Alabama Fusion Center LogoFree North Carolina

The first link is announcing the plan to consolidate all of Alabama’s twelve  law enforcement agencies under an umbrella agency that will be known as ALEA.

The second link is the STASI interactive sheet where you can make up stuff and turn your neighbors in for bogus crimes.   Continue reading “Alabama, Leading the Way – One step closer to a national police force”

Last Resistance

Philadelphia is using an obscure law to take property away from innocent citizens. Through civil forfeiture, Philadelphia has been able to sieze propoerty if that property is even tenuously connected to law-breaking.

In one case, the Sourovelise family had a teenage son who sold about $40 worth of drugs outside their house. He was caught and ordered to mandatory rehab. A little while later, the police showed up and evicted the Sourovelises from their house. The police claimed that, under civil forfeiture law, the house was now the property of the city. Now, the Sourovelises are fighting to get it back.    Continue reading “Philadelphia Making Millions a Year on Civil Forfeiture”

Public Intelligence, August 14, 2014

An intelligence assessment released July 22 by the Department of Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis warns of an increasing trend of “anti-government violence” from what are described as “domestic violent extremists” inspired by the recent standoff at the Bundy Ranch in Bunkerville, Nevada.  The report, titled “Domestic Violent Extremists Pose Increased Threat to Government Officials an Law Enforcement,” was originally obtained and published by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, a non-profit alliance of local state and federal resource professionals that has been advocating for criminal charges against Cliven Bundy and “militia snipers” involved in the April standoff with the Bureau of Land Management.     Continue reading “DHS Warns of “Domestic Violent Extremists” Targeting Government Officials, Law Enforcement”

What is the Difference Between the DNC and the CPUSA?Canada Free Press – by Alan Caruba

On the home page of the Communist Party USA it says “A better and peaceful world is possible—a world where people and nature come before profits. That’s socialism. That’s our vision. We are the Communist Party USA.”

No, it’s not Socialism, which is a watered down version of Communism. Real Communism is the kind that was practiced in the former Soviet Union. It can be found in Cuba and North Korea where the state controls all power and property,and the people have none.   Continue reading “What is the Difference Between the DNC and the CPUSA?”

Basic communications when the lights go outUS Crow – by Ron Hardin

I found that Discovery Channel presentation “When the lights go out” extremely interesting. In most instances it was accurate, as far as it went. They, of course, had to respect things like doctrine, patents, and copyright laws. Then too they were producing something to GUIDE the people to specific goals and locations. I will try not to be bound in those ways.   Continue reading “Basic American communications when the lights go out!”

Mr. Conservative – by Robert Rich

As the main stream media continues to put out the narrative that Michael Brown was nothing more than a “gentle giant,” as more and more facts come out, it seems their narrative is crumbling. As those that seek to defend the image that is Michael Brown, it seems that the facts just keep getting in the way as most recently his rap sheep was released detailing a history of armed robbery and assault.

The staff here at Mr. Conservative are dedicated to the facts and would like to warn that the facts (mainly the “rap sheet” – thus the “alleged”) offered within this article have the potential for being untrue.   Continue reading “Mike Brown’s Alleged History of Armed Robbery and Assault Exposed”

levantThis article written by Jack Kelly is “spot on” and his observations are well worth considering. As most folks only view the events which occur each day as inevitable occurrences, there is a master plan at work. That plan is God’s overall plan for mankind. What we’re witnessing is the winding down of the history of man. As the serious student of scripture knows, The “Book of Destiny” is being handed to Jesus Christ. At NO other time, in the history of mankind, has so many significant events occurred since 1948. Also, more technological, and other advances, have come to pass in just the last 100 years, than all previous recorded history combined.    Continue reading “The Islamic State, A Sample Of Things To Come?”

Fox News – by Barnini Chakraborty

A Washington state-based gun rights group is steadily persuading cities and towns across the country to repeal local firearms regulations and give that power back to the states.

The organization, the Second Amendment Foundation, is working to invalidate city ordinances by arguing that they’re in conflict with looser state regulations. So far, it seems to be working. The group says it’s been able to overturn more than 100 gun-related ordinances this way, most recently in Utah.     Continue reading “Gun-rights group persuading dozens of towns to repeal firearms regs in legal blitz”

eyeI’ve always been a “good” eater. Never have been a lover of “junk food” other than the occasional All American Cheese Burger or Pizza. I love veggies and great Southern home cooking, quite frankly, most any kind of home cooking for that matter.

I just don’t, and will not, eat liver! Why would anyone want to eat a filter? That’s always been a mystery to me.

As I’ve passed the Fifty mark, and having lens replacement surgery, articles like this get my attention. We can get by with most other deficiencies, but eye sight is not one of them.   Continue reading “Eating more of these 5 foods can help improve your eye health”

Banned - Public DomainThere was a blurb mentioning about this a week or so ago. So, this article’s posting, is another warning to those who’re still deciding on a course of action. But just think, if this bill gains traction, which it shouldn’t, but if it does, and passes …….Where would you be then? That is if you haven’t already obtained your armor.

What you’ll encounter is sky high prices on whatever you “might” be able to find. I would highly encourage the reader to look seriously at the Curved Patriot Plates, these can be found at   Continue reading “New Bill In Congress Would Ban Private Citizens From Owning Body Armor”

160soarPhantom Report

Source: TwinCities The Army’s 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment has a saying — “Night Stalkers Don’t Quit.” It apparently doesn’t always let people sleep, either.

The airborne unit’s Black Hawk helicopters arrived without warning Monday night, rattling for hours over Highland Park and around apartment buildings in downtown St. Paul and Minneapolis, and angering residents and elected officials alike.   Continue reading “Night Stalkers” Special Operations Aviation Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank Military Exercise”

WEB Commentary – by Sher Zieve

The Obama-Holder team has now taken over the investigation of the Ferguson, MO shooting. At the same time, that team has, apparently, effectively usurped both the city’s authority and the titles of “biggest race hustlers and race-baiters in America” from the team of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Note: I assume the Jackson-Sharpton team is now demanding royalties from both Holder and Obama.   Continue reading “Obama and Holder take over from Jackson and Sharpton”

Untitled attachment 00016On his death bed they asked him where he wanted to be buried. His answer was, “Surprise me.”

I had forgotten that he lived to be 100, and also didn’t realize it has been over 10 years since he died.

Always enjoyed him, his movies, and his show. He touched a lot of lives during his life.

Thought you might enjoy a bit of memory touching. Enjoy and recall a neat comedian.   Continue reading “Bob Hope”


Ah, let us taste the sweet nectar of Schadenfreude.

Dick’s Sporting Goods Inc. (DKS) on Tuesday reported net income that declined by 17 percent in its fiscal second quarter, and beat analysts’ expectations.

The Coraopolis, Pennsylvania-based company said profit fell to $69.5 million, or 57 cents per share, from $84.2 million, or 67 cents per share, in the same quarter a year ago. Continue reading “Don’t be a Dick’s: Anti-Gun Gun Store’s Income Sinks”

21bdcdbea7b3837868c60c6723feac02_XLThe New American – by Selwyn Duke

Does the unusual shot pattern in the Michael Brown shooting incident tell the tale of whether or not Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson fired in self-defense? Ex-marine and video blogger Michael Wilson (no relation) certainly thinks so. And he has created a presentation explaining the significance of the pattern and why he thinks the Brown family autopsy ultimately will vindicate Officer Wilson.   Continue reading “Ex-Marine Gunner: Ferguson Shot Pattern Vindicates Officer Wilson”

waterNatural News – by Mike Adams

In just a few days, Natural News will be exclusively announcing the results of unprecedented laboratory testing of water filters — the kind of testing which has never been done before on off-the-shelf filters.

The tests I’ve conducted in the Natural News Forensic Food Lab determine the ability of water filters to remove not only toxic heavy metals like lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury, but also to remove uranium, strontium and cesium isotopes — elements of special importance in a nuclear accident (such as Fukushima) or nuclear war.  
Continue reading “Natural News Labs tests 12 popular water filters for removal of heavy metals, arsenic, uranium and cesium”

iraq-isis-ap-photoI am going to reverse the tables on these savages …. It would be an honor, and a service to The Real Living and True God, as well as the rest of humanity, to remove these creatures from the gene pool.

If I EVER see any semblance of this occurring in this Republic, they WILL die.

No discussion. No PC debate. Just pure extreme prejudice and removal of filth.   Continue reading “The Islamic Jihad Conquest Formula”

storm preparation guideUS Crow – by Ron Hardin

Back a few years ago I was taking the F.E.M.A. Online Courses and the course I was taking was about Continuity of Operations. This course brought my education to an end with FEMA. What I learned was that if a house in my neighborhood caught fire and the Walmart up the street caught fire at the same time the neighborhood needed to get out their Garden hoses and storm preparation kits, because the trucks were going to Walmart by order of the President of the United States (see the Presidential Continuity of Operations EO).   Continue reading “Storm Preparation Guide”

Oil Price – by Nick Cunningham

Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the embattled owner of Japan’s crippled nuclear reactors, hassaid it is running out of space to store water contaminated with radioactive materials and is proposing to treat the water and dump it in the Pacific Ocean.

Up until now, TEPCO has been storing radioactive water in giant storage tanks on the site of its Fukushima reactor. But groundwater continually flowing into the reactor site becomes contaminated as it does so. Containing and storing an ever-increasing volume of contaminated water is a bit like running on a treadmill – new groundwater becomes contaminated just as TEPCO succeeds in removing previously contaminated water. Meanwhile, the storage tanks multiply around the reactor complex.   Continue reading “As Radioactive Water Accumulates, TEPCO Eyes Pacific Ocean As Dumping Ground”