Assad: The Chemical Attack Is “100% Fabrication”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Following yesterday’s icy meeting in Moscow between Rex Tillerson and Russian diplomat Sergey Lavron, the propaganda campaigns between the U.S., Syria and Russia seem to be ratcheting up to full force.

Speaking with the BBC earlier this morning, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said the U.S. account of the recent chemical weapons ‘attack’ in Syria was a “100% fabrication” which can only lead him to the conclusion that the West must be working “hand and glove with the terrorists.”  

“We gave up our arsenal 3 years ago.  Even if we had them we wouldn’t use them.  We have never used our chemical arsenal in our history.”

“Our information, that the West, mainly the United States, is hand and glove with the terrorists.  They fabricated the whole story in order to have a pretext for the attack.”

“There was no investigation, no complete evidence about anything, the only things were allegations, and propaganda and they struck.”

5 thoughts on “Assad: The Chemical Attack Is “100% Fabrication”

  1. Something really smelly going on. What or why we are involved to this degree in the Middle east, is beyond the reasoning of most. Sadam Hussian, Kadafi, and now Assad?

    If they get their way with Syria, Iran will be next. What is the plan? It must have something to do with one world globalization. What else could it be, surely not oil, where America is concerned, anyway.
    Although, I did read something about two competing pipelines. Is this what WWIII could start over, a couple of pipelines?

    1. “Is this what WWIII could start over, a couple of pipelines?”

      Not even.

      The main reason the stinking jews want Syria is NOT for their oil, or pipeline placement. Syria is THE most water rich country in the ME. Water is far more precious than oil in that neck of the woods (desert, although Syria does have lush forests).

  2. “… mainly the United States, is hand and glove with the terrorists. They fabricated the whole story in order to have a pretext for the attack.”

    Or had hid handed to them by their jew masters.

  3. This is all about destabilizing the current regime, to replace it with one , controlled by and how ,the wishes of the State doing the destabilizing

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