Awesome Upside-Down Car Turns Driving Literally on Its Head

upside-down-carOddity Central – by Spooky

Jeff Bloch, a.k.a. Speedycop, is an American race-car enthusiast who likes to create all sorts of crazy contraptions for the popular 24-hour LeMons Race. His latest achievement – an upside-down vehicle he describes as “a frightening fusion of a wretched 1990 Ford Festiva and a horrible 1999 Chevy Camaro, with a not-so-subtle twist”.  

Just two months after making headlines with a Cessna airplane converted into a race car, Jeff Bloch is in the spotlight once again, this time with a ridiculous upside-down car. To create this one-of-a-kind freak on wheels, he stripped off the Fiesta’s body and replaced it with the upside-down carcass of the Chevy Camaro. So he is basically driving a Ford Fiesta that looks like an inverted Camaro. The Ford’s underpowered 1.3-liter four-cylinder engine has thus been saddled with the body of the much larger car, including the extra set of wheels, making it easy prey during a race. But then again, Speedycop didn’t really build it to win the LeMons, just the attention and admiration of his fellow motorheads.


“People constantly ask me what drug or alcohol-fueled altered states of consciousness induce these terrible LeMons builds. I wish could offer such a rational explanation,” Speedycop writes on his website. “I don’t know where they come from, but they are never in short supply. I’m an 8 year-old kid trapped in a 40 year-old body, with just enough talent to pull off my wacky ideas, and, fortunately, enough truly amazing friends to help make them a reality.” One thing is for certain, we haven’t seen the last of Jeff Bloch and his wacky genius, as he himself warns: I have a yard full of potential LeMons cars, and a head full of bad ideas.






Photos: Jeff Bloch (Speedycop)

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