54 thoughts on “What would you do if the Illuminati engineered a civil war in the United States?

  1. Well, this was a no brainer, “fight for the BofR’s. Was surprised this option was not 100%. I see KOYOTE employed empathy for the cry babies so voted “run and hide” but what’s other peoples excuses?



  2. I voted for fictitious 5.
    Wait and watch as long as possible while thing 1, and thing 2 weaken each other.
    Then fight to destroy both and reinstate the Common Law, Bill of Rights, and the people’s Republic.

    I’m weird like that. 😉

      1. I voted for it to be lobbed into the Mariana Trench.
        Prison is cruel and unusual punishment………..For the other prisoners. 😉

  3. 4-5% aligning with Trump or Clinton? On this site? They must look themselves in a mirror and think “What can I do today to be a better sheeple?”

    “Well, gosh darn, golly gee-willickers, they said hand in all our gold, that they’d take care of us! Now they want our guns. You see, they figure we could get hurt and, since they love us so much, they’re protecting us from ourselves, how thoughtful.

    “For every gun turned in, you get a free shovel.” “Here boy, I’ll take that gun, here’s your shovel. Go over there next to that other guy diggin’ a hole and get at it! We’ll let you know when the hole’s deep enough!”

    1. Millard.
      I got ‘The Patton Papers 1940 – 1945’ by Martin Blumenson.
      If you want it, you can have it as soon as I’m finished reading.
      I’ll need to know where to ship if you’re interested.

    2. Yup Millard
      There are two kinds of people in this world
      Those with guns and those who dig

      I ain’t digging

    1. How about leave the cuntree and don’t come fkng back.
      Pussy azz mutherfkrs.
      I could have cashed out and traveled the world and done ungodly lustful things to other people.
      But instead of doing a cut and run like a kunt.
      I chose to grab my balls and man up.

      Don’t come back to make a mess after we clean up the kitchen.

        1. I’m sorry pole barn….
          My apologies.
          I forgot to say ….
          Fk u
          and sk my dk.
          Keep it up.
          Right up.
          Sorry trenchers.
          This non donating mooching troll needs an online azz beating.
          Correct me if I’m wrong.
          I know it’s supposed to be the holidays.
          So with all holiday tidings…
          Fk you pole barn.
          Your not even worth all caps.
          No go back into your abyss.
          You fk g online gollum.
          How’s that for gettin mad

  4. 76 have voted to leave the country… Makes you wonder why they are even here to begin with let alone on this site. Make sure to give me all your stuff before the door hits you on your ass on the way out. Try and come back, a bullet or a rope will be waiting.

    1. 104 now. Didn’t expect that.
      Sure won’t like me much, those who try coming back after.
      It aint your home any more.

  5. # 4 should read ‘Leave the country, run… and postpone the inevitable elsewhere’.

    As if there’s ANY safe place to hide from the NWO.

    1. LOL #1 like we would hide lololol! F’m I ain’t hiding, they know exactly where to find my f’n azz and have known, I’m sure for some time ;-D. Whoa, come to think about it, probably since the 70’s, here to stay dammit!

      1. Hey RT! 😀

        Sorry I’m just now getting back to you, but my wi-fi/internet at home disappeared on Sat., so I’m back to library hours again.

        Miss you, girl! 🙁

        1. :-D!
          Miss You! & Everyone!
          See Lot’s of new (maybe older? now? 🙂 ) Trenchers! YaY!
          Stop in and at least browse when can 🙂
          Long weekend, this weekend!
          Be on for a bit, another post wanted to comment on too….
          My best always!

          1. Damn kinda #1,
            Kinda in the way you can’t get on here! 🙁 but Totally awesome that you’ll probably get some Nature/People/Thinking time in! 🙂
            Might be wrong here, but those things Ultimate important and cherished for me. Wishes your time is blessed and even more! As always! 🙂

    1. No Bullwinkle, ‘The Confederate Battle Flag’ will represent the Republic!… not the ‘Left’s flag of aggression.

  6. A vote? Please! We have progressed far beyond that mentality. The horse has left the corral. Like your vote matters? Bring it mofo, 3% have dug in.


  7. The results are quite interesting, I never expected so many votes for “Leave the country, run and hide” but I really shouldn’t be surprised after what I’ve seen in the last decade.

    Personally I don’t see either or any side having the numbers and support for a civil war. I do see the degree of compliance dropping among the American population and the state trying to assert its dominance with policing.

    Outside of some WWIII, 9/11, Katrina type event or the establishment vastly improving the money market, I do not see the establishment winning this global war for dominance (they can definitely cause chaos but I’m not sure people want their order anymore).

  8. Since “leave the country, run and hide” took a surprising 34% of the vote, I have to ask “Where the hell are you going to run to, and where will you hide?”

    The problems we face are global, as are their genocidal intentions, and your best chance of survival is right here, in the heavily armed U.S.A.

    Other countries might seem relatively calm right now, but that’s because they can’t really start slaughtering populations until America is disarmed first, or they’ll never have a chance of disarming us at all. (This is also why England and Australia haven’t descended into genocidal tyranny yet, either)

  9. WWJD? AK-47 street-sweeper, laser sight, endless ammo. Yup people, as portrayed on South Park, Jesus is back and he’s pissed off!

  10. I have already left the country. Where I live there are no chemtrails, and I eat fresh wholesome food. In the states my health was going down hill, I think this move has bought me a little more time.
    If American Nationals finally wake up, and stand up, I’ll be back to help. If I see them helping the pigs in this war I’ll stay pat. I don’t think I have much time left so I’d be very happy to kill a few pigs.
    Death to the New World Order, long live our Bill of Rights.

  11. A civil war, I don’t see happening. I do see freedom continuing to erode and people continuing to vote and complaining about infringements.

  12. “I see stupid people.” You can’t avoid them, they’re everywhere. You cannot leave your house, I challenge you, and not run into a dumb-f*ck.

    There does seem to be a correlation between age and reality. The older you get, the more sh*t’s been shoveled on ya and your less of a concern to those seeking office. They schedule elections in November knowing that the old farts ain’t gonna get their mittens out in a blizzard to go vote for some sorry sap.

    Although there will be the Rush Limbaugh fans voting the party line, these political media experts still have their heads up their asses. That’s the hassel with democracy. Even though we’re a republic, they still call it democracy.

    I remain insulted by the complacency of our people to this. Nobody seems to notice, much less care. It’s a good thing the British aren’t parked in Boston harbor today, we’d be delivering “French fries” with Big Macs to the troops. F’n spineless cowards. “You want Pepsi or Coke?”

  13. We’ll be fighting in the streets.
    With our children at our feet.
    And the morals that they worship will be gone.
    And the men who spurred us on.
    Sit in judgement of all wrong.
    They decide and the shotgun sings the song.

    “We Won’t Get Fooled Again”

  14. The number of spineless cowards on here is almost ready to overpower the number of people who will fight. Explains a great deal no? Nothing but geldings in this “country.”

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