14 thoughts on “America’s wrecking ball

    1. Hey Katie. This one makes me sick to my stomach. Of course at my age, that’s a semi regular occurrence anyway. 😆

      1. ROFL
        Paul, this one is worse than than the beach photo.
        Are you trying to permanently blind JD? LOL 😉 😀
        I’m going to have nightmares, too. There are some things you just can’t un-see…

      2. Maybe you need to stop spending so much time swinging, yes, I mean swinging in a swing. I know for me, this activity gets me nauseous way to fast.

        1. Don’t do swings. My problem is low blood pressure. Born with it. A friend who practices homeopathy, and naturopathy (old fashion medicine IMHO) told me to eat salt, drink coffee, and smoke tobacco in order to keep it from going too low for a long period. Still it goes down occasionally, and it takes me down for a while . 🙁

          1. Well, this prescription sounds good, I shouldn’t experience low blood pressure, as these are daily medicines here.
            Love good old fashioned homeopathy myself.

  1. Paul………………..My Friend……………………My Brother……………………My Fellow Trencher………………..I implore you………………………………………………………………………………………………………S T O P T H A T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( the pictures) as far as the salt, coffee, and tobacco well… carry on.

  2. Some things can’t be unseen! Now, that picture of a pig swinging on a wrecking ball will haunt me forever.

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