AFP Photo / Miguel MedinaRT News

US President Barack Obama is reportedly considering supplying weapons for Syrian forces fighting to oust President Bashar Assad and his government. It comes days after Obama said his administration had evidence of chemical weapons use in Syria.   Continue reading “Washington looks set to send Syrian rebels aid with ‘direct military purpose’”

Lew Rockwell – by Travis Holte

Not long ago, one bread winner could support a family, put the children through college, and have enough savings left over to comfortably retire. But then a funny thing happened on the road to serfdom. Suddenly there was a “sexual revolution” and before you knew it both parents were in the workforce, both paying income tax, both struggling to survive. And in all this, their children increasingly became wards of the State. How fortuitous for the oligarchs, hellbent on world domination?   Continue reading “Your Children Belong to the State”

Fox News

SHINGLETON, Mich. –  Police say an Iraq War veteran thwarted two would-be burglars at his northern Michigan gas station by kicking one of them and ordering them away with an AR-15 rifle.

State police said Shawn Schank was inside the gas station about 4:10 a.m. Sunday in Shingleton, an Upper Peninsula community in Alger County, when two people wearing ski masks forced their way into the building and approached the cash register.   Continue reading “Iraq War vet armed with rifle thwarts gas station break-in, police say”


Shocked! That’s how U.S. makers of electric buses say they feel, following a decision by the transit authority of Long Beach, Calif., to buy 10 electric buses made in China–but financed by U.S. taxpayers.

The contract, worth more than $12 million, was awarded in April by a 5-2 vote of Long Beach Transit’s board of directors.   Continue reading “California City to Buy Chinese-Made, Taxpayer-Financed Electric Buses”

Above the Law – by Joe Patrice

Exam time can be stressful. Doesn’t it make you just want to go online and post a series of pictures of mutilated Barbie dolls with captions threatening to butcher your professors?


That’s just one of the allegations against a law school student charged with second-degree harassment and breach of peace. The allegations also include racist emails and harassing professors with bogus complaints…   Continue reading “Law Student Arrested for Anti-Semitic, Racist, Threatening Comments”

Tech Dirt – by Mike Masnick

We’ve talked a lot about how the Justice Department (DOJ), mainly via the FBI, has been pushing for years to change the laws in order to require tech companies to build wiretapping backdoors into any and every form of communication online. As we’ve explained over and over again, this is a really silly proposal, that won’t make us any safer. Instead, it’s likely to make us a lot less secure, because those backdoors will be abused, not just by law enforcement, but by those with malicious intent who will work hard to find the backdoors and make use of them.    Continue reading “DOJ Wants To Be Able To Fine Tech Companies Who Don’t Let It Wiretap Your Communications”

Blacklisted News – by 10 News NBC

An inside source gave Team 10 a picture snapped inside the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) showing plastic bags, masking tape and broom sticks used to stem a massive leaky pipe.

San Onofre owner Southern California Edison (SCE), confirms the picture was taken inside Unit Three, but did not say when. The anonymous source said the picture was taken in December 2012.   Continue reading “‘Plastic Bags, Tape, Broomsticks Fix San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant Leak’”

Lew Rockwell – by Ron Paul

Forced lockdown of a city. Militarized police riding tanks in the streets. Door-to-door armed searches without warrant. Families thrown out of their homes at gunpoint to be searched without probable cause. Businesses forced to close. Transport shut down.

These were not the scenes from a military coup in a far off banana republic, but rather the scenes just over a week ago in Boston as the United States got a taste of martial law. The ostensible reason for the military-style takeover of parts of Boston was that the accused perpetrator of a horrific crime was on the loose. The Boston bombing provided the opportunity for the government to turn what should have been a police investigation into a military-style occupation of an American city. This unprecedented move should frighten us as much or more than the attack itself.   Continue reading “Liberty Was Also Attacked in Boston”

Women withdraw cash from machines in Nicosia, Cyprus, 30 April  BBC

Parliament in Cyprus has approved the country’s international bailout after warnings that the alternative would be financial collapse.

MPs voted through the loan package by 29 votes to 27.

The tiny eurozone state secured a loan package worth 10bn euros (£8.4; $13bn) from its EU partners and the International Monetary Fund.   Continue reading “Parliament in Cyprus passes international bailout deal” by Michaelangelo Conte

A clique of officers who calls themselves “Three-Percenters” in the Jersey City Police Department’s Emergency Services Unit sprouted about two years ago, officials have told The Jersey Journal.

“They were separating themselves from the others in the unit and we put a stop to it immediately,” Jersey City Police Deputy Chief Peter Nalbach said.   Continue reading “Jersey City police brass identify a pro-militia clique in the department and say they’ve been stopped”

The manhunt for the surviving Boston bomber triggered a massive police presence.The Examiner – by Gregory Patin

“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

Since 9/11, Americans have willingly sacrificed constitutional rights, personal freedom, billions of taxpayer dollars and lives in order to feel safer from terrorist acts. The horrific bombing in Boston is an ugly reminder that such sacrifices are not keeping Americans safer.  Continue reading “The Boston Marathon bombing: Failure of the police state”

Native American Gun Billboard in Greeley, Colorado, Upsets ResidentdsYahoo News – by Jonathon M. Seidl | The Blaze

GREELEY, Colo. (TheBlaze/AP) — Two billboards in which images of Native Americans are used to make a gun rights argument are causing a stir with some residents who say the image is offensive and insensitive.

The billboards in this northern Colorado city show three men dressed in traditional Native American attire and the words “Turn in your arms. The government will take care of you.”       Continue reading “The Pro-Gun Billboard in Colo. That Has Some Residents Upset”

(Left) A box of. 223 ammunition and a case of 9 mm ammunition in Duke's Sport Shop in New Castle, Pa.Washington Whispers – by ELIZABETH FLOCK

The Government Accountability Office tells Whispers it is now investigating large ammunition purchases made by the Department of Homeland Security. Chuck Young, a spokesman for GAO, says the investigation of the purchases is “just getting underway.”

The congressional investigative agency is jumping into the fray just as legislation was introduced in both the Senate and the House to restrict the purchase of ammo by some government agencies (except the Department of Defense). The AMMO Act, introduced Friday, would prevent agencies from buying more ammunition if “stockpiles” are greater than what they were in previous administrations.   Continue reading “GAO Now Investigating DHS Ammo Purchases”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Whether it is due to the recent governmental attempt to enforce assorted gun controlling measures in the aftermath of the Newtown, CT shooting, or, merely driven by the same catalyst that saw a surge in gun sales four years ago, namely the presidential election, one thing is certain: America is weaponizing itself at an unheard of pace, with both Sturm, Ruger shipments and units produced surpassing 500,000 each in one quarter for the first time in history.   Continue reading “Weaponized America: Sturm, Ruger Backlog Doubles; Gun Production, Shipments Surge”

Daily Paul – by dakealo


Police and National Guard units seeking to confiscate a cache of recently banned assault weapons were ambushed Sunday by elements of a para-military right wing extremist faction. Military and law enforcement sources estimate that 72 were killed and more than 200 injured before government forces were compelled to withdraw.   Continue reading “Patriot Militia Attacks Government Forces”

Veterans Today- by Jim W. Dean, April 19, 2013

The dust has settled on Boston, America’s newest example and scene of national insecurity.

As Kevin Barrett’s hugely successful Press TV article pointed out yesterday we witnessed corporate media suggesting a major domestic terror attack might have been done by our own security people. Military Intelligence agrees.   Continue reading “Boston Bombing – DHS Contracted Security out to Israelis”

Y Net News – by Roi Kais

Two people were killed and 20 others were injured in northwestern Syrian province of Idlib Tuesday after warplanes dropped bags containing “strange substances,” Al-Jazeera reported, saying the suspicious material was apparently chemical weapons.

Videos uploaded by the Qatari news network show casualties having difficulties breathing treated in makeshift hospitals. One video showed a healthcare professional drawing attention to the white foam coming out of an injured man’s mouth.   Continue reading “Report in Syria: Suspected chemical substance dropped from planes”

Star Gazette

SYRACUSE — Thirty people protesting against unmanned aerial drones outside Hancock Field Air Force National Guard Base have been arrested.

The Post-Standard reports that the arrests Sunday came after a series of rallies and workshops held in Syracuse over the weekend by the Upstate Coalition to Ground the Drones and End the Wars.   Continue reading “30 arrested at Hancock, NY base during rally against drones”

Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

A manhunt in Valley Springs led to a shelter-in-place order after the death of a 9-year-old child Saturday. Multiple law enforcement agencies combed the area Saturday afternoon for a man believed to be armed and dangerous, described as a white or Latino male, with long gray hair, 6 feet tall, muscular build, last seen wearing a black long-sleeved shirt and blue pants.   Continue reading “Martial Law In Valley Springs, CA After 9 Year Old Girl Killed”