Bee Killers Sponsor National Pollinator Week

dead beeThe Sleuth Journal

Concerned about the bees and the butterflies? Interested in celebrating National Pollinator Week? It’s happening this week, June 16-22, 2014.

And it’s brought to you by the Pollinator Partnership, funded in part by none other than Monsanto and Bayer.

It’s all part of a well-documented, well-funded (and shameless) public relations campaign by the pesticide industry to give the appearance of “caring” about the die-off of bees and butterflies, while diverting attention from the cause of those die-offs—highly profitable products made by Monsanto and Bayer.  

Let’s take back National Pollinators Week. By spreading the truth about the connections between Monsanto’s genetically engineered crops, Bayer’s neonicotinoid insecticides, and Colony Collapse Disorder.

In honor of Pollinator Week, share this article. And make plans to join a pollinators celebration that hasn’t been taken over by the agrichemical and biotech companies: Bee Against Monsanto’s Global Swarm to Save the Bees on August 16.

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