World Events and the Bible

The Western Wall is the last remaining structure from Israeli’s ancient past. Yesterday a stone from Israel’s Western Wall came tumbling down in a symbolic example of prophecy outlined by Jesus Christ. This occurred just a day after the “Tisha B’Av Fast” which honors the destruction of ancient Israel’s temple in Jerusalem during Rome’s conquest.  Continue reading “Symbolic Of Prophecy: Ancient Stone Falls From Israeli’s Western Wall”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: First it was Dolly the sheep right, they cloned her. I am sure there were things in between since then, but what jumps out to me next is the three-parent baby, you remember that one…

Now science seeks to improve on God’s Creation by modifying our DNA to create a designer baby or baby with a few less defects.
Continue reading “Genetically Modified Babies Given Go Ahead By UK Ethics Body”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Note the bold and underline we added below. You should read the whole article from the source. Everyone’s debt is peaking is the point with rate hikes to boot and of course how could we forget, inflation

What does this all mean?

It means the global economic system is once again starting to teeter. It means there will be another economic crash. Now do not go run and hide and flip out. Continue reading “The $247 Trillion Global Debt Bomb Is Ticking”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: The subject appears to lean more towards, ‘since church attendance is declining, is that making Christians have anxiety’. The answer is “no” to that statement. However, church attendance is and has declined, this article even points that out. I am not here to puff up your sails with lies, I am here to tell you the truth…

Look folks, we have homosexual pastors and teachers these days and you honestly think church attendance is going to rise? There is a reason for Christianity’s decline and it has nothing to do with God, but how we, as teachers and pastors relay God’s Message to the world. We have corrupted His Word as a people, making excuses for sinners so their sin is not only accepted by the church, but they have become religious teachers.
Continue reading “New Harvard Research Says U.S. Christianity Is Not Shrinking, But Growing Stronger”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: I have noticed a disturbing trend by those on the right side of the fence since Trump became the President. For the most part, he can do no wrong. You will notice the media is touting these employment numbers as well, a media who many say is completely against Trump. You should know those who control the mainstream media control both sides of the argument, this is by design. On the softer side of the matter Obama was certainly not a good President, though I never read about those on the “right” praising him for the economy, yet the “official” numbers say the economy improved…

Instead, people all said the numbers were fake, but now the numbers for Trump are real. Sounds like a double standard.
Continue reading “Playing Politics With The Economic Numbers, Record 155M Employed In June”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: You have to go back to Chapter 2 of “The Timeline of the Tribulation“, “The Ram and the He Goat” to understand some of this. While the world is merging together, we see some of it continuing to fracture, even in our present time. This will continue until the prophecy of Daniel is fulfilled…

The agenda against Iran continues each and every day. You have nations who are siding with Iran like China and even the Euro nations as this article, “U.S. Sidelined as Five Powers Set to Give Iran New Assurance” explains.
Continue reading “Iran And China Call US ‘Biggest Threat To Humanity’ As They Boost Military Ties”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: This is a really good article that makes you think about our nation, what it should be, and what we all have, and to consider those blessings.

Happy Independence Day everyone!

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.” – Psalms 33:12

Continue reading “If You Don’t Believe In Limited Self-Government, You’re Not An American Patriot”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: This goes right in line with other articles about the state of our economy as a whole. Just yesterday we discussed US Corporations are $6.3 trillion in debt.

U.S. operations of Deutsche Bank failed an annual regulatory stress test by the Federal Reserve, according to results released Thursday.   Continue reading “Deutsche Bank Fails Federal Reserve Stress Test”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Rand Paul goes on to say, “Under this bill, Congress could only disapprove of war, turning the Constitution on its head“. Unless they make a change to the Constitution, their new bill is null and void. Why is it so hard for people to understand nothing supersedes the Constitution? Too many years of conditioning I suppose. This all sounds like a good way to push for war with Iran.

In the near future, Congress will debate a new Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF). I use the word “debate” lightly. So far, no hearings have been scheduled, and no testimony is likely to be heard unless something changes. That’s a shame, because this is a serious matter, and this is a deeply flawed AUMF.   Continue reading “Rand Paul: Congress Moves To Give The President Unlimited War Powers”

World Events and the Bible

Benjamin Natenyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister brings us yet another “proof” concerning Iran. This time, Bibi has ‘conclusive proof‘ that Iran lied about their nuclear weapons program.  He explains,

“Tonight I’m here to tell you one thing. Iran lied, big time.” – Haaretz

Continue reading “Prophecy Moves Forward: Bibi Says ‘Conclusive Proof’ Iran Lied About Its Nuclear Weapons Program”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: We just discussed the possibility of peace between North Korea and the world. Today, we are a step closer to that reality as the leaders of North and South Korea made a historic pledge for peace. To remove nuclear weapons from the Korean peninsula. You can see this historic moment in the video below…

You will note in the video Kim Jung Un shakes the hand of the South Korean leader as they stand on each side of their own border. Kim takes a step over to the South and the two leaders speak for a moment. Then you can see Kim tell the South Korean leader to step on the North side and they both go together holding hands.
Continue reading “Historic: North And South Korea Pledge “There Will Be No More War On The Korean Peninsula And A New Age Of Peace Has Begun””

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Can you believe this? Of course you can. We live in the last days of this age of flesh. This is not the Mark of the Beast, that mark is spiritual in nature, though it will have very real physical consequences. Nevertheless, this should get your attention. The people there are being forced into a new economic system and if they refuse, they are pushed outside of its bounds.

Continue reading “‘Big Brother’ In India Requires Fingerprint Scans For Food, Phones And Finances”

World Events and the Bible

The DailyMail has an article on the subject of DIY transexual changes. They explain, “school children who want to change sex are risking their lives by buying illegal hormone drugs online” in order to change their gender. In order to “transition” from male to female and vise versa.

How did we get here?

How did we get to the point where it was “acceptable” for our young men and woman to look for “conversation” therapy?   Continue reading “Teenagers Risk Their Lives Buying ‘DIY Trans’ Drugs, What Does God Think?”

World Events and the Bible

If you are a student of Bible prophecy, the last few weeks have been pretty interesting for you. First, Syria including their capital of Damascus was directly attacked by US and allied forces which brings Isaiah 17 to our mind.

Then we saw the video of US National Security Advisor John Bolton stating (with respect to Iran), “the only solution is to change the regime itself. And that’s why, before 2019, we here will celebrate in Tehran!”   Continue reading “Peace With North Korea Could Be A Reality, What Does The Bible Say?”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: There is no way on God’s green earth the Bible is going to be baned in the once great state of California. Yet, if you read the bill itself, it sure would cover the banning of some of the Bible’s teachings. Will Christians in the state stand for it? They better not. This is just another example of radicals going radical. If you want to believe you are a woman, when you were born a man. That is your business, but don’t you dare tell me what I can and cannot say. Don’t you dare tell me what I can and cannot teach! If you do not like what I have to say, you click the little ‘x’ in your browser and you can make it all go away. Some snow flakes melt a little too easy.

It’s interesting, for example, that Chait makes the argument just as the California State Assembly is set to vote on a bill that would actually — among other things — ban the sale of books expressing orthodox Christian beliefs about sexual morality.  Continue reading “California Bill Could Ban Sale Of Some Christian Books, Including The Bible”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Confirming? The International Community is only now sending in a group to try and confirm the “attack”. Listen to the US President, “It’s too bad that the world puts us in a position like that.” Put in a position like that? Look folks, the nation of Syria is sovereign, it is not the 51st state and we are trying to protect our citizens. Your mind is being toyed with. Use your head…

Further, how many times has the US killed civilians in bombing missions in Syria now? Plenty of times, more than I am going to count.
Continue reading “US Said Planning To Hit 8 Sites In Syria After Confirming Chemical Attack”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Someone who supposedly wanted to pull our troops out of Syria, is now considering a military strike on Syria. All within a weeks times. Lies and deception my friends, lies and deception…

The US knew Israel was going to attack Syria. This was a coordinated move, if the US was against a strike on Syria they would have forced Israel to halt that attack. In the past, you may recall Israel considered attacking Iran and the US called that one off.
Continue reading “Trump Mulls “Very Tough” Military Response To Syria Attack”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: This is absolutely absurd. These platforms are supposed to support the free flow of information, not their beleifs. This is a very disturbing trend, the people are being conditioned each and every day and do not realize it. The youth growing up in this world, will never know what the former world was like, this will be considered “normal” to them.

Continue reading “YouTube Suspends Gun Manufacturer, Bans Instructional Gun Videos”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: True story. I once worked with a gentleman (older man) who happened to lean to the left. During conversations, I just could never get him to understand it is not right to take from my pocket and give to someone else…

So one day I told him,

“Hey Mr. Noname.”

Mr. Noname: Yeah!
Continue reading “Millennials Prefer Socialism Over Capitalism”