Feb 11, 2021
At least five people are dead after more than 70 vehicles were involved in a massive ice-related pileup Thursday morning on Interstate 35 in Fort Worth, Texas.
Aerial footage showed the extent of the damage after a series of icy collisions, including multiple semi-trucks, were caught in the wreckage. Video at the scene showed dozens of smashed cars and trucks, some literally piled on top of one another on a wet roadway.
Fort Worth Fire officials said there were numerous injuries due to the pileups and first responders were checking on people in each vehicle involved.
This is pretty fucd up
You would think by now
We would have ways of mitigating things like this
I’m sure the next human idea will be some stupid law
Or requirement, rather than humanity coming together to fix something
Be careful out there y’all
Seat belt laws are a fkg joke, especially CDL rules, fkg as useless as a left handed bacon stretcher, especially when you have 40 million illegals running around on your highways.
You mix ice and stupid you get death… People actually speed up on ice, ive seen plenty of that shit.
Truckers are a big problem, hate to admit it, but some of these asshats are just miserable drivers, then others follow them because they think the trucker is safe.
Truckers drive waaaaaay to fast, real idiotic man, just plain ol stupidity…
I used to be one of them, ive slowed waaaay down man, waaaay down. Waaay too many idiots on the roads today.
agree, people driving too fast for conditions=what you see in the video
I think another issue with trucking is you have a lot of 10 cent a mile, open toed sandal wearing truckers out there. Nobody running CB radio’s anymore… I drive in snow and ice all the time running the Northeast, and my CB stays on.
Damn good point about the CB nobody uses them anymore
Yeah probably having a forward looking radar telling the driver that there’s an obstruction probably wouldn’t work either , it would just get ignored until it’s too late
I have millions of miles under my belt in many types of vehicles in many types of road conditions
Sometimes experience has to play a roll , telling you when to stay put
Or when to move forward with extreme caution
All it takes is one idiot to start the pinball game
I’m kinda glad I got out of daily pushing 80k down the road
As I’ve lived in the northeast all my life
It’s mostly 2 wheels and a pick up truck / trailer combo for me anymore
I still see stupid people taking stupid chances
Yea, this was near my neck of the woods. Pretty messed up. It caused massive delays the other day.
At the 2:28 mark, are those three military humvees that the one truck was transporting? What the hell?
That area has been under construction for years. There are “express” or toll lanes, which are barricaded off to keep out the riff-raff. The barricades take up space that could be used for extra lanes so traffic wouldn’t be so bunched up. Texas roads were primarily built in the 50s when cars had tailfins. With the never ending population explosion the roads are so congested that commuting times no doubt compare to the 40s, before cars had tailfins.