Armed Man Detained At ‘Justice For J6’ Rally ‘Exposed As Undercover Law Enforcement’

Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan

An armed man who was filmed being detained at the Capitol rally in support of Jan 6 suspects appears to have been inadvertently exposed as an undercover law enforcement officer by his fellow police.

Here’s a higher resolution image of his badge:

Another angle of the same guy:

Imagine if we had all these officers protecting our southern border from the Haitian invasion taking place in Del Rio!

We could solve the illegal immigration problem in a day if we had half as much protection on our southern border as they have at the Capitol!

Information Liberation


2 thoughts on “Armed Man Detained At ‘Justice For J6’ Rally ‘Exposed As Undercover Law Enforcement’

  1. apparently fewer than 100 people showed up to the FBI entrapment rally billed as a protest on behalf of the Jan 6 defendants .
    the FBI showed up in force as did the Riot pigs and yes the Media too
    but most ordinary folks who were the real targets ofthe goon squads outsmarted them (not hard to do) all by staying home ..its like they called for war…but nobody came

    so they get to bust their own operatives that are acting like opposition or the criminals themselves

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