Barr sounds call to push back against anti-cop attitudes, adopt ‘zero tolerance’ to resisting police

Fox News

Attorney General William Barr on Thursday gave a strong message of support to the country’s police officers, calling for Americans to respect cops and push back against an anti-cop attitude that sees resisting police as acceptable.

“Being a police officer is more difficult than it’s ever been before,” Barr said at an International Association of Chiefs of Police event in Miami. “One reason is the emergence of a deeply troubling attitude towards police in some parts of our society. Far from respecting the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect us, it is becoming common in some quarters to scapegoat the police … and disparage the vital role played by law enforcement in our society.” 

He highlighted statistics that show assaults against police have jumped by 20 percent to 6,000 a year and that, in 2018, 106 police officers died in the line of duty — including 11 who lost their lives in ambushes.

Barr said he was distressed by the attitude “that it’s OK to resist police officers” and that it now happens “on a casual basis.” He told listeners that the reason such laws exist against resisting police is because police officers are put into dangerous situations which can escalate quickly.

“There are a number of DAs that have stopped enforcing resistance laws and I think we have to get back to the idea that it is completely unacceptable and we have zero tolerance for resistance of police,” he said. “If people have a problem we have processes and there’s a time and place to raise your concerns or complaint, but resistance is unacceptable.”

Barr touted the administration’s efforts to back the cops and said that police have “no greater champion than President Trump” before citing pro-cop and anti-crime measures signed by the president.

Trump last year directed the DOJ last month to establish the Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice to look at how to reduce crime and confront issues such as mental health issues and substance abuse affecting officers.

Barr also cited bipartisan legislation passed by Congress and signed by Trump that funds mental-health and suicide prevention efforts for cops, as well as DOJ initiatives to improve officer safety and wellness. He noted that the suicide rate among law enforcement and firefighters is 40 percent above the national average.

“We have to get back to basics, the basic and primary function of government is to protect the safety of its citizens…[law enforcement] has to be first in line and fully and adequately funded before other resources are deployed,” he said to applause.

But ultimately, he told the gathered officers, the government can only do so much and fund so much — and that supporting police officers goes beyond state, local and federal government budgets.

“Support for American law enforcement needs to come from the American people too,” he said. “At a minimum, support means that we as individuals lend officers an extra amount of goodwill for having chosen a life of difficult public service and frequent personal risk.”

He compared police officers to soldiers, noting that veterans were often disrespected after returning home from the Vietnam War but that has now stopped and those attitudes have changed. He said there needs to be a similar “epiphany” in regards to law enforcement.

“Foreign wars usually come to an end … but the battle that law enforcement fights never comes to an end, it’s constant. There is never a final victory and the signing of a peace treaty, it’s constant,” he said. “That takes a special kind of courage and a special kind of sacrifice to wage.”

10 thoughts on “Barr sounds call to push back against anti-cop attitudes, adopt ‘zero tolerance’ to resisting police

    1. If you are going to be a bear, I guess you’d better be a grizzly.
      Squeeze harder, tyrant. It will be we who will adopt the zero tolerance attitude towards your unlawful corporate blackwater enforcers, Mr. Suit.

  1. “……assaults against police have jumped by 20 percent…..”

    And of course, there’s no discussion of WHY there’s been such a huge number of assaults. We’re just supposed to “respect the police” despite that fact that they obviously have no respect for civilians, or their Bill of Right.

    Thankfully, there’s some good news in this article too….. “11 who lost their lives in ambushes….”

    You think that maybe they got what they deserved? Police have been out of control for years, and that’s going to come back and bite them hard. Respect has to be earned, just as assaults and ambushes are earned.

    1. I don’t have to have any respect or tolerance for any criminal that tries to accost me.
      F-k them and their threats.
      Push and we will push back, and we outnumber you filthy motherf-king blackwater unlawful corporate enforcers thousands to one.

  2. He just emboldened the pigs to come at us even harder
    Wait and see , he just signaled our oppression by an unconstitutional force that somehow got a foothold in Our Republic

    Barr , you POS commie !

  3. OUR DEAR LORD SAYS ,ALL the government and their enforcers are ROTTEN TO THE CORE,INSIDE AND OUT,TOP TO BOTTOM,including THAT commie bastard BARR who attacked RANDY WEAVERS FAMILY and shot them in cold blood,FOR A CRIME they discovered later in court THAT NEVER HAPPENED,SAME thing with the branch dividians 90 children dead,AND it goes on and on,AND AG BARR was the guy who commanded the attack on them,HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN EXECUTED FOR HIS CRIMES BY NOW,along with everyone involved,LIKE JANET RENO,and the CLINTONS..and they want america to get on their knees for the DIRTY ROTTEN KILLERS OF CHILDREN,it ain’t going to happen…

  4. “Being a police officer is more difficult than it’s ever been before,” Barr said at an International Association of Chiefs of Police event in Miami. “
    That is because there has never been so much soul-sucking corruption. Duh!
    “Foreign wars usually come to an end … but the battle that law enforcement fights never comes to an end, it’s constant. There is never a final victory and the signing of a peace treaty, it’s constant,” he said. “That takes a special kind of courage and a special kind of sacrifice to wage.”
    The souls of those people turned into roid-raging beasties, yea, that’s a special kind of sacrifice to wage all right. Not to mention those boatloads of “arms out, face down” resistors that get bludgeoned to smithereens, on a daily basis. “Stop Resisting!” is the call of a coward.
    They already have QUALIFIED IMMUNITY, what else do they need, a silver plattered invite.

  5. Maybe it’s time for a zero tolerance stance from the public
    If it weren’t for so many Copsuckers and bootlickers maybe we would start to feel free again
    What a concept eh?

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