CNN – by Jacque Wilson

Indiana and Montana have joined the growing list of states with confirmed cases of Enterovirus D68, health officials say.

Four children in Lake County were sickened by Enterovirus D68 and were treated at University of Chicago Hospital, according to a press release from the Indiana Department of Health; all four have since been discharged from the hospital. Lake County is in the northwest corner of the state.   Continue reading “List of states with Enterovirus D68 grows”

C-Net – by Eric Mack

Prepare yourself for a future filled with real-life pew pew! The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is working with Lockheed Martin to test “a new beam control turret… to give 360-degree coverage for high-energy laser weapons operating on military aircraft.”

In other words, it stuck a primitive (by rebel standards) “Star Wars”-style laser cannon on a fighter jet and flew it over Michigan eight times.

“These initial flight tests validate the performance of our ABC turret design,” Lockheed’s Doug Graham said. in a release.    Continue reading “DARPA testing planes with a ‘Star Wars’-style laser cannon”

Watts Up With That? – by Anthony Watts

Eric Worrall writes: The imminent climate summit in New York is rapidly turning into an utter embarrassment for President Obama and UN Secretary General Bank Ki-Moon, in addition to becoming a bit of a punishment round for national deputy leaders.

Aussie PM Tony Abbott today defended his decision not to hop on an earlier flight to America, so he could attend the UN climate conference in New York, because he has more important matters to attend to, such as running the country.   Continue reading “Obama’s Lonely Climate Summit – world leaders are staying home”

Another Banker?

Hollywood Reporter – by Seth Abramovitch

The 24-hour party vibe of the Standard Hotel in downtown Los Angeles ground to a halt Monday afternoon when a man leaped 12 floors to his death from the hotel’s rooftop lounge.

The incident occurred as guests crowded the rooftop pool, seeking to cool off during a mid-September heat wave in which temperatures hit the mid-90s.    Continue reading “Man Jumps to Death From Roof of Standard Hotel in Downtown L.A.”

Breitbart – by Warner Todd Huston

Among the many metrics that show Obama’s home state is struggling to break the Great Recession, a new report shows that applications for food stamps in Illinois is greater than its creation of jobs.

Illinois has had the worst recovery from the recession of any state in the country, the Illinois Policy Institute reported this month: “There are nearly 300,000 fewer Illinoisans working today than in January 2008, and 170,000 fewer payroll jobs. ”   Continue reading “Food Stamp Sign-Ups Outnumber Jobs Created in Obama’s Illinois”

Breitbart – by Warner Todd Huston

The Obama administration has given enrollees in Obamacare who may be illegal immigrants more time to clear up their immigration status before being trimmed from the rolls, the Department of Health and Human Services said this week.

Andy Slavitt, principal deputy administrator at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, noted that upwards to 115,000 enrollees still have a questionable immigration status on their applications.    Continue reading “Feds Giving Illegal Aliens More Time to Clear Up Immigration Status for Obamacare”

Pope Francis has told a group of teenagers in El Salvador to The Telegraph – by Nick Squires

Pope Francis is at risk of an assassination attempt by the Islamic extremists of Isil, the Vatican has been warned, ahead of his first visit to a Muslim-majority country this weekend.

As the 77-year-old pontiff prepares to travel to Albania on Sunday for a one-day visit, Iraq’s ambassador to the Holy See said there were credible threats against the pontiff’s life.

The leader of the Roman Catholic Church could also be vulnerable when he travels to Turkey in November, the ambassador said.

Continue reading “Isil want to assassinate the Pope, says Iraq’s ambassador to Vatican”

 KRGV 5 News

WESLACO – A new court opinion could have a big impact on the thousands of Central American women and children who have fled violence in their countries and recently arrived in the United States.

The opinion focused on a woman fleeing Guatemala because she was a victim of domestic violence. No one disputed the facts of the case.   Continue reading “Court Opinion May Benefit some Immigrants”

 KRGV 5 News

McALLEN – State officials released new details about the Texas Department of Public Safety surge in the Rio Grande Valley.

The report states troopers face threats even when they are not on the clock. It also highlights the growing violence in the region. Crimes never before made public were revealed.   Continue reading “State Officials Release Report on DPS Surge”

CNNVariety – by Dave McNary

The National Labor Relations Board has ordered CNN to rehire 100 workers and compensate 200 others for a labor dispute that originated in 2003.

The 11-year dispute stems from CNN’s decision to replace a unionized subcontractor called Team Video Services, which provided the network with audio and video technicians, with an in-house nonunion work force in its Washington and New York bureaus.   Continue reading “Labor Board Orders CNN to Rehire 100 Fired Employees”

New York Times – by MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT

WASHINGTON — Militants for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria have traveled to Mexico and are just miles from the United States. They plan to cross over the porous border and will “imminently” launch car bomb attacks. And the threat is so real that federal law enforcement officers have been placed at a heightened state of alert, and an American military base near the border has increased its security.   Continue reading “U.S. Pushes Back Against Warnings That ISIS Plans to Enter From Mexico”

Breitbart – by Merrill Hope

DALLAS, Texas — The ideological battle over the Texas Social Studies textbook adoption process is inching towards a showdown as the State Board of Education (SBOE) convenes to hear public comment on the classroom learning materials followed by reviewer reports and the board’s recommendations for history, geography and civics books. It’s all part of the state’s multi-month review process that is meant to be transparent but leftwing attack dogs are trying to convince Americans that school books have been taken hostage by rightwing fundamental evangelicals, according to Politico with an assist from the Washington Post.   Continue reading “Proposed Texas Textbooks Are Full of Progressive Bias, Says Curriculum Accuracy Expert”

Breitbart – by ILDEFONSO ORTIZ

LUBBOCK, Texas — A U.S. Army soldier in uniform allegedly tried to smuggle illegal aliens into Texas, according to court records obtained by Breitbart Texas. Authorities claim the soldier attempted to drive across a U.S. Border Patrol checkpoint with two illegal immigrants hiding in his vehicle.

The court records show Border Patrol agents working the immigration checkpoint in Sarita, Texas arrested Eric Rodriguez earlier this week.   Continue reading “US Soldier Allegedly Smuggled Illegal Aliens Into Texas”

Council on Foreign RelationsLook at this grotesque email I received from the CFR. They must be getting really desperate for that immigration reform to pass.

Council on Foreign Relations

In light of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere hearing on Thursday, September 18 titled “Unaccompanied Alien Children: Pressing the Administration for a Strategy,” you may be interested in these recent CFR publications on the subject.   Continue reading “CFR Pre-Hearing Brief: Unaccompanied Alien Children – Pressing the Administration for a Strategy”

Investment Watchblog

Our bodies are designed to survive. Aside from your spiritual being, the earth body has many functions. Our subconscious protects us on two fronts. Internal threats and external threats.

External threats are predators, storms, weapons, etc. Internal threats are bacterial, fungal and viral. There are also mental illness which is an internal illness of a virtual nature.   Continue reading “How to build the ability to heal yourself and others”

The Burning Platform

“Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable.” ― Mark Twain

I never believe government manufactured numbers. They will always be adjusted, massaged, and manipulated to achieve a happy ending for the propagandists attempting to control and fleece the sheep. Yesterday, the government produced retail sales numbers for August that were weak and the corporate MSM propaganda machine immediately threw up bold headlines declaring how strong these numbers were. Positive stories were published on the interwebs and Wall Street hack economists were rolled out on CNBC, where the bubble headed bimbos and prostitutes for the status quo like Jim Cramer and Steve Liesman declared the recovery gaining strength. Woo Hoo.   Continue reading “Kohl’s & The Rest Of The Retailers Are In Deep Doo Doo”

camwarThe Slog – by John Ward

Before kicking off today, I would like to make two things crystal clear:

1. I do not condone what ‘ISIS’ has done (or appears to have done). I regard Islamism – and its millions of assenting fellow-travelers – as a development fueled by male misogyny and medieval concepts. It represents a murderous fanaticism far worse than anything the Nazis displayed, and it will be even harder to eradicate.

2. I think it highly probable that David Haines was a good and brave man, doing his duty and very sadly dying in the process.   Continue reading “Britain Heads Towards A War Based On Poor Intelligence, Corporate Disinformation, Spook Manipulation, Business Lobbyists & Political Ego”

Windsor, Ont., isn't alone in a spike of respiratory virus cases. Saskatchewan's chief medical health officer is advising parents to be aware of a respiratory virus that may be linked to dozens of cases of sick children in the U.S.CBC News

Windsor Regional Hospital in southwestern Ontario has seen a sudden surge of young patients with severe respiratory issues.

The children affected are mostly younger than five years old.
Continue reading “Enterovirus D-68 could be cause of surge of admissions at Ontario hospital”

CBS Houston – by Benjamin Fearnow

Midland County, Texas (CBS HOUSTON) – Midland County Sheriff Gary Painter said that law enforcement agencies along the “wide open” border have received alerts to be on the lookout for terrorists from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria crossing into the United States.

Painter, who said he has worked along the border for “about eight years,” stated that alerts have been issued to border law enforcement to be on the lookout for suspicious terrorist activity, specifically involving ISIS cells being smuggled into the United States.   Continue reading “Texas Sheriff: Reports Warn Of ISIS Terrorist Cells Coming Across The Border”

The Japan News – by Eiji Noyori and Hiroyuki Oyama

FUKUSHIMA — Three and a half years after the outbreak of the crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, efforts to contain water contaminated with radioactive substances at the plant are at a crossroads.

Resolving the radioactive water issue is the first hurdle toward decommissioning the plant. However, despite the time that has passed since the beginning of the nuclear disaster, Tokyo Electric Power Co. has been unable to curb the growing volume of contaminated water. Continue reading “TEPCO measures fail to hold water”