The Daily Caller – by Michael Bastasch

Electricity prices are already increasing at record levels and Environmental Protection Agency rules will only force power prices up even higher as the agency finalizes a slew of regulations aimed at the power sector.

A report by Energy Ventures Analysis found that the EPA underestimates how much its power plant regulatory regime will raise electricity and natural gas prices by imposing new regulations on power plants, most recently being the agency’s rules to cut carbon dioxide emissions from new and existing power plants.   Continue reading “Report: EPA Regulations To Raise Power Costs 37 Percent By 2020”

Photo - A U.S. Border Patrol agent rides along the Border Fence on an ATV in Texas. (AP Photo/The Brownsville Herald, Brad Doherty)The Washington Examiner – by Byron York

The Department of Homeland Security has just released new “Policies for the Apprehension, Detention, and Removal of Undocumented Immigrants.” Designed to fill in the details after President Obama’s announcement that at least four million currently illegal immigrants will be given work permits, Social Security numbers and protection from deportation, the DHS guidelines are instructions for the nation’s immigration and border security officers as they administer the president’s directive.   Continue reading “New DHS immigration rules: Drunk drivers, sex abusers, drug dealers, gun offenders not top deportation priorities”

painNatural News – by Derek Henry

Unfortunately, acute or chronic pain is something that everyone in their life experiences at one time or another. Even though this is a powerful reminder from the body that something is either healing or going terribly wrong, a way to manage the pain is often required in order to live a functional lifestyle.

The first resort to manage this type of pain has typically been prescriptions or over the counter drugs. These medications do have side effects, however, and people are beginning to realize there are more natural solutions that can be as effective or more powerful than drugs. Here are 3 of them.   Continue reading “3 natural pain relievers that are as powerful as drugs, without the side effects”

Delusions of Grandeur direct from The KingCanada Free Press – by Judi McLeod

It’s no longer everyone else’s imagination but purely his own:  Obama, and not cash, is king.

Surrealistic as it may be, isn’t that a tiny crown graphic at the bottom of Barack Obama’s picture in the ‘Stand for Action on Immigration’ ad sent out by Organizing for Action at 10 o’clock last night?   Continue reading “Delusions of Grandeur direct from The King”

Last Resistance – by Michael Minkoff

The FBI released a warning concerning possible violence from agents provocateurs in Ferguson following the grand jury decision concerning the shooting death of Michael Brown:

The FBI assesses those infiltrating and exploiting otherwise legitimate public demonstrations with the intent to incite and engage in violence could be armed with bladed weapons or firearms, equipped with tactical gear/gas masks, or bulletproof vests to mitigate law enforcement measures.

Continue reading “Agents Provocateurs and the FBI Warnings on Ferguson”

WEB Commentary – by Sher Zieve

After the landslide elections on 4 November 2014, Obama was said to be even more furious with the “stupid American voters” than usual. And, with his now usual arrogant bravado he is–with his recently announced coming actions–saying to the American people “You’re petty little elections mean nothing to me. I’m beyond your laws as well as your wants and needs. Once I’m fully ensconced in and with my dictatorship and can openly eliminate anyone and everyone I want to destroy…I will!”   Continue reading “Obama To Officially Establish His Dictatorship 20 November 2014”

gruber 4The National Patriot – by Craig Andersen

So just who in THE hell IS Jonathan Gruber anyway?

I mean…other than the guy who has exposed liberals, democrats and socialists as being stupid American voters. At least in that respect, Uber Gruber is spot on in his assessment but who IS this guy?

Well…he has a degree in economics from MIT…we know that much and…I’m reasonably sure if you ask ensconced and elected liberals he has explosive diarrhea of the mouth as it seems, he has a penchant for telling the TRUTH…at THE most Inappropriate of times…an anathema for any liberal.   Continue reading “Obamacare – Uber Truths About Utter Lies”

Myths-about-the-United-StatesSovereign Man – by Simon Black

Years ago, an elderly, frail Japanese martial arts master once boasted a 200-0 record against his opponents.

He claimed to have a unique power that allowed him to inflict serious injury on people without actually laying a finger on them.

Was it Chi? Magic? None of the above. It was a total scam. But that didn’t matter.   Continue reading “Nine of the biggest myths that people believe about the system”

Revised History – by Al Benson Jr.

In case anyone hasn’t figured it out by now, let me say it as politely as I can and still keep it printable. The American citizens are being played for suckers by both political parties. The Republicans won the mid-term elections. So what? The Council on Foreign Relations/Trilateral Commission/Bilderberger triad is still in full control of both parties and with their One World Government agenda why should we actually think a Republican victory will make any real difference? Do we have any bold new leadership being chosen by Republicans for either the House or Senate? Hardly. We’ve got John Boehner–again, and he is sided by Mitch McConnell in the Senate. These guys have been in the political arena so long you can’t even classify them as retreads, and for the record, let’s not kid ourselves, neither one will do a blessed thing to help regain liberty for the American people. They will both play political parlor games with Comrade Obama and it will all continue to be cutesy poo as usual.   Continue reading “Amnesty And Checks And Balances – We are being had by both parties”

The New American – by Michael Tennant

In the summer of 2012, conservative author Dinesh D’Souza scored big at the box office with his motion picture2016: Obama’s America, which detailed the many radical influences on President Barack Obama and argued that these influences portended serious trouble for the United States if Obama were reelected. The film, based on D’Souza’s 2010 bestseller The Roots of Obama’s Rage, grossed over $33 million in the United States, making it the second highest-grossing political documentary since 1982. It also undoubtedly earned D’Souza the enmity of Obama, whose campaign labeled the film “an insidious attempt to dishonestly smear the president.”   Continue reading “You’re a Criminal Now!”

ObamaNatural News – by J D Heyes

A former judge has come out heavily against President Obama, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and MIT economist and Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber for the administration’s and congressional Democrats’ total lack of transparency and outright deception in getting the overly bureaucratic Affordable Care Act passed into law.

Judge Jeanine Pirro, host of FOX News Channel’s Justice, also said anyone involved in deceiving the public in a bid to convince voters to support the law ought to be charged with fraud.   Continue reading “Judge: Gruber, Obama Administration should be charged with conspiracy to commit fraud to pass Obamacare”

Nutmeg State SWAT storms gun owner's home, seizes firearmsHuman Events – by Raquel Okyay

Connecticut gun owner told Guns and Patriots that his civil rights were stripped from him by an anti-gun judicial branch and a soon-to-be ex-wife who is uncomfortable with him owning guns.

“High risk SWAT team rolls in and takes all my guns,” said Edward F. Taupier the respondent in a two-year divorce action that has escalated to an all-out war. “It took two armadillo armored vehicles, 75 officers with weapons drawn, and 45 minutes to raid my house.”

Although he said he posed no risk to the officers, Taupier was thrown to the ground and arrested.   Continue reading “Nutmeg State Swat Storms Gun Owner’s Home, Seizes Firearms”