Before It’s News – by Deborah Dupre

The former pope along and 29 other officials of church and state, including the Queen of England, convicted last week of committing and concealing Crimes against Humanity in Canada, defied a lawful Court Order and now face immediate arrest, according to The International Common Law Court of Justice and the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State. Continue reading “Former Pope Arrest Warrants Issued”

The Survivalist Blog – by M.D. Creekmore

As Most of you know, I’m not a big fan of the bug out bag survival strategy. In a nutshell you’re voluntarily becoming, a refugee, but looking at the recent disasters in New Orléans and Haiti it is obvious that a bug out bag and strategy are not only needed but required for anyone who is prepared.

A few days ago we talked about bugging out with children and several months ago, I went into detail about my bug out bag contents and get out of dodge survival strategy. Continue reading “What You Should Know About Selecting Guns For Your Bug Out Bag”

ENE News

CBS Los Angeles, March 3, 2013 (Emphasis Added): Authorities say a foul odor that spurred calls to fire departments throughout the city on Sunday is possibly the result of the large release of methane in the Santa Monica Bay. Santa Monica Fire said in a department statement that they believe the strong odor was caused by a naturally occurring methane leak below the ocean floor. “This morning there was a large release of natural ocean floor methane released in the Santa Monica Bay,” the statement said. […] Brian Humphrey, a spokesman for the Los Angeles City Fire Department, said the odor was noted inland from the Santa Monica Bay.
Continue reading “Officials: “Large release” of methane off Los Angeles coast — Unusual concentrations detected by haz-mat crews — Gas may be from shift in tectonic plates”

Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

Sound of gunfire continued to ring around the security directorate area in central Port Said into the early hours of Sunday night as several media outlets reported that police and army soldiers have been exchanging fire at the end of a tense day in the Suez Canal city.

During the day, some 360 people were injured in clashes between police and protesters near the security directorate on Sunday, according to Egypt’s health ministry. Continue reading “Egyptian Army Fires On Police In Port Said”

Before It’s News – by Josey Wales

Now they are targeting people with concealed carry permits when renewing their drivers license in Missouri.

Will other states follow Missouri’s lead?

Missouri’s Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder. Listen to the interview with Kinder here: Continue reading “Missouri Lt. Gov Kinder, DHS Plans Backdoor Gun Registration Through Drivers License Renewal”

Image courtesy Google MapsWFLA 8 – by Galina Tishchenko

PINELLAS COUNTY, FL – Structural engineers were on scene at a Palm Harbor home Tuesday morning after a woman was trapped in her bedroom because of a possible sinkhole, according to Pinellas County Fire Rescue report.

Fire officials told us 89-year-old Elsie Hall called 911 after she heard her house crack. She stayed in the bedroom awaiting rescue teams. Continue reading “Pinellas County investigating possible sinkhole”

AFP Photo / Alain JokardRT News

After returning from combat duty with post-traumatic stress disorder, a former US Navy Corpsman in Colorado now faces prison for using marijuana to cope. A court said it would violate his probation after a string of run-ins with the law.

Jeremy Usher uses marijuana medicinally to deal with insomnia, anxiety, depression, flashbacks and a speech impediment developed as a result of the disorder, the Greeley Tribune of Greeley, Colorado reports. Continue reading “Colorado veteran faces jail after using marijuana to treat PTSD”

FILE - In this Friday, Oct. 5, 2012, file photo, a boogie boarder walks past a sign displaying high gas prices in Laguna Beach, Calif. Higher gas costs drove up U.S. consumer prices in September for the second straight month. But outside energy, there was little sign of inflation. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson) — APUT San Diego – by Jonathan Horn

The tax you pay on a gallon of gas will rise by 3.5 cents in California come July 1.

The state Board of Equalization voted 3-2 on Thursday to increase the excise tax about 10 percent, from 36 cents per gallon to 39.5 cents per gallon. Continue reading “It’s official: California Gas tax going up”

Singularity Hub – by David J. Hill

In what is sure to be only the beginning of human vs. robot confrontations, a surveillance robot belonging to the police was recently shot after a six-hour standoff with a 62-year-old heavily inebriated man.

As reported by the Ohio-based Chillicothe Gazette, officers in the town of Waverly responded to a complaint that shots were fired inside a bedroom in a home and that the homeowner had more guns and was threatening others. Police knocked on the door, called on the phone, and even brought in a trained negotiator, but the man refused to speak to anyone for several hours. So the officers contacted the Pike County Sheriff’s Department and the Highway Patrol’s Strategic Response Team for assistance. Continue reading “Ohio Man Charged with Shooting Robot”

Conference emblemBefore It’s News – by Josey Wales

Many Americans can feel the tension in the air lately. With all the military maneuvers, military equipment being transported around the nation.

Then people are asking why all the UN Vehicles in the US? Continue reading “Read UN Small Arms Treaty: March 18 – 28 2013, If Ratified, The 2nd Amendment Will Be Gone”

Senator Leahy Holds First Congressional Hearing On Immigration ReformBefore It’s News – by Alton Parish

Senators Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), and Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) unveiled on Monday a new bill to combat straw purchasing and gun trafficking that will be considered by the Judiciary Committee later this week. Continue reading “New Deal To Limit Gun And Ammo Sales Gets Bipartisan Support In Senate”

The Jewish Week – by Douglas Bloomfield

At a time when sequestration is about to take a big bite out of the Pentagon budget, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) will be sending thousands of its citizen lobbyists to Capitol Hill next week to make sure Israel is exempted from any spending cuts.

This could prove a very risky strategy at a time when millions of Americans will be feeling the bite of the sequestration debacle, from the defense budget to the school lunch program. Continue reading “AIPAC To Hill: Don’t Touch Israel Aid”

Economists: The Unholy Priests of the BankstersGlobal Research – by Gabriel Donohoe

“Political Economists,” according to Stephen Zarlenga in The Lost Science Of Money, “became the priesthood of the new Bank aristocracy, often serving as a propaganda apparatus to whitewash the monetary power structure. They put forward false ideas and smoke screens on the nature of money, primitive concepts that help entrench the bankers.” Continue reading “Economists: The Unholy Priests of the Banksters”

The Survivalist Blog – by Glenn

I remember getting my .30-06 as a present for my 18th birthday. Well, what I got was an unfinished stock, a barreled action, and a fixed 4x scope.

After finishing the stock (I use that term loosely since I never wanted a fancy rifle), I took my rifle to the local gunsmith and had him mount the scope. He bore sighted it, sold me a box of ammo, and sent me out to his range. Continue reading “How to Sight in your scoped rifle with a single shot”