larry Diamond
Dr. Joshua Muravchik
Dr. Paula J. Dobriansky
Ambassador Andrew Natsios
Thomas Donnelly
Governor Tim Pawlenty
Dr. Michael Doran
Martin Peretz
Mark Dubowitz
Danielle Pletka
Dr. Colin Dueck
Dr. David Pollock
Dr. Nicholas Eberstadt
Arch Puddington
Ambassador Eric S. Edelman
Douglas J. Feith
Randy Scheunemann
Reuel Marc Gerecht
Dan Senor
Abe Greenwald
Ambassador John Shattuck
Christopher J. Griffin
Lee Smith
John P. Hannah
Henry D. Sokolski
Dr. Jeffrey Herf
James Traub
Peter R. Huessy
Ambassador Mark D. Wallace
Dr. William Inboden
Michael Weiss
Bruce Pitcairn Jackson
Leon Wieseltier
Ash JainKhawla
Yusuf Dr. Kenneth Jensen
Robert Zarate
Allison Johnson
Dr. Radwan Ziadeh


The list above corresponds closely with the PNAC signatories whom demanded war on Iraq:

Persons associated with the PNAC

Project directors

[as listed on the PNAC website:]

Project staff

Former directors and staff

Signatories to Statement of Principles

Signatories or contributors to other significant letters or reports[15]

13 thoughts on “America’s Israel Lobby Demands “Direct Military Strikes” Against Syria

  1. Great article. It’s nice to see all these traitors ( listed above ). How about we call them ” The Double Tap Club “.
    The C-130 comment is an awesome idea too.

  2. if these Jews want to fight so bad then let every stinking one of them pick up a gun and invade Syria. It is not Gentile American’s place to do the work of a bunch of stinking Jews. If this attack does happen and America loses a ship or two or more from a Syrian anti-ship missile (Sunburn or Moskit) the American people are going to know what to do.

  3. It’s mostly Jews, but so are those dedicated to disarming us & silencing us with “hate speech laws” in the making.

    1. Would those be the one’s in Congress holding dual citizenship with Israel? … i.e. all those who gave Bebe a standing ovation when he spoke before OUR Congress? Heck, they don’t even give “Ho-Bo” a standing ovation.

      . . .

      1. I saw that standing ovation display when Netanyahu spoke before congress & it was embarrassing!
        It was truly pathetic how slavish our lawmakers are to that little nation that refuses to draw a border & has no constitution.
        All of them leapt to their feet like eager little seals begging to be noticed as having their heads deeper up his ass than the next senator.
        That shows us who rules us.

  4. round the whole bunch up(those physically located in the USA)
    deport them, no advance notice to them……
    with instructions…..Do you Want Back in?
    Go over to Syria and do the job yourself. FIRST ! Then if you get through that,
    leave the rest of us, the hell alone….forever.

  5. “To ensure that Assad’s chemical weapons no longer threaten our “allies” in the region”. WHAT ALLIES???? You mean, Israhell, that tried to send the USS Liberty to the bottom, killing 34 sailors and wounding over 170?? That ALLY?? You possibly mean the Mossad and the dancing Israelis that had their part in 9/11/2001?? All these neocon pieces of filth that think WE AMERICAN NATIONALS should sacrifice one penny or life for them better do some re-thinking. Because we just got a nice list to start on when the time comes to restore the republic. I suggest hanging with a hemp rope, but not around the neck, that would be too quick and easy for their likes. I say hang them with the rope under their arm pits, and let them dangle out in the full sun so they have some time to THINK about all the crimes they have committed. Perhaps a few shotgun shells full of rock salt to their backside would add to their misery, and add a new dimension to their thinking. These scum of the earth people are all traitors to our country.

    1. Exactly! What allies? We have no allies. Other than Israel, Britain and France are our only allies and even they are shrinking in fear. What a joke.

  6. i love how jews in this country dont see themselves as gentiles yet they are. All non israeli born people are gentiles.
    I agree with shipping them out to go fight for the cause.

    1. A Jew by the Talmudic definition is one whose mother was a Jew.
      Rupert Murdoch, owner of newscorp which owns FOX news mother was a Jew, so he is too.
      That explains why FOX is the biggest cheerleader for any military action that benefits Israel no matter how much it harms the US.

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