Now I’m petrified. Maybe if I acquiesce to slavery, the boogieman won’t get me.


Iraq’s prime minister said Thursday his country’s intelligence operation has uncovered a plot for an imminent attack on subway systems in United States and Paris.

Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said he was told of the plot by Baghdad, and that it was the work of foreign fighters of the Islamic State group in Iraq. Asked if the attacks were imminent, he said, “Yes.”   Continue reading “Iraqi PM: Plot to Attack US, Paris Subways”

The all out effort by our Zionist enemies to shut down all alternative media that refuses to remove the reality of Zion and the absolute danger it represents from our content has become omnipresent.  Through our enemies’ control of currencies and the illegitimate wealth they have acquired, we see a network consisting of buying up servers and infiltrating the search engines through government bought and paid for agencies, in an all out effort to control who sees what.   Our enemies have no problem using financial coercion to blackball those who would speak out against them, as it has always been their position that American nationals should be reduced to slaves, without any voice or free will.

We need the people From the Trenches to step up and help us push through this barrier that has been laid before us, thus we must ask for contributions, not as a permanent solution, but rather to carry us through in coalition with a larger strategy.   Continue reading “Who Will Decide What Will Be The Alternative Media In The United States?”

These are just a few among the thousands of American nationals executed as a part of the communist reign of terror. It has nothing to do with race, but rather nationality. They must kill every one of us before they can dispossess us completely of our country.
Continue reading “Militarized Police Execute American Nationals Indiscriminately”

revolutionI will not be broadcasting The Word From the Trenches live this week.  JD says he will do a couple of live programs Wednesday and Thursday with the assistance of Spike Timmons.

I had a project I had to get done and the only time I have that is not accounted for is my sleep time.  I just pushed it too far to the point that I fear to push any further might kill me.

The project is finished but I have to rest.  I will be putting pictures up on the site to show you guys what I have been up to.    Continue reading “I’m Taking a Week Off”

Daniel Deline was born May 20, 1955 in Gold Beach, Oregon and died May 22, 2014 in Colfax, Wisconsin.

Millard has been granted custody of Dan’s ashes and service announcements will be forthcoming.

Flowers can be sent to Goodrich Funeral Home at 118 E. Madison Street, Durand, WI, 54736.   Dan’s service will not be at Goodrich Funeral Home, but they have been gracious enough to accept the flowers for him.  (Goodrich Funeral Home is owned by Millard’s brother.) Continue reading “Diggerdan’s Death Notice”

Diggerdan died last night around 6:00 pm CST, he was a patriot absolute, a friend to all.

Dan had been sick for about a week and was planning to go see a doctor today.

Dan was born in Oregon in 1955 then moved to Wisconsin when he was a young man.  He had been living in Colfax, Wisconsin.    Continue reading “Trenchers Say Good Bye to Diggerdan”