Jon Rappoport

I want my Obamacare! I want my Obamacare!

It’s vital to look at the real meaning of this sinister plan. It’s all about the toxic effects of mainstream medicine. That’s what the sold-out press is refusing to examine.

A year ago, I discussed the case of a young Michigan boy, whose parents had been taken to court three times to force them to submit their child to intensely toxic chemo treatments—despite these facts:   Continue reading “The devastating truth behind Obamacare”

darkweb1SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Their tentacles are everywhere.

If it’s plugged into the internet there is a near 100% chance that the National Security Agency is monitoring it.

So how does the average American get off the control grid?   Continue reading “Dark Web Rising: McAfee Founder To Launch New “NSA Killer” Privacy Device”

21st Century Wire – by Jason Liosatos

People only really find out they are dependent on something when it stops providing, and at that point its often too late to survive without it’.

We are being forced to awaken to the shocking fact that governments and the financial systems are collapsing, as they were always destined to do,  being based on short term greed, fear, recklessness, and managed without vision and wisdom. The first big card to fall is the US, and others will undoubtedly follow.    Continue reading “Breaking The Chains: Our Financial System is Pulling Us Down”

Fakest of the fake? Barack Obama's Twitter following includes 19.5 million people who don't exist, and the first lady has 1.9 million nonexistent fans of her ownDaily Mail – by DAVID MARTOSKO

Among influential U.S. political tweeters, President Barack Obama is the undisputed king of the fake followers. A MailOnline analysis ranks his sizable Twitter following as the most deceptive total among the 21 most influential accounts run by American politicians: More than 19.5 million of his 36.9 million Twitter followers are accounts that don’t correspond to real people.

The four phoniest accounts in the sample, which included Democratic and Republican Party leaders in Washington, D.C., were those belonging to President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, first lady Michelle Obama and the White House communications shop.   Continue reading “Barack Obama is political king of the fake Twitter followers, with more than 19.5 MILLION online fans who don’t really exist”

Activist Post – by Michael T. Winter

The Internet has been awash of late with articles, analysis and YouTube clips all examining the warnings put forth by South Dakota S.R. and State Sen. Sheldon R. Songstad (1971-1978 and 1985-1988)1. Google ‘FEMA Region III alert’ and page after page of articles, news clips and releases, etc. pop up for viewing. It has become my habit, (being so illuminated by the events of Aurora, Sandy Hook, Boston, 911, and even the recent Navy yard shooting) to automatically look for falsities.   Continue reading “Is the FEMA Region III Alert a Red Herring?”

How’s this for apocalyptic literature.
This was written by a pastor’s wife in biblical prose as a commentary of current events. It is brilliant.

And it came to pass in the Age of Insanity
That the people of the land Called America ,
Having lost their morals, their initiative,
And their Will to defend their liberties,
Chose as their Supreme Leader that
Person known as “The One.”   Continue reading “Supreme Leader Obama is ‘The One’”