Armed Occupiers Convene Common Law Grand Jury Against Local Officials

OPB – by Kristian Foden-Vencil

Armed occupiers in Harney County are moving forward with efforts to change the legal system.

Occupiers say they’ve voted to ask Joaquin Mariano DeMoreta-Folch, a long-time Tea Party activist, to convene a common law grand jury.  

He tracks its origins back to the Magna Carta, British common law and the U.S. Constitution and he warns, the jury meets in absolute secrecy. “The media, you cannot ask the question to them. That’s a felony,” he told reporters.

“So make sure (you know) what you are doing because if you ask me: How many? What they say? Why they vote? You’re committing the crime of felony and I will hold you accountable,” said DeMoreta-Folch.

Grand juries held under U.S. law also meet in secret. But after an indictment, they’re followed by a trial.

DeMoreta-Folch said common law grand juries deliver an indictment and that’s it.

Punishment can involve placing a lien on a person’s property.

He said the jury is considering quote “multiple constitutional crimes” against local officials on behalf of the Hammond ranchers.

4 thoughts on “Armed Occupiers Convene Common Law Grand Jury Against Local Officials

  1. Which will work about as well as the various “common law grand juries” by the so-called “Republic of Texas” movement–not at all.

    Folks if you are going to re-establish law in a lawless nation, you’re gonna have to use more effective means than this.

  2. OK, then how will you prosecute after the indictments.
    You don’t have the force of law behind you.
    Good idea but this is the horse in front of the cart.
    Altho reminding people of what was stolen from us
    is admirable. I can’t see this going very far as
    the old media will use it to against you to
    support the parasites in the cesspool called district
    of insane criminals.
    But, I do wish you ”Good Luck”.

  3. After the CL grad jury convenes they are going to play doctor and then maybe cops and robbers. Useless as they come. Legitimacy is established and recognized only when fear of force is the motivation behind compliance. Unless they have an army who is willing to remove the current bullies in charge this will mean not a damn thing.

  4. “He said the jury is considering quote “multiple constitutional crimes” against local officials on behalf of the Hammond ranchers.”

    Yet they have no problem whatsoever with those same ‘local officials’ stealing them blind though taxes, fees, fines for the most minor b.s., or telling them what they can or cannot put into their own bodies.

    I am SO SICK of STUPID PEOPLE!!!!!

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