Are Public School Anti Bullying Policies Part of Slave Training?

The Lone Star Watchblog

Many of us cannot home school our children because both mother and father have to work two or three jobs just to pay the bills. The cost of living to keep the lights on, food to eat and fuel in our vehicles keeps rising no matter how much we pinch pennies. We have no choice but put our kids in the public school system.

It is common knowledge now that the Public School System has become indoctrination centers. They are trying to ram down our throats a Soviet style collectivist agenda. They are trying to get children to turn in their parents if they talk against the government. They ask how many guns are in our homes. They want to know if their family is bad for the environment because they want to take hot bath.  

I am concerned about the public ads on Children’s TV and in the news media about anti bully initiatives saying they want to stop bullying in public schools. The truth is these solutions they are promoting do not work. What they want the children to do is really what not to do when dealing with a bully.  Do children know where bullies go when they are adults? Some may go to prison or become corporate CEOs. Many will become government goons like a TSA worker or become a police officer. All seek to dominate their victims.

A child may be told to tell a teacher or an adult if they have a bully problem in school. That does not work.  It only emboldens the bully or makes the problem worse. The only thing a child can do, the public school administrator does not want a child to do to deal with a bully problem is stand up for themselves. I have told my kids that I will back them up if they have to defend themselves against a bully in school. I do not care what the school principle may say.

No matter how much these anti bully polices have good intentions by many well meaning people. No matter how much they want to avoid violence to stop bullying. It is the responsibility of the child to defend themselves. If a 12 year old is picking on a 6 year old for their lunch money then there should be intervention. Use common sense please. The student does have a right to defend themselves and should not be punished because they stand up for themselves.

When I was in public school and had my bully problem. He was taller than me. He left me alone was when I stood up for myself. Yes I got in a fight and managed. Still I lost the fight. The Principle did not break up the fight until I got a few good punches in fighting back. Even though I lost, the bully never bothered me again. I gave him a bloody nose and a black eye was enough to make him hurt a little to know better he may not get lucky if he tried again to start trouble with me. That was old school. This political correctness way of dealing with bullies does not work.

Why the anti bully campaign now? There has always been schoolyard bullies for a long time. It is nothing new. What is the agenda behind the initiative of the anti bully campaign? I know what it is. The tyrants do not want people to stand up and oppose them. They want submissive slaves to will put up with anything. This is the hidden agenda behind the anti bully policies. The government wants to dominate people without resistance. They want compliant slaves.

This is why we must tell our children that at a point they have to stand up for themselves. Because when we allow bullies in the school yard or from the government push us around. We are robbed of our dignity and our self respect. We become the people of Eastern Europe when Communism took over, no one smiling and with no hope. This is why we challenge tyranny or we will be bullied by jack booted thugs.

I would rather stand up than be a coward dying a thousand deaths.

Sent to us by the author.

4 thoughts on “Are Public School Anti Bullying Policies Part of Slave Training?

  1. As a kid I was forced into a fight with a bully almost twice my size and we went at it and after getting out of the headlock, I hit him 3 good time’s and he ran! Kid’s need to learn to stand up for themselve’s as Bully’s are really coward’s with no heart or self-esteem and alway’s have to prove something. Now take that concept to the next level and include the BANKER’S, POLITICIAN’s,ETC. we would have a great world!

  2. Yes, I spend a lot of time disparaging parents for keeping their kids in the public school system, but I also understand that many have no choice, and that’s a real shame.
    But I think the anti-bullying program intentionally teaches kids to be completely dependent upon authorities, even for their own safety. Dealing with the local bully was a “rite of passage” that went far to build a kid’s confidence in himself, and that’s the last thing these commie bastards want to see.
    They want more sissies who run to the police at the first sign of trouble, and the way they teach them to turn on their parents (I’ve head that from a lot of parents) is despicable. The entire school system has become an evil enterprise, just like the medical system, banking system, legal system, etc. etc. wherever else the Jews took over. It’s obviously no coincidence.

  3. It is one thing, destroy the family values & center core of the country. Oops, that’s 2 & I just thought of a bunch more! Ok, I’ll just go back to the real cause, the Evil Elitist Hoard of the Federal Reserve, EXPOSE THEM —– FIGHT FOR LIBERTY, FREEDOM & TRUTH

  4. I agree, and the author is leaving a few things out which are important (for those not familiar with current anti-bullying programs: kids are not just taught to run to authorities to intervene if there is a problem. The bystanders (uninvolved observers) are also encouraged to intervene as a group and stand up to the bully, defending the victim.

    What I have observed is that some kids, taught to do this, will. But most “bystanders” will NOT. I think it could work if a critical mass of bystanders step up, but if only one or two do, then they also become targets. Sound familiar?

    A huge and glaring flaw in the anti-bully education is the emphasis on “teaching empathy” which sounds very nice, but completely misses the point that bullies do not have empathy and it cannot be created in a void. The kids who already are empathetic are taught to be even more empathetic, which interferes with their ability to call the bully out on his/her sociopathic behaviors. Too much tolerance and understanding for the poor bully.

    Even typing this, I’m aware (as an empathetic and kind person, as I was trained to be and probably inherently am), that I sound “mean” and unforgiving and unsympathetic towards bullies. My inner voice rears its head and tells me I should be more forgiving of the bully, as he probably grew up in an abusive family (that is the line that is taught).

    However, I now know better, through hard-won life experience. I mis-taught my children, and sure I was well meaning, to be kind and understanding towards all. One child was bullied, ran to the school administration who promptly set up a meeting with my child, the bully, and the administrator to “talk out their differences.” The bully put on the contrite mask, and as soon as they left the meeting, threatened my child and the bullying only escalated. (that wasn’t the only eye-opening experience I had — just one example of many).

    I think the “bystander education” is a well meaning attempt that could work if enough bystanders wake up and realize they must defend themselves and each other. But as it is currently taught, it is ineffective. The most glaring piece of lying indoctrination is that bullies are redeemable and probably have low self esteem. Nothing could be further from the truth. They get off on it.

    What would work would be if the targets of bullying stand up for themselves, but of course that starts at the beginning when they learn not to make of themselves such a target in the first place. And if enough bystanders/sheep wake up and start to take individual initiative whenever bullying arises. Not every bystander is capable of this. So for those not capable, a group standard for behavior must be established and reinforced by the hopefully critical mass who are willing and able to stand up and reinforce it. Going to outside authority is a grave mistake. The standards MUST be reinforced by the bully’s peers. If the bully is the one in authority (a bullying teacher, for example), going to authority (principal) does not work — it backfires. In this case, it is better for the entire group to wake each other up to what is going on and be subversive on an individual basis, and be aware of what each other is doing, and cheer each other on — not rat each other out. In other words, the subjugated group needs to take back control. Humor and antics help.

    In the case of individuals being targeted for bullying, expressing pain and anger rarely work and tend to backfire, as the bully feeds off of these emotions, knowing he hit a vein. Humor helps. So does fighting back (the less anger expressed, the more effective — focused, unemotional fighting back at the enemy is most effective. This attitude, most valuable, is best developed under conditions of training, so that it becomes somewhat automatic. For a bullied child, for instance, this is one reason martial arts training can be so helpful).

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