Michele Obama is the hippest first lady we’ve had since Jacky Kennedy.  The Beastie Boys have been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, as has Guns n Roses, however their former lead singer asked not to be included as he is still sore in reference to the issues that caused him to leave the band years ago…..and Nero fiddled as Rome burned.

The GSA scandal continues to grow out of proportion as a key figure involved says he will take the 5th Amendment when questioned by Congress.  The GSA apparently has a slush fund made up of revenues that the government receives for renting out government owned buildings.  So, we have a government agency partying out on monies from its secret slush fund.  Who’d a thunk it?
Continue reading “Propaganda Gone Wild”

The propaganda campaign to establish Mitt Romney as the GOP candidate for president in 2012 with only half of the country having been allowed to vote and become delegates is failing, just as the propaganda campaigns for gender divide, race divide, age divide, and religious divide are also failing.  The propagandists are in fact backtracking, saying that, though Mitt Romney is the presumptive candidate, he has in no way been elected as such yet.  This whole scenario indeed shows the pathetic state of the Republican establishment.

Mitt Romney as a conservative?  Now there is a laugh.  This so called conservative, as Governor of Massachusetts, signed an assault weapons ban that has remained in effect despite the fact that the federal ban has been lifted.  I do not know who is calling Romney a conservative but they obviously are blind to the fact that we the American people are purchasing guns literally faster than they can be produced.
Continue reading “Mitt Romney a Conservative?”

On April 2, 2012 the foreign insurgent Obama met with his fellow international conspirators, Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper and Mexican President Felipe Calderón in Washington DC.  This get-together was billed as a conference on international trade but the discussion quickly turned to the necessity for new gun regulations and prohibitions in the United States for the security of Mexico, which I guess could be tied into international trade as Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder has been and is engaged in international gun running and drug trafficking for profit throughout North America.

Barack Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, the South Side of Chicago back-ally gangster, is attending the 6th Summit of the Americas in Colombia.  Again these meetings are being billed as trade conferences, but are they really?
Continue reading “Obama in Colombia Plotting US Gun Confiscation using Foreign Troops”

It seems everyone out here is ecstatic over the drive to impeach Obama, somehow believing this is all we need to do to save our Republic.  It is discomforting seeing so called patriot websites and broadcasts pushing this unrealistic theory.  Isn’t it a little late in the game for an impeachment?  And even if such a process were to go forward, could it be accomplished before the November election?

What if Obama is impeached right after being elected?  Would this mean President Joe Biden and Vice-President Hillary Clinton for the next four years?  Oh yeah, that would definitely stop the socialist invasion and reinstate the Republic.  I think we had all better remember that Premier Obama has put the mechanisms in place to clamp down with his police state if he feels threatened in any way.
Continue reading “Will the Republican Party Expel Ron Paul in an Attempt to Stop the Revolution?”

The propaganda machine is running in overdrive as the push to cover up the GOP election fraud has become so in-our-face as to be counterproductive to its cause.  Only the most ignorant of the ignorant cannot see the push to implement every form of propaganda developed over the last fifty years for the purpose of dividing we the people.

We are seeing a push for a race war, which is failing.  There is a war on women, which I guess is supposed to indicate men against women. There is a war on religion, which I guess is supposed to mean whatever they want it to mean from one minute to the next, including, but not limited to, abortion, birth control, Mitt Romney’s Mormanism, Paul Ryan’s Catholicism, and Obama’s Muslimism.  And of course there is the class war, which really makes the whole thing quite interesting, as, in many cases considering all the aforementioned wars, individuals are finding themselves at war with themselves.  Failing, failing, failing.
Continue reading “Propagandists are Failing to Divide the American People”

Friday morning From the Trenches World Report was shut down by the server, HostGator.  We immediately contacted the server to inquire as to what the problem was.  We were told that we were using too much bandwidth.

When Google removed From the Trenches World Report from Google News last July as a part of an effort to take the site from the web, we were at that time averaging about 3,000 hits a day and had seen days of over 10,000.  There was never an issue with bandwidth; and in fact the bandwidth we were consuming on Friday was far less.
Continue reading “Zionist Controlled HostGator Attacks From the Trenches World Report”

As predicted the unemployment rate has been fraudulently dropped from 8.3% to 8.2%.  Only 120,000 jobs were created last month, less than half of what was expected, and just how many of those were in other countries cannot be ascertained, probably the lion’s share.  Even the mainstream propagandists are being forced to admit that the unemployment rate number being put forth is a lie.

Net, there were 31,000 fewer people working in March than in February.  164,000 more unemployed were dropped from the unemployment rolls because they had exhausted their benefits and of course it is automatically said that these people are no longer looking for work.
Continue reading “Obama’s Department of Labor Defies Math”

Diesel has hit $4.16 per gallon as a national average, causing food prices to rise even more than they already have over the past year.  But we need to ignore this little inconvenience, as only through being positive can we make this robust recovery a reality.  And of course our government is helping us by not figuring the price of food and energy into the rate of inflation.

Well I guess we all need to do our part.  I have developed a little system that works quite well and will share it with you as I feel it is my civic duty to do so.  Every six hours, go into the bathroom, and pretend to defecate.  This will make your stomach think it has eaten.  Of course do not apply this technique for more than two weeks or you could die.
Continue reading “A Couple of Solutions to Help Build our Economy”

Not since the beginning of the US Civil War have we seen a grab for power by a single individual like we are seeing today being perpetrated by Barack Obama.  On April 27, 1861, following the onset of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus in response to riots, local militia actions, and the threat that the border slave state of Maryland would secede from the Union, leaving the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., surrounded by hostile territory.

Following the arrest of Maryland secessionist John Merryman, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Roger B. Taney defied Lincoln’s order and issued a writ of habeas corpus demanding that the U.S. Military bring Merryman before the Supreme Court.  The military refused to honor the writ and the Supreme Court then declared Lincoln’s action in suspending habeas corpus to be unconstitutional.
Continue reading “Premier Obama Moves on Supreme Court”

The mainstream propaganda machine is failing miserably in its attempt to un-unite the American people of the American race.  What they cannot see is that they have set themselves so far above us that their attempts to communicate their propaganda have become laughable in the face of the reality we live in.  They can say our country is in recovery but the assertion has become like telling a drowning man that there is no water.

There are 30 million of us out here unemployed, many of us formerly of the middle class.  We have ceased living and now only exist to take our revenge on those who have disenfranchised, dispossessed, and made us civilly dead.  We are the grass roots Tea Party, the Occupy Protesters, and the Militias across the United States.
Continue reading “Americans Stand Ready and Stay United”

If we are to stop the theft of our natural resources and recover our individual estates, we must unite.  And to unite we must have a concise and common understanding of how we have been and are being robbed, and who has robbed and is still robbing us now.

In 1933 the United States went into Chapter 11 restructuring, hence bankruptcy.  Chapter 11 is a form of bankruptcy designed for corporations, not governments.  When this bankruptcy took place our Constitutional Republic was dissolved and replaced with a corporate democracy, social corporate fascism.  Our elected representatives became the trustees and the international banksters became the receivers.  And of course like every bankruptcy the matter had to be sanctioned through a court, the United Nations Court in fact.
Continue reading “The Lie of the US Bankruptcy of 1933”

We often discuss the wealth of our country and where it has gone and so shall we do so again, starting from the beginning.  In 1913 a group of international banker criminals, working in tandem with a small group of treacherous Congressmen and Senators, set up the Federal Reserve, which was then signed by the international elitist traitor Woodrow Wilson.  By 1933 the government of the United States went bankrupt.  That is, the United States government, not we the people.  We the people were then and still are today filthy rich.

When the government went into receivership, they put up the wealth of our country as collateral for the bankruptcy, which did not represent the tiniest little speck of our wealth.  And as we the people are the absolute owners of the United States and its resources, under Title 50 of the United States Codes, our birth certificates were and are used as the paper representation of the resources we own.
Continue reading “Just How Much Have and Are the International Elitists Stealing from the American People?”

The mainstream propagandists are putting forth the lie of a recovering economy, again, using figures as fraudulent as those being reported in reference to the GOP Primaries and Caucuses.  They are saying the economy grew at 3% in the fourth quarter, meeting expectations.  Seeing as how our economy is based on debt and foreclosures, this number is probably correct.  However the reality is that the corporate elite took three more percent of what is left of our natural resources through the debt exchange better known as the stock market.

The propagandists are also saying that personal income is up 2% in February.  This is nothing more than our yearly tax returns, people, and it is a piddly amount, compared to the continuing record profits the 1% are accumulating through the theft of our natural resources.
Continue reading “The Greatest Con the Earth has Ever Known”