gchq-spying-americansStory Leak – by Daniel G. J.

The American taxpayer is footing the bill for illegal electronic surveillance efforts being conducted by Her Majesty’s government. These efforts appear to violate both the United States Constitution and British law.

It has been discovered that the National Security Agency paid its British counterpart, the Government Communications Headquarters, or GCHQ, $151 million (£100 million) for electronic surveillance over the past few years. These efforts included Global Telecoms Exploitation in which GCHQ tapped into fiber optic cables that gave them the ability to monitor international emails and phone calls. The Guardian newspaper reported on these items in the latest of NSA leaks.   Continue reading “US Taxpayers Paying for Illegal British Surveillance Efforts”

MI Stupid

We’ve all been there but don’t like to admit it. We’ve all kicked back in our cubicles and suddenly felt something brew down below. As much as we try to convince ourselves otherwise, the WORK POOP is inevitable. For those who hate pooping at work, following is the Survival Guide for taking a dump at work. Memorize these definitions and pooping at work will become a pure pleasure.   Continue reading “How to Poop at Work”

A man smokes marijuana outside the Uruguayan Congress on 31 July, 2013BBC News

The International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) says it is concerned by the approval by Uruguayan MPs of a bill which would legalise marijuana.

The INCB says the law would “be in complete contravention to the provisions of the international drug treaties to which Uruguay is party”.   Continue reading “UN narcotics body warns Uruguay over marijuana bill”

Herald Review – by Huey Freeman

DECATUR — A two-year investigation by Texas newspaper reporters into the whereabouts of a man who shot his parents and sister to death when he was 15 years old led them to a 61-year-old psychology professor who resides in Decatur.

James St. James, a member of the Millikin University faculty since 1986, changed his name from Jim Wolcott in 1976 after he served six years in a state mental hospital following the slayings in Georgetown, Texas.   Continue reading “Man who killed family as teen in Texas found teaching at Millikin”

The FBI began investigating the pot growing operation after the Los Angeles Police Department contacted Lake County authorities about a missing Los Angeles girl that they suspected was being held captive in Clearlake.Century Link

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Two Northern California men accused of sexually abusing a teen runaway and keeping her in a metal box on their marijuana farm pleaded not guilty on Friday to federal drug charges.

The men appeared in San Francisco federal court in shackles and jail garb and were returned to custody after a brief hearing.   Continue reading “Calif. men plead not guilty to marijuana charges”

Information Clearinghouse – by Jameel Jaffer and Brett Max Kaufman

James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, has been harshly criticized for having misled Congress earlier this year about the scope of the National Security Agency’s surveillance activities. The criticism is entirely justified. An equally insidious threat to the integrity of our national debate, however, comes not from officials’ outright lies but from the language they use to tell the truth. Continue reading “How to Decode the True Meaning of What NSA Officials Say”

Century Link

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A federal judge has scheduled a hearing on Sept. 19 for Halliburton Energy Services to plead guilty to destroying evidence after BP’s 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

The company was arraigned Wednesday in New Orleans on a misdemeanor charge. Although company attorneys entered a plea of not guilty during the arraignment, Halliburton has agreed to plead guilty to one count of destruction of evidence in a deal with the Justice Department.   Continue reading “Halliburton to plead guilty in Gulf oil spill”

LaCrosse Tribune – by Chris Hubbuch

The former La Crosse County Sheriff’s Deputy fired after she killed a Holmen teenager in a 2010 crash has won her job back.

In a ruling released today, an arbitrator ordered Trisha Stratman be returned to duty with back pay with more than 20 months pay.

Stratman was responding to a call for help at a Holmen bar fight in the early morning hours of July 18, 2010, when she drove through a red light at more than 90 mph just as 16-year-old Brandon Jennings was pulling into the intersection.   Continue reading “Arbitrator: Stratman to be reinstated with back pay”

072713 Roy MiddletonUSA Today – by Rhema Thompson and Kevin Robinson, Pensacola (Fla.) News Journal

WARRINGTON, Fla. — A man whom deputies shot early Saturday as he tried to retrieve a cigarette from his mother’s car still hasn’t received any answers on why he was barraged with gunfire.

A neighbor saw someone reaching into Ceola Walker’s car at about 2:40 a.m. Saturday and called 911. Escambia County sheriff’s deputies responded as Roy Middleton, 60, was bent over, searching the car’s interior.   Continue reading “Deputies shoot man in his front yard”

Century Link – by ANDREW DeMILLO

CLARKSVILLE, Ark. (AP) — As Cheyne Dougan rounded the corner at Clarksville High School, he saw three students on the floor moaning and crying. In a split-second, two more ran out of a nearby classroom.

“He’s got a gun,” one of them shouted as Dougan approached with his pistol drawn. Inside, he found one student holding another at gunpoint. Dougan aimed and fired three rounds at the gunman.   Continue reading “Ark. district arming more than 20 teachers, staff”

English: The School of Athens (detail). Fresco...Citizen Tom

What is the greatest danger we pose to each other? Some fear axe murderers. Others fear  thieves.  While others find themselves horrified by rapists. And each of these villains do commit foul crimes, but the expert, amoral sophists commit the greatest evils. With worm tongued ease, they plant the germs of falsehoods into our beliefs; they persuade us that it is both right and proper to murder, steal, and rape.

We tend to consider the worm tongued obsequious, and perhaps that defines the character of many, but history suggests the worm tongued more often provide a haughty display.   Continue reading “When Will We Defend Ourselves from Sophistry?”

orwell5Global Research- by Bill Van Auken

This week’s deployment of Blackhawk helicopters in Chicago is only the latest in a series of “urban warfare training” exercises that have become a familiar feature of American life.

As elsewhere, this exercise was sprung unannounced on a startled civilian population. Conducted in secrecy, apparently with the collusion of local police agencies and elected officials, Democrats and Republicans alike, the ostensible purpose of these exercises is to give US troops experience in what Pentagon doctrine refers to as “Military Operations on Urban Terrain.”  Continue reading ““Urban Warfare Training” and the Militarization of America”