Are The Elites Slowly Waging “War” On The U.S. Population?

gun forcedSilver Doctors – by Dave Kranzler

You can ignore reality, but you can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring reality – Ayn Rand

Beware of the leader, who strikes the war drum in order to transfer the citizens into patriotic glow, patriotism is indeed a double-sided sword. It makes the blood so boldly, like it constricts the intellect. And if the striking of the war drum reached a fiebrige height and the blood is cooking and hating, and the intellect is dismissed, the leader doesn’t need to reject the citizens rights. The citizens, cought by anxiety and blinded through patriotism, will subordinate all their rights to the leader and this even with happy courage. Why do I know that? I know it, because this is, what I did.   And I am Gajus Julius Cäesar.

4th Gen warfare also relies on fooling the target population into supporting measures that are secretly destructive to the people. For example, liberty movement support for controlled opposition such as Russia or China, or liberty support for a military coup in which the top brass are elite puppets just like the Obama Administration. Think this sounds far fetched?  It has already happened in our recent history!  Marine Corp Major General Smedley Butler was hired by corporate moguls to lead a paid army in a coup against Franklin D. Roosevelt (also an elitist puppet) in 1933.  Butler luckily exposed the conspiracy before it ever got off the ground.  Both sides were controlled, but the coup if successful could have resulted in popular support for the expedient erosion of the Constitution, rather than a slow erosion which is what took place.  – Brandon Smith,

What’s the motive?  An uncontrollable collapse of the U.S financial and economic system.  Most of you are already aware of the Jade Helm 15 military exercises which reportedly run from from June 15 – Sept 15.  But many of you have been reported seeing highly unusual military equipment movement via rail and other various exercises.  One of the local readers of this blog emailed me a detailed of paratrooper exercises being conducted at Chatfield reservoir in southwest metro Denver.  Chatfield is surrounded by large areas of open space and is a popular hot air balloon launching location.

For those of you not up to speed on Jade Helm, I covered it in this blog post:  Jade Helm 15.

Somethi highly unusual and extraordinary is definitely going on in the Government’s military complex.   There has been a large-scale movement across the country to outfit local police forces with advanced military equipment.

Brandon Smith of wrote a must-read commentary on the rise of the U.S. Government’s totalitarianism:  When The Elites Wage War On America, This Is How They Will Do It.

This is not the same country into which I was born in 1962.  Many trace the evolution of the movement to a totalitarian Government to the founding of the Federal Reserve and the authorization of the Internal Revenue Service.  If you have not seen it, I would strongly urge you to watch Aaron Russo’s “From Freedom to Fascism,” which chronicles the very long term implementation of totalitarianism in the United States.  I will be absolutely shocked if you are not thoroughly horrified after watching that documentary.

It all fits.  The U.S. Government’s domestic military exercises, a collapsing economy, rising social unrest, a large portion of the population which is not working, the inexorable rise of patriotism (“honor the heroes” promoted everywhere, including at halftime of almost every professional sporting event).

If I didn’t know better, putting it all into a long-term historical context, I would say the elitists have done a very good job of “boiling the frogs.”   The only question left in my mind is whether or not enough “frogs” have not been intellectually incapacitated and are capable of rising up in resistance.  Please note:  the French Revolution was executed by less than 2% of the population…

5 thoughts on “Are The Elites Slowly Waging “War” On The U.S. Population?

  1. “Marine Corp Major General Smedley Butler was hired by corporate moguls to lead a paid army in a coup against Franklin D. Roosevelt (also an elitist puppet) in 1933.”
    “Butler luckily exposed the conspiracy before it ever got off the ground.”


    Had he known what a POS commie FDR was, would we have had the same result?

  2. Having maintained for many years that he who controls the supply lines controls the opposition – this is evident in most all previous wars / battles from the dawn of time. Barbarians stike the supply lines thru airstrikes on the supply lines in more modern times.

    The US peoples food stops…riots start near instantaneously. Troops move in and game over for USA.

    The end date for the helm 15 BS 09/15/2015 – it fits tight with what many monetary goons, that I trust more than any others,(markets, bonds, prec metals etc – all the crap I know little or nothing about) have been saying for nearly a year how the economy will go full SHTF in late Sept 2015.

    Lot’s of BS out there as always, just trying to sift thru to find some fragment of truth.

    Having Gov [UN / NATO / WTF] military hit teams all over the place prior to meltdown is wise on their part but freaky spooky on our part.

    1. TV & other instant luxeries have made a very unaware and complacent society. The same has lead to a very unmotivated & disorganized citizenry.

      When the power stops, ending the luxuries, the masses will not suddendly become organized, merely hostile, malicious free lance mobs.

      This is seemingly a global reset being used as a front for the dreaded NWO. This is not playing out by chance, this is a well planned and fairly smoothly run plan that should go largely as anticipated from the big picture perspective.

      This will play out as did the the years prior to Mad Max; far before the easy years of Road Warrior / Mad Max.

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