Sent to us by a reader, American National Radiation Network.
I’ve been a volunteer monitor ( radiation ) with the for almost 3 years, due to Fukushima. On 2/28/2015 I had a 145 CPM ( Counts or decays per minute ) Alert. The ONLY other station here in the Bay Area that is a constant participator is 2 miles due north of me, and he registered a 151 CPM peak, so, we had a ” hot plume ” pass through. Shit happens all the time, but this was a hot one. Bio-accumulation is my concern. My Leandro station and SL CERT’s graphs below.
My graph on 2.28.2015:
My closest network station, 2 miles due north, same day:
* Do note the “condensed time frame “, but the peak at the far right is in line with my alert. You won’t get this stuff on the MSM. 😉
Animals and sea life dying along the west coast from reading
not saying there isnt any but those counts are pretty low. Not to mention none of my logs show those numbers.
When you get a count over 300 for more than 2 hours. Then report it.
Hey look, phoenix keeps going into the 500 and 700 ranges. [crickets]
in fact walmart probably tosses out 150-300 with each purchase.