Tales From Out There

NOTE: The fact that a NATO Commander has to ask questions about aircraft spraying chemicals over a potential battle area under his command speaks to a sophisticated and organized coverup that surpasses development of the atomic bomb known as the MANHATTAN PROJECT.

In both cases we see the development of secret weapons intended to target Civilian Populations.
Continue reading “NATO General Wants Answers to Chemtrails”

National Economics Editorial – by Spencer P Morrison

President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.

The idea is that a physical barrier will act as a low-cost deterrent, and will help stem the flow of illegal immigrants entering America via Mexico—the hope is that once an illegal alien (particularly a criminal migrant) is deported, they won’t return.  Continue reading “Illegal Aliens Cost The US $148.3 Billion A Year: The Border Wall Costs $21.6 Billion”

Mercury News – by Katy Murphy

SACRAMENTO — Three California Democrats have a warning for contractors who sign up for President Donald Trump’s border-wall construction project between the U.S. and Mexico: Build it, and we will divest from your company.

In the latest act of resistance against the Trump administration, the state lawmakers have introduced a bill that would force the state to drop its pension investments in any companies involved in the project.   Continue reading “U.S.-Mexico border wall fight: California considers divesting from companies involved in the project”

Independent Journal Review – by Jenni Fink

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) gained large support during the 2016 presidential election. The self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist campaigned heavily on big government programs like free college and universal health care.

In documentarian Ami Horowitz’s latest short film, he contrasted Americans’ view of socialism with Venezuelans’ reality of socialism.   Continue reading “‘This Is Only a Nightmare’: Venezuelans Have Sobering Advice for Americans Who Support Democratic Socialism”


The US military are in the process of testing a new electromagnetic gun that can fire ammo at 4,500mph.

The Navy have developed a weapon that will use a ship’s self-generated power to fire at long-range targets.

This means that the electromagnetic railgun launcher uses electricity instead of chemical propellants.   Continue reading “US military tests new ‘game-changer’ electromagnetic railgun that can fire projectiles from ships at 4,500mph”


JERUSALEM (AP) — If Islamic militants in Gaza or Lebanon go to war with Israel, they could find their usual targets empty.

Israel is drawing up contingency plans to evacuate up to a quarter-million civilians from border communities to protect them from attacks from Hamas, Hezbollah or other Islamic militant groups.   Continue reading “Israel plans mass evacuation if war erupts again”


JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — An Australian couple with roots in Alaska has bought more than two dozen radio stations in three states, marking the first time federal regulators have allowed full foreign ownership of U.S. radio stations.

The Federal Communications Commission recently approved a request by Richard and Sharon Burns through their company Frontier Media to increase their interest in 29 radio stations in Alaska, Texas and Arkansas from 20 percent to 100 percent.   Continue reading “Australia couple are 1st foreigners to own US radio stations”

ABC News

Time for talk running out, President Donald Trump on Tuesday warned wavering House Republicans that their jobs were on the line in next year’s elections if they failed to back a GOP bill that would upend Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

The countdown quickened toward an expected vote Thursday on legislation undoing much of the law that has provided coverage to some 20 million Americans. Trump huddled behind closed doors with rank-and-file Republicans just hours after GOP leaders unveiled changes intended to pick up votes by doling out concessions to centrists and hardliners alike.   Continue reading “Trump to GOP: Pass health care bill or seal your fate”

All News Pipeline – by Susan Duclos

On January 25, 2017 President Trump issued an executive order titled “Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States,” where in Section 9 deals with Sanctuary Jurisdictions, which states “It is the policy of the executive branch to ensure, to the fullest extent of the law, that a State, or a political subdivision of a State, shall comply with 8 U.S.C. 1373.”   Continue reading “Citizens Rise Up Against City Officials As ICE Releases List Of 118 Sanctuary Cities That Are Not Complying With The Law”


Some conservatives in Washington were fuming on Tuesday after an Obamacare rollback bill was tweaked by Republican leaders to delete a provision meant to crack down on illegal immigrants getting federal healthcare insurance coverage.

The development posed another problem for Republican leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives and President Donald Trump, who are trying to win congressional approval of the wider bill, the first big legislative test for Trump since taking office.   Continue reading “Immigration provision cut from Obamacare rollback, angering conservatives”

ABC News

The European Union’s commissioner for migration says there are ways to make all EU members states comply with the program of relocation of migrants among them.

Dimitris Avramopoulos made the statement Tuesday in Warsaw, where he is visiting the growing European border guard agency, Frontex.   Continue reading “EU official: we can make members accept refugees”

CBS New York

MAPLEWOOD, N.J. (CBSNewYork) — When it comes time for fifth graders to learn about the history of colonization and slavery, it’s always a sensitive subject.

As CBS2’s Jessica Layton reported, parents like Tracey Jarmon-Woods said it became even more painful after what took place in a 5th grade classroom at her son’s school in Maplewood.   Continue reading “Mock Slave Auction Stokes Tempers At Maplewood Elementary School”