Beheading Suspect is Paranoid Loner, Says Neighbor

Breitbart – by Bob Price

Moore, Oklahoma—A neighbor of beheading suspect Alton Nolan said the suspect is a paranoid loner. The neighbor claimed to have frequently observed Nolan driving around the streets next to the apartment complex waiting for no one to be in the parking lot before he would enter the complex and park. He said he only saw Nolan with another person one time and he would not talk to neighbors.

The retired U.S. Army military police sergeant invited Breitbart Texas into his modest apartment to talk about his now infamous neighbor he had been watching behave suspiciously for months. “Being retired,” the neighbor who asked to remain nameless said, “I’ve got nothing to do but be nosey. From the chair where I watch TV, I’ve got a great view of everyone going up and down the stairs. I know all the silhouettes of all the people who live upstairs.”

The neighbor said Nolan began wearing Islamic clothing and headgear around May this year. He always came and went by himself and would not talk or make eye contact with other neighbors, the neighbor said. “I’ve seen him do some pretty strange things,” he said. “If there was someone out in the parking lot, I’ve seen him go by and not pull in the parking lot. He’d drive back by again and if the parking lot was clear, he would pull on in.”

“He was real quiet. In fact, he lived here a lot longer than I realized,” he continued. He said he didn’t pay that much attention to the guy until he started wearing the Islamic clothing and began acting in a paranoid manner. “Nolan would always back into his parking spaces so he could make a quick exit,” the neighbor stated.

He said he never saw Nolan with anybody. He (Nolan) was always by himself. Nolan’s immediate next door neighbors told the retired Vietnam veteran that Nolan was “certainly worth watching.”

“One of the upstairs neighbors told me a woman came to visit Nolan,” he continued. “She didn’t stay very long and didn’t appear to be a girlfriend.”

The neighbor said Nolan never caused any problems with the neighbors. He just behaved oddly.

When asked what he thought now about living near Nolan, the neighbor said, “Well, it kind of hits pretty close to home, especially since we heard he beheaded that woman.”

He laughed and then jokingly said, “Being ex-Army, I am not unarmed. As long as they don’t start shooting RPGs through my window, I can hold them off.”

As we were preparing to leave, Moore police officers arrived and we observed them questioning neighbors about Nolan. The other neighbors we spoke with had no direct recollection of Nolan. The manager of the apartments was not available for comment.

Nolan continues to be held in jail without bond pending a determination on whether he will face federal or state charges for the murder and beheading of one woman and the assault with a knife of another.

Bob Price is a staff writer and a member of the original Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX.


4 thoughts on “Beheading Suspect is Paranoid Loner, Says Neighbor

  1. “He was real quiet. In fact, he lived here a lot longer than I realized,” he continued. He said he didn’t pay that much attention to the guy until he started wearing the Islamic clothing and began acting in a paranoid manner. “Nolan would always back into his parking spaces so he could make a quick exit,” the neighbor stated.”

    And you didn’t think to “see something, say something”?

    What the hell kind of so-called ‘government’ lackey are you, anyway?

  2. “The neighbor said Nolan began wearing Islamic clothing and headgear around May this year.” —>>> I do NOT believe this. I think when this beheading story broke, Zionists hopped all over it (and Breitbart is Zionist controlled) and said to get the message out that he “just” converted to Islam right before doing this.

    Isn’t that funny? He “just” converted to Islam right before this? And ONLY this neighbor can verify it?

    Remember the “batman shooter”? AFTER he was in jail, a story came out he “converted to Islam” while in jail. Is anyone falling for this shit???


  3. The retired US Army police sergeant, who wishes to remain anonymous (so he can work many more psyops) was probably one of his “minders”.
    I can hear the planning now. ‘We’ve identified this guy who’s a loner and may appear “paranoid” because he backs his car in. He’s always alone so we can make up any story we want about him’.
    Recent Muslim convert? Done. Paranoid? Done. Islamic clothing? Done.
    Sgt. US Army Ret. is a perfect prepositioned source for the preplanned disinformation operation.
    The other neighbors had no direct recollection of Nolan. Hmmm.
    “I know all the silhouettes of all the people who live upstairs.”
    Now who looks like a paranoid guy exhibiting strange behavior by watching everyone and their silhouettes…all the time?
    Give me a break.

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